Pension and Other Post-retirement Benefit Plans | (12) Pension and Other Post-retirement Benefit Plans There are currently three covered participants related to the deferred compensation obligation that are all former officers. The liability on the consolidated balance sheet represents the present value of the future obligation. In 1997, the Gas Company established a trust (the Rabbi Trust) to fund a deferred compensation plan for certain officers. The fair market value of assets in the trust was $2,168,913 (plus $51,185 in additional stock)and $2,102,600 (plus $51,185 in additional stock) at September 30, 2016 and 2015, respectively, and the plan liability, which is labeled as deferred compensation on the balance sheet, was $1,453,782 and $1,492,488 at September 30, 2016 and 2015, respectively. The assets of the trust are available to general creditors in the event of insolvency. In 2016, the mortality assumption were based on the 2008 VBT Primary Male Smoker tables with generational improvements using scale MP-2016 for two of the covered participants which resulted in a decrease in the liabilities of approximately $24,784. In 2015, the mortality assumption was changed from the RP-2000 annuitant/non-annuitant mortality table with generational improvements using scale BB to the 2008 VBT Primary Male Smoker tables with generational improvements using scale MP-2015 for the same two covered participants which resulted in a decrease to the pension obligation of approximately $171,000. The Gas Company has defined benefit pension plans covering substantially all of its employees. The benefits are based on years of service and the employee’s highest average compensation during a specified period. The Gas Company makes annual contributions to the plans equal to amounts determined in accordance with the funding requirements of the Employee Retirement Security Act of 1974. Contributions are intended to provide for benefits attributed for service to date, and those expected to be earned in the future. In addition to the Gas Company’s defined benefit pension plans, the Gas Company offers post-retirement benefits comprised of medical and life coverage to its employees who meet certain age and service criteria. For union participants who retire on or after September 2, 1992, the Gas Company cost for post-retirement benefits is contractually limited and will not exceed $150 per month. This contract is in effect until April 2, 2018. The monthly benefit for all non-union employees, who retire between the ages of 62 and 65, will be the lesser of 40% of the retiree’s plan premium or $150. After age 65, the Gas Company pays up to $150 a month for the cost of the retiree’s supplemental plan. In addition, the Gas Company offers limited life insurance coverage to active employees and retirees. The post-retirement benefit plan is not funded. The Gas Company accrues the cost of providing post-retirement benefits during the active service period of the employee. The following table shows reconciliations of the Gas Company’s pension and post-retirement plan benefits as of September 30: Pension Benefits Post-retirement Benefits 2016 2015 2016 2015 Change in benefit obligations: Benefit obligation at beginning of year $ 19,284,602 $ 18,633,318 $ 1,295,660 $ 1,264,378 Service cost (excluding expected expenses) 351,565 337,039 19,325 20,979 Interest cost 977,868 919,156 50,423 48,673 Participant contributions — — 77,754 63,740 Actuarial loss 2,361,479 300,931 191,240 25,891 Benefits paid (947,538 ) (905,842 ) (147,926 ) (128,001 ) Curtailments — — — — Benefit obligation at end of year 22,027,976 19,284,602 1,486,476 1,295,660 Change in plan assets: Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year 13,757,839 13,675,154 — — Actual return on plan assets 1,122,982 4,126 — — Company contributions 957,516 990,897 70,172 64,261 Participant contributions — — 77,754 63,740 Benefits paid (954,141 ) (912,338 ) (147,926 ) (128,001 ) Fair value of plan assets at end of year 14,884,196 13,757,839 — — Funded status (7,143,780 ) (5,526,763 ) (1,486,476 ) (1,295,660 ) Unrecognized net actuarial loss/(gain) 5,998,607 4,403,014 150,130 (45,221 ) Unrecognized prior service cost 2,622 9,797 146,536 150,083 (Accrued) prepaid benefit cost (1,142,551 ) (1,113,952 ) (1,189,810 ) (1,190,798 ) Accrued contribution — — — — Amounts recognized in the balance sheet consists of: Prepaid (accrued) benefit liability (7,143,780 ) (5,526,763 ) (1,486,476 ) (1,295,660 ) Amounts recognized in the Balance Sheets consist of: (Accrued)/prepaid pension cost as of beginning of fiscal year (1,113,952 ) (1,366,855 ) (1,190,798 ) (1,189,761 ) Pension (cost) income (1,254,598 ) (986,115 ) (73,647 ) (70,313 ) Contributions 957,516 