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Shipbuilding Contract | | | | Hull No. H2855 |
If, at any time before actual delivery , either the construction of the VESSEL or any performance required hereunder as a prerequisite of delivery of the VESSEL is delayed due to war, blockade, revolution, insurrection, mobilization, civil commotions, riots, ,strikes sabotage, lockouts, local temperature higher than 35 degree centigrade or lower than minus 10 degree centigrade, Acts of God or the public enemy, terrorism, plague or other epidemics/pandemic quarantines, prolonged failure or restriction of electric current from an outside source, freight embargoes, if any, earthquakes, tidal waves, typhoons, hurricanes, storms or other causes beyond the control of the SELLER or of its subcontractors or its key equipment suppliers (i.e. gas handling system, gas supply system, main engine, propeller, or similar.), as the case may be, or by force majeure of any description, whether of the nature indicated by the foregoing or not, or by destruction of the SELLER or works of the SELLER or its subcontractors or its key equipment suppliers (i.e. gas handling system, gas supply system, main engine, propeller, or similar.), or of the VESSEL or any part thereof, by fire, flood, or other causes beyond the control of the SELLER or its subcontractors or its key equipment suppliers (i.e. gas handling system, gas supply system, main engine, propeller, or similar,) as the case may be, , or due to the bankruptcy of the key equipment and/or material suppliers (i.e. gas handling system, gas supply system, main engine, propeller, or similar.) or due to the delay caused by acts of God in the supply of parts essential to the construction of the VESSEL; or due to any other cause, whether or not of similar description, beyond the reasonable control of the SELLER and its subcontractors, then, in the event of delay due to the happening of any of the aforementioned contingencies, the SELLER shall not be liable for such delay and the time for delivery of the VESSEL under this CONTRACT shall be extended without any reduction in the Contract Price for a period of time which shall not exceed the total accumulated time of all such delays, subject nevertheless to the BUYER’s right of cancellation under Paragraph 3 of this Article and subject however to all relevant provisions of this CONTRACT which authorize and permit extension of the time of delivery of the VESSEL. The SELLER agrees to use reasonable endeavors to mitigate the effect of any delay in the construction of the VESSEL.
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