Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Atacama Resources International
- Atacama Resources Internationa3
- Atacama Resources Internationa4
- Atacama Resources Internationa5
- Note 1. Nature of Business
- Note 2. Going Concern
- Note 3. Summary of Significant
- Note 4. Prepaid Expense
- Note 5. Investments - Mineral R
- Note 6. Intangible Assets
- Note 7. Notes Payable
- Note 8. Income Taxes
- Note 9. Shareholders' Equity
- Note 10. Related Party Transact
- Note 11. Commitments and Contin
- Note 12. Warrants and Options
- Subsequent Events
- Note 3. Summary of Significan19
- Note 3. Summary of Significan20
- Note 3. Summary of Significan21
- Note 3. Summary of Significan22
- Note 3. Summary of Significan23
- Note 3. Summary of Significan24
- Note 3. Summary of Significan25
- Note 3. Summary of Significan26
- Note 3. Summary of Significan27
- Note 3. Summary of Significan28
- Note 3. Summary of Significan29
- Note 3. Summary of Significan30
- Note 5. Investments - Mineral31
- Note 3. Summary of Significan32
- Note 3. Summary of Significan33
- Note 3. Summary of Significan34
- Note 4. Prepaid Expense (Detail
- Note 5. Investments - Mineral36
- Note 6. Intangible Assets (Deta
- Note 7. Notes Payable (Details)
- Note 9. Shareholders' Equity (D
- Note 10. Related Party Transa40
- Subsequent Events (Details)