concrete opportunity to acquire companies, divisions of companies, interests in companies, or other assets arises, the Management Board will carefully assess whether to exercise the option to issue shares against contributions in kind while excluding the shareholders' subscription rights. The Management Board will only exercise this option after diligent consideration if it deems it in the Company's and its shareholders' best interests, and will take into account that the value of the assets to be acquired must adequately reflect the value of the shares to be issued by the Company as consideration.
Finally, it should be noted that, in each of the individual cases mentioned in this authorization to exclude subscription rights, the Management Board will carefully and conscientiously examine whether the prerequisites for the exclusion of subscription rights under this authorization are met and whether the exclusion of subscription rights is objectively justified.
The Management Board will report to the next Annual General Meeting on any utilization of the Authorized Capital.
III. Report of the Management Board submitted to the Annual General Meeting regarding Item 7:
Authorization to issue stock options and creation of further conditional capital; amendment of the Articles of Association (2022 Stock Option Plan)
The Annual General Meeting of the Company on 31 May 2016 authorized the Management Board under Item 6, with the Supervisory Board's consent, to grant subscription rights on one or more occasions, for the subscription of up to 372,000 registered ordinary shares of the Company to employees and members of the Company's management and of the companies in which the Company directly or indirectly holds a majority shareholding. To the extent that the members of the Management Board are beneficiaries, the Supervisory Board is authorized to grant the stock options (2016 Stock Option Plan). By the same resolution, conditional capital in the amount of EUR 372,000 was created (Conditional Capital I).
On the basis of this authorization, 279,000 option rights were issued on 7 April 2017 and 93,000 option rights were issued on 12 April 2018.
The Management Board and the Supervisory Board of the Company continue to believe that stock options are an important and usual component of a modern remuneration system. In order to ensure that the Company continues to be able to issue stock options, a new authorization to issue stock options is to be resolved.
The Management Board and the Supervisory Board propose that it be made possible to grant stock options with option rights to acquire up to 330,671 registered ordinary no-par value shares of the Company (no-par value shares) and to create a new Conditional Capital of EUR 330,671 in order to service these rights.
In the opinion of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board, the new authorization to issue stock options is urgently required so that, in the future, the Company can continue to attract and retain the qualified Management Board members and employees as well as the managers of affiliated companies that it requires. Furthermore, by granting stock options, the Company creates a special performance incentive for all beneficiaries to increase the value of the Company, with the goal of achieving a positive share price performance. Compared with the granting of profit participations [Tantiemen] or bonuses