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adjourn, affinity, approach, authoritative, background, bio, biomarker, cast, chairman, clarify, cohort, compelling, deliverable, drew, evolution, exit, floating, hearing, hyperglycemia, Journey, Landlord, line, maximize, mechanism, ministerial, moderate, month, muscle, necessarily, optimal, orderly, Paragon, placebo, plasma, quorum, randomized, rapid, recovery, requisite, room, saturated, slightly, step, subnanomolar, superior, text, top, tranche, twelve, unaudited, undisclosed, venture, vi, volunteer, weighted
abandon, abbreviated, abroad, absent, absolute, abuse, academic, accelerate, accelerated, acceptance, accepting, accidental, Accountability, accounted, accuracy, accurate, accurately, acquirer, actively, add, addressing, adequacy, adequate, adequately, adhere, adherence, advantage, advertising, affecting, afford, Affordable, afforded, agency, agree, Aid, allegation, alleged, alleging, allocate, alternate, alternative, alternatively, altogether, amending, America, analyst, animal, annually, appeal, appointing, approving, art, assemble, Assent, assert, asserted, asserting, assertion, assessment, assign, assumed, assuming, assure, attack, attempt, attention, attract, attracting, attractive, authorization, aware, back, Bank, bankruptcy, batch, bearing, began, beneficial, beneficiary, Biden, billion, biologic, biological, biopharmaceutical, biosimilar, BLA, block, Blueprint, book, borrowed, BPCIA, branch, branded, breach, breached, breadth, breakthrough, Brexit, bring, broad, brought, budget, bulging, bulk, burden, Cadillac, California, calling, Canadian, cap, capability, capable, capitalize, cardiovascular, carry, CCPA, cease, Center, certificated, certified, challenge, challenged, challenging, Chancery, chief, choice, choose, Circuit, circumstance, civil, claimed, claiming, clarity, clear, close, closed, closely, CMS, code, coded, cognizant, collaborate, collaborator, collection, combining, commence, commentary, Commissioner, commit, commonly, commonplace, communication, community, comparability, compare, compete, competitor, complement, complex, complexity, compliance, complicating, complied, comply, complying, compromised, computer, concentrated, conclude, Concurrent, confidence, confidential, confidentiality, confirmatory, conform, congressional, connected, consent, consumer, consummation, consumption, contamination, contemplate, content, continual, continuation, continued, continuously, contractually, controlled, conventional, Cooperation, corporate, counterclaim, court, cover, coverage, covering, created, creating, creation, criminal, criteria, CRO, curtail, curtailment, CUSIP, CVR, damage, damaging, dated, de, death, deceptive, decide, deciding, decision, declaring, deductibility, deductible, defend, defendant, defended, defending, defense, defraud, degree, delayed, delete, delivered, demand, demonstrate, demonstrated, denied, deny, Department, depending, deprive, derivative, design, desirable, destruction, detachable, detailed, detect, detected, detention, determining, device, devote, devoted, difficulty, diligence, diligent, dilute, dilution, diminish, diminished, directly, disagree, disclose, discontinuity, discount, discourage, discover, discovered, disgorgement, disposal, dispose, disposing, disproportionate, disrupt, disruptive, dissemination, distract, distracting, distraction, distribute, distributed, distribution, distributor, district, divert, doctrine, Document, documentation, domestically, downgrade, Dr, driven, drop, dropping, duration, duty, earlier, earthquake, educate, education, EEA, effected, effectively, efficiency, efficient, electrical, electronic, eligibility, eligible, eliminate, employ, employed, encounter, encountered, encourage, endeavor, endpoint, enforce, enforceability, enforceable, enforced, enforcement, enforcing, enhanced, enrolled, enrolling, ensuring, entry, environmental, equitable, error, essential, establish, establishing, estimating, estimation, EU, Europe, European, event, evidence, evidenced, evidentiary, evolving, exclusion, execute, executed, exert, exist, expanded, expanding, expectation, expedited, expend, expenditure, expensive, experience, expired, exploration, export, expose, exposed, exposure, extreme, face, facility, factual, failed, faith, false, family, fashion, fast, favor, favored, feasible, federal, feedback, fiduciary, field, finalize, finalizing, financed, fine, fire, flow, foreign, forfeited, forgo, formatted, formed, formulate, formulation, forum, forward, fractional, framework, fraud, fraudulent, free, frequency, frequently, frustrate, fully, function, gain, gaining, gap, gathered, GDPR, generating, generic, govern, governance, governed, governing, government, governmental, granting, grow, guide, half, handling, harmed, harmful, heath, heavily, HHS, high, HIPAA, hiring, Horizon, identifying, Immunovant, impair, impaired, impairing, impede, imperfect, implanted, implement, implementation, implemented, important, importation, importing, impose, imposed, imposing, imposition, impossible, imprisonment, improper, improperly, inability, inadequate, inapplicable, incentivize, incident, inconclusive, inconsistent, incorrectly, increasing, Increasingly, incurring, indefinitely, indemnification, indemnify, independent, independently, indirectly, individual, individually, ineffective, influence, influenced, inform, informally, informed, infrastructure, infringe, infringed, infringement, infringing, infused, infusing, ingredient, inhaled, inherent, inherently, initially, initiated, injected, injunctive, injured, injury, Inline, Innovation, inspection, installation, instance, instilled, Institut, instituted, institutional, instructing, instrument, insufficient, insulin, insurer, integrated, integrity, intense, intention, inter, interaction, interchangeable, interference, intermediate, internally, international, interpretation, interpreted, interrupt, interruption, introduced, introduction, intrusion, invalid, invalidate, invalidated, invalidity, invent, invention, invest, invested, investigate, investigation, investor, involving, IPR, irreversible, issuable, jeopardize, jeopardized, judicial, jurisdiction, Justice, justify, Kingdom, knowingly, label, labeling, labor, lack, landscape, lapse, large, larger, launch, launched, launching, lawful, lawfully, legacy, legislation, legislative, lengthy, Les, liable, licensor, lieu, limiting, Linkbase, list, listing, local, logistical, lose, macroeconomic, maintained, making, malware, manage, managed, managerial, managing, mandate, mandatory, manufacturer, marketplace, Mayo, meaningful, Medicaid, medically, Medicare, medication, member, mental, merged, merger, merging, merit, methodology, microbial, microRNA, minimizing, Miragen, misappropriating, Misappropriation, misleading, misrepresentative, misstatement, misuse, mitigation, modifying, modulate, Molecular, monetary, monitor, monitoring, morbidity, mortality, motivate, Myriad, narrowed, narrowly, nation, national, natural, naturally, necessitate