990,897 — — Change in receivable contribution 268,483 248,121 — — Net benefits paid — — 74,635 69,276 Change in additional minimum liability — — — — (Accrued)/prepaid pension cost as of end of fiscal year $ (1,142,551 ) $ (1,113,952 ) $ (1,189,810 ) $ (1,190,798 ) Fair value of plan assets at end of year Cash and equivalents $ 406,557 $ 175,950 — — Government and agency issues 4,227,227 2,920,406 — — Corporate bonds 2,809,435 3,691,645 — — Fixed index funds 403,756 324,804 — — Fixed income 552,373 540,732 — — Equity securities 6,484,848 6,104,302 — — $ 14,884,196 $ 13,757,839 — — The funded status of both plans totaling a deficiency of approximately $8,600,000 and $6,800,000 at September 30, 2016 and 2015, respectively, are included in deferred pension & post-retirement benefits on the consolidated balance sheets, which are offset by a pension regulatory asset of approximately $116,000 at September 2016 and a pension regulatory liability of approximately $35,000 at September 30, 2015. In accordance with ASC 715, the net actuarial loss/(gain) and unrecognized prior service cost are collectively adjusted through other comprehensive income (loss)-minimum pension liability and included in accumulated other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial statements, which are presented net of tax for fiscal 2014. In the fourth quarter of fiscal 2015 the Gas Company determined that it meets the criteria to record these items as a regulatory asset in accordance with ASC 980-715-25-5. See Note 5 to the Notes of the Consolidated Financial Statements for additional information. During the year ended September 30, 2015, the pre-tax accumulated net actuarial loss/(gain) and unrecognized prior service cost increased by $851,547 from $3,666,126 to $4,517,673. Historically, the change in these items had been recorded net of tax in the consolidated statements of changes in stockholders’ equity. During first three quarters of the year ended September 30, 2015, the Gas Company recorded $222,363 ($377,526, net of tax) through OCI for the estimated change in these items based on estimates prepared by the actuary during the year ended September 30, 2014. After removing these items from OCI and establishing the regulated asset in the fourth quarter of the year ended September 30, 2015, the remaining change of $474,021 was recorded directly as an increase to this asset. Beginning with the year ended September 30, 2016 the change in pre-tax net actuarial loss/(gain) and unrecognized prior service was recorded directly to the regulatory asset related to pension. Amortization of unrecognized net (gain)/loss for the Retirement Plan for fiscal year ending September 30, 2016: 1 Projected benefit obligation as of September 30, 2016 $ 22,027,976 2 Plan assets at September 30, 2016 (14,884,196) 3 Unrecognized (gain)/loss as of September 30, 2016 5,998,607 4 Ten percent of greater of (1) or (2) 2,202,798 5 Unamortized (gain)/loss subject to amortization - (3) minus (4) 3,795,809 6 Active future service of active plan participants expected to receive benefits 9.99 7 Minimum amortization of unamortized net (gain)/loss - (5)/(6) $ 379,961 8 Amortization of (gain)/loss for 2016-2017 $ 1,027,016 Amortization of unrecognized net (gain)/loss for the Post-Retirement Plan for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2016: Unrecognized net (gain)/loss at October 1, 2016 subject to amortization $ 150,130 Amount to be amortized 2016 - 2017 Amortization period 11 years Amortization for 2016 - 2017 ((gain)/loss divided by period) $ 13,648 Pension Benefits Post-retirement Benefits 2016 2015 2016 2015 Components of net period benefit cost (benefit): Service cost 357,565 343,039 19,325 20,979 Interest cost 977,868 919,156 50,423 48,673 Expected return on plan assets (1,028,758 ) (1,027,565 ) — — Amortization of prior service 7,175 9,406 3,547 3,547 Amortization of unrecognized actuarial loss (gain) 672,265 493,958 (4,111 ) (7,901 ) Net periodic benefit cost (benefit) 986,115 737,994 69,184 65,298 For ratemaking and financial statement purposes, pension expense represents the amount approved by the NYPSC in the Gas Company’s most recently approved rate case. Pension expense (benefit) for ratemaking and financial statement purposes was approximately $970,000 for the years ended September 30, 2016 and 2015. The difference between the pension expense (benefit) for ratemaking and financial statement purposes, and the amount computed above has been deferred as regulatory assets and are not included in the prepaid pension cost noted above. The cumulative amounts deferred equal $264,693 and $89,746 as of September 30, 2016 and 2015, respectively. The NYPSC has allowed the Gas Company to recover incremental