Filing exhibits
- 10-Q Quarterly report
- 10.1 Form of 2023 Performance Share Agreement
- 10.2 Form of 2023 Restricted Stock Unit Agreement
- 10.3 Form of 2023 Nonqualified Stock Option Agreement
- 31.1 Section 302 Certification
- 31.2 Section 302 Certification
- 32.1 Section 906 Certification
- 32.2 Section 906 Certification
- Download Excel data file
- View Excel data file
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Condensed Consolidated Balance
- Condensed Consolidated Balanc_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statemen
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_3
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_4
- Organization and Basis of Prese
- Revenues from Contracts with Cu
- Consolidated Variable Interest
- Loss on Investments in Unconsol
- Debt
- Fair Value Measurements
- Income Taxes
- Share-Based Compensation
- Earnings (Loss) Per Share
- Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)
- Business Segments
- Commitments and Contingencies
- Revenues from Contracts with _2
- Consolidated Variable Interes_2
- Debt (Tables)
- Fair Value Measurements (Tables
- Share-Based Compensation (Table
- Earnings (Loss) Per Share (Tabl
- Stockholders' Equity (Deficit_2
- Business Segments (Tables)
- Organization and Basis of Pre_2
- Revenues from Contracts with _3
- Revenues from Contracts with _4
- Consolidated Variable Interes_3
- Consolidated Variable Interes_4
- Loss on Investments in Uncons_2
- Debt - Long-term Debt (Details)
- Debt - Additional Information (
- Fair Value Measurements - Recur
- Share-Based Compensation - Sche
- Share-Based Compensation - Addi
- Earnings (Loss) Per Share (Deta
- Stockholders' Equity (Deficit_3
- Stockholders' Equity (Deficit_4
- Business Segments - Segment Inf
- Business Segments - Reconciliat
- Business Segments - Reconcili_2
- Commitments and Contingencies (