Gurtin Municipal Bond 440 Stevens Avenue, Ste. 260 Management Solana Beach, CA 92075
T:858-436-2200 444 W. Lake Street, Ste. 2333 F:858-436-2201 Chicago, IL 60606
info@gurtin.com www.gurtin.com
January 15, 2019
Dear Financial Advisor:
This letter concerns the Gurtin National Municipal Opportunistic Value Fund, Gurtin California Municipal Opportunistic Value Fund, Gurtin National Municipal Intermediate Value Fund, and Gurtin California Municipal Intermediate Value Fund (collectively, the “Gurtin Funds”), for which Gurtin Fixed Income Management, LLC dba Gurtin Municipal Bond Management (“Gurtin”) serves as advisor. In connection with the completion of a recent acquisition, by which Gurtin became a company of Pacific Investment Management Company LLC
(“PIMCO”), Gurtin is requesting shareholder approval via proxy vote of both a reorganization of the Gurtin Funds into newly formed PIMCO Funds (“Reorganizations”), which are advised by PIMCO and subadvised by Gurtin, and a new investment advisory agreement for the Gurtin Funds, that would be intended to be in place until the Reorganizations are complete. A link to the press release relating to the completion of the Gurtin transaction is included with this letter.
What Matters are Proposed for Clients and How Will Clients Be Affected?
Your clients with an investment in one or more of the Gurtin Funds may have received, or will soon be receiving, important proxy information, which requests that they vote on two important proposals, which are briefly summarized below.
Proposal 1 relates to the reorganization of the Gurtin Fund(s) applicable to each shareholder. The Reorganizations, which are anticipated to qualify for federal income tax purposes astax-free reorganizations, are part of a broader initiative to integrate the advisory businesses of Gurtin and PIMCO while maintaining continuity of net expense ratios under the terms of a fee waiver arrangement with PIMCO through July 31, 2021, as well as investment personnel and principal investment strategies. More information regarding the Reorganizations may be found in the proxy statement/ prospectus sent to your clients.
Proposal 2 relates to a new investment advisory agreement between Forum Funds II, on behalf of each Gurtin Fund, and Gurtin. The proposed new investment advisory agreement is intended to replace, and provide continuity of management of the Gurtin Funds by Gurtin on substantially the same terms as, the “interim” investment advisory agreement, which was approved by the Gurtin Funds Board in anticipation of the termination of the original advisory agreement as a result of PIMCO’s acquisition of Gurtin. If approved, the proposed new investment advisory agreement would be in place on anon-interim basis until the Reorganizations close or as otherwise described in the proxy statement/ prospectus sent to your clients. Please refer to the proxy statement/prospectus for more information regarding this proposal.
We’re Requesting Your Help
Gurtin would greatly appreciate your help in supporting the proposals and making this a seamless transition for your clients. We ask that you exercise your discretion to vote on behalf of your clients, casting your vote FOR each of Proposal 1 and Proposal 2. Your vote can be cast in any one of the following four ways:
• Option 1: By internet (log on to the website listed on your clients’ proxy card(s))