fees which the Fund will incur, and, thus, the Fund's shareholders will bear indirectly. Also, explain that shareholders may invest in REITS directly and, thus, avoid such duplicative fees.
RESPONSE: Registrant has revised the Fund's disclosures to address the staff's comment.
15.Please revise the equity risk paragraph to summarize the risks of each applicable equity security, e.g., common stocks.
RESPONSE: Registrant has revised its principal risk factor disclosures to include the risks of investing in common and preferred stocks.
16.Please revise this paragraph to address, in summary form, all of the various applicable investments of the Fund that give rise to concentration risk, rather than focusing on just the "securitized commercial real estate sector."
RESPONSE: Registrant has revised this principal risk factor to address the staff's comment.
17.The disclosure indicates that the Fund invests "principally in the securitized commercial real estate sector." Please clarify this in the Item 4 strategy summary.
RESPONSE: Registrant has revised this principal risk factor to eliminate any possible confusion with the principal investment strategies.
Performance Information
18.In the first paragraph, in the penultimate sentence, please revise the phrase, "compares to the S&P 500 Index and the NAREIT Equity Index," to the phrase, 'compare with those of a broad measure of market performance." See Item 4 of form N-1A. Also, please include the disclosure required by Instruction 2(b) to Item 4.
RESPONSE: Registrant has revised the Fund's disclosures to address the staff's comment.
General Information
19.The first paragraph indicates that "[u]nder unusual circumstances, such as in the case of an emergency, the Fund may calculate its NAV and accept and process shareholder orders when the NYSE is closed." In plain English, please explain in greater detail, such "unusual circumstances" and indicate the legal authority permitting the Fund to take the measures described in this paragraph.
RESPONSE: Registrant notes that many mutual fund families began to include such disclosure in their prospectuses following the events of September 11, 2001. No series of Registrant has had to rely on this disclosure yet. Registrant, nonetheless, plans to include this disclosure to provide a basis for Fund transactions in the case of extraordinary circumstances. Registrant asserts that the disclosure on its face does not present a compliance issue under Rule 22c-1 under the 1940 Act as Rule 22c-1(b) provides that the Fund will compute its net asset value per share at the specific time or times during the day determined by the Fund's board with the exception of, among other things, those days listed in the prospectus.