cost associated with post-retirement benefits through rates on a current basis. Due to the timing differences between the Company’s rate case filings and financial reporting period, a regulatory receivable of $103,066 and $123,174 has been recognized at September 30, 2016 and 2015, respectively. Pension Benefits Post-retirement Benefits 2016 2015 2016 2015 Weighted average assumptions used to determine net period cost at September 30: Discount rate 4.20% 5.22% 3.25% 4.00% Salary increases 2.00% 2.00% N/A N/A Expected return on assets 7.50% 7.50% N/A N/A For the periods ended September 30, 2016 and September 30, 2015, the discount rate was prepared by utilizing an analysis of the plan’s expected future cash flows and high-quality fixed-income investments currently available and expected to be available during the period to maturity of the pension benefits. The discount rate used is an estimate of the rate at which a defined benefit pension plan could settle its obligations. Rather than using a rate and curve developed using a bond portfolio, this method selects individual bonds to match to the expected cash flows of the Plan. Management feels this provides a more accurate depiction of the true cost to the Plan to settle the obligations as the Plan could theoretically go into the marketplace and purchase the specific bonds used in the analysis in order to settle the obligations of the Plan. In 2015, the mortality assumption used is the RP-200 annuitant/non-annuitant Mortality Table for Males and Females with generational improvements projected using scale BB. In 2016, the mortality assumption was changed to the sex-distinct RP-2014 Mortality Tables with improvements projected using Scale MP-2016 on a fully generational basis. This change reduced the benefit obligation by approximately $350,000. The change in discount rate from 5.22% to 4.20% increased the benefit obligation by approximately $2.5 million. The expected returns on plan assets of the Retirement Plan and Post-Retirement Plan are applied to the market-related value of plan assets of the respective plans. For the Retirement Plan, the market-related value of assets recognizes the performance of its portfolio over five years and reduces the effects of short-term market fluctuations. The Gas Company’s Retirement Plan assets are invested by a manager that reports at least annually to the Gas Company’s Investment Committee for review and evaluation. The manager has been given the objective to achieve modest capital appreciation with a secondary objective of achieving a relatively high level of current income using a mix of cash equivalents, fixed income securities and equities to structure a balanced investment portfolio. The Investment Committee does not reserve control over investment decisions, with the exception of certain limitations, and holds the manager responsible and accountable to achieve the stated objectives. The market-related value of Post-Retirement Plan assets is set equal to market value. For measurement purposes, a 6% annual rate of increase in the per capita cost of covered benefits (health care cost trend rate) was assumed for 2016. The rate is assumed to increase by 6% each year thereafter. A 1% increase in the actual health care cost trend would result in approximately a 3.9% increase in the service and interest cost components of the annual net periodic post-retirement benefit cost and a 5.7% increase in the accumulated post-retirement benefit obligation. A 1% decrease in the actual health care cost trend would result in approximately a 3.2% decrease in the service and interest cost components of the annual net periodic post-retirement benefit cost and a 4.8% decrease in the accumulated post-retirement benefit obligation. The Gas Company expects to contribute $1,183,628 to the Retirement Plan during the year ended September 30, 2017. The estimated pension plan benefit payments are as follows: 2017 $ 1,162,055 2018 $ 1,183,273 2019 $ 1,248,018 2020 $ 1,358,644 2021 $ 1,410,391 2022+ $ 7,215,801 The Gas Company also maintains the Corning Natural Gas Corporation Employee Savings Plan (the “Savings Plan”). All employees of the Gas Company who work for more than 1,000 hours per year and who have completed one year of service may enroll in the Savings Plan at the beginning of each calendar quarter. Under the Savings Plan, participants may contribute up to 50% of their wages. For all employees, the Gas Company will match one-half of the participant’s contribution up to a total of 50% of the participant’s contribution up to a total of 6% of the participant’s wages. The plan is subject to the federal limitation. The Gas Company contribution to the plan was $87,595 in 2016 and $87,456 in 2015. |