FLS Forward-Looking Statements & Safe Harbor Certain information co ntained in this prese ntatio n ma y include “forward-looking sta tements” within the meani ng of the Pri vate Securities Litigation Refo rm Act of 1995. We ma y, in some cases, use te rms such as “predicts,” “believes,” “pote ntial,” “conti nue,” “estimates,” “a nticipates,” “e xpects,” “pla ns,” “inte nds,” “ma y,” “could,” “might,” “will,” “should” or other wo rds that convey uncertainty o f future e ve nts or o utcomes to identify these forwa rd-looking state ments. In particular, the Company’s stateme nts regarding trends a nd pote ntial future results are e xamples of such forwa rd-looking sta teme nts. The forward-looking stateme nts include risks and uncertai nties, includi ng, but no t limited to, the success, timi ng a nd cost of our o ngoing clinical trials a nd a nticipated clinical trials for o ur curre nt prod uct ca ndidates, including stateme nts regarding the timing of initiation a nd comple tion of the trials, interim ana lyses and receipt of interim results; the timing of a nd o ur ability to obtai n a nd maintain U.S. Food a nd Drug Administra tion o r o ther regulatory a uthority appro val of, or other action with respect to, o ur product candidates; the Company’s ability to obtain additional capital necessary to fund its operations; the Company’s ability to gene rate re venues in the future ; the Company’s ability to successfully defe nd its intellectual property or obtain the necessary licenses a t a cost acceptable to the Company, if at all; the successful impleme ntation of the Company’s research and de velopme nt p rograms; the e nfo rceability o f the Company’s license agreeme nts; the accepta nce b y the marke t of the Company’s prod uct ca ndidates, if appro ved; and other factors, i ncluding genera l economic co nditions a nd reg ula tory developme nts, not withi n the Company’s control. These factors co uld ca use actual results a nd deve lopments to be mate rially different from those e xpressed in or implied by such stateme nts. Forward-looking stateme nts are no t g uara ntees o f future performa nce, a nd actual results ma y differ materially fro m those projected . The forward -looking sta teme nts are made o nly as of the date o f this presentation a nd the Company undertakes no obligation to p ublicly update such forward-looking sta tements to reflect subsequent events or circumstance. This prese nta tion also contains estimates a nd o the r statistical data made by i ndependent parties a nd by us re lating to ma rket size a nd other data about our i ndustry. This data i nvolves a number o f assump tions a nd limitations, a nd yo u are ca utio ned not to give undue weight to such estimates. Neither we no r any other perso n makes any representation as to the accuracy or completeness of such data o r undertakes a ny obligation to update such data after the da te of this presentation. In addition, these projections, assumptions and estimates are necessarily subject to a high degree of uncertainty and risk. © Axsome Therapeutics, Inc. 2