(2022 stock option plan). By the same resolution, Conditional Capital in the amount of EUR 330,671 was created (Conditional Capital III, which is designated in the commercial register as Conditional Capital 2022/I).
On the basis of this authorization, 330,669 option rights were issued. It has not yet been possible to exercise these option rights.
In order to ensure that the Company continues to be able to issue subscription rights, the authorization to issue stock options resolved last year is to be extended.
The proposed authorization amends the existing authorization only with regard to the volume and the definition of the group of beneficiaries. For reasons of clarity and better comprehensibility, all provisions of the existing authorization are nevertheless included in the following extension resolution.
The Management Board and the Supervisory Board propose that the following resolution be adopted:
a) | Extension of the authorization to issue stock option rights (2022 stock option plan) |
The authorization of the Management Board or - insofar as subscription rights are issued to members of the Management Board - of the Supervisory Board to issue share option rights resolved by the Annual General Meeting on June 2, 2022 under Item 7 is amended to the extent that the number of subscription rights to be issued is increased by 210,801 from currently 330,671 to 541,472.
Furthermore, the group of beneficiaries is redefined as follows: 30% of the option rights, i.e. a total of 162,442 subscription rights, can be issued to members of the Management Board of the Company, 10%, i.e. a total of 54,147 subscription rights, to members of the management of affiliated companies, and 60%, i.e. a total of 324,883 subscription rights, to employees of the Company. The exact group of beneficiaries and the scope of the respective offer will be determined by the Management Board. If subscription rights are to be issued to members of the Management Board, the authorization to do so is granted to the Supervisory Board instead of the Management Board. For the purposes of implementing the stock option plan, the stock options can also be issued in whole or in part to a trustee for the account of the beneficiaries in question or transferred to trustees by the beneficiaries.
In all other respects, the resolution of the Annual General Meeting of June 2, 2022 on Item 7a remains unaffected and applies insofar to the option rights issued pursuant to the resolution on this Item 7a.
Thereafter, the complete authorization reads in its entirety as follows:
The Management Board is authorized, with the consent of the Supervisory Board, to grant subscription rights ("stock options"), on one or more occasions, in the period until June 1, 2027, for the subscription of a total of 541,472 no-par value registered ordinary shares of the Company ("no-par value shares") to employees and members of the management of the Company or of an affiliated company