Extraordinary general meetings of shareholders will be held as frequently as needed; however, they must be convened by the Board or by shareholders and holders of depositary receipts issued with the cooperation of the Company, together representing at least one-tenth of the issued capital (the “Requesting Shareholders”). The Requesting Shareholders are only authorized to call the extraordinary general meeting themselves if it is evidenced that the Requesting Shareholders have requested the Board to call a general meeting in writing, exactly stating the matters to be discussed, and the Board has not taken the necessary steps so that the general meeting could be held within six weeks after the request. If the Requesting Shareholders represent more than half of the issued capital, however, they shall be authorized to call the general meeting themselves without first having to request the Board to call the general meeting. The Board must give public notice of a general meeting of shareholders or an extraordinary meeting of shareholders, by at least such number of days prior to the day of the meeting as required by Dutch law, which is currently fifteen days.
The agenda for a meeting of shareholders must contain such items as the Board or the person or persons convening the meeting determine. The agenda shall also include any matter, the consideration of which has been requested by one or more shareholders, representing alone or jointly with others at least such percentage of the issued capital stock as determined by Dutch law, which is currently set at three percent. The request to consider such matter should have been received by us no later than on the 60th day prior to the day of the meeting accompanied by a statement containing the reasons for the request.
The agenda for the annual general meeting of shareholders shall contain, among other items, items placed on the agenda in accordance with Dutch law and our articles of association, the consideration of the annual report, the discussion and adoption of our annual accounts, our policy regarding dividends and reserves and the proposal to pay a dividend (if applicable), proposals relating to the composition of the Board, including the filling of any vacancies on the Board, the proposals placed on the agenda by the Board, including but not limited to a proposal to grant discharge to the members of the Board from liability in respect of the exercise of their duties during the financial year, together with the items proposed by shareholders in accordance with provisions of Dutch law and our articles of association.
Shareholders are entitled to attend our general meeting of shareholders, to address the general meeting of shareholders and to vote, either in person or represented by a person holding a written proxy. The requirement that a proxy must be in written form is also fulfilled when it is recorded electronically.
The holder of a right of usufruct or a pledgee with voting rights is entitled to request an item to be placed on the agenda of the general meeting of shareholders, to attend the general meeting of shareholders, to address the general meeting of shareholders and to vote.
The Temporary Act COVID-19 Justice and Security (Tijdelijke wet COVID-19 Justitie en Veiligheid) (the “Temporary Act”) came into force in 2020. This Temporary Act provides, among other things, for special arrangements for general meetings of shareholders of companies. Under the Temporary Act, it is possible to deviate from any provisions in a company’s articles of association that require holding physical shareholder meetings. The Temporary Act will remain in force until February 1, 2023. However, the Temporary Act is not expected to be extended again and virtual-only meetings will no longer be allowed from February 1, 2023. A hybrid meeting remains possible, if a company’s articles of association provide for this. Our articles of association provide the possibility to hold hybrid meetings in article 35 paragraph 6.
On December 7, 2022, a preliminary bill for a permanent statutory regulation of the virtual-only shareholders’ meeting of companies was made available for public consultation. Virtual-only shareholders’ meetings will then only be possible if a company’s articles of association provide for this, which would require an amendment to our articles of association.
Under Dutch law, shareholders’ resolutions may be adopted in writing without holding a meeting of shareholders, provided that (i) the company’s articles of association explicitly allow such practice and (ii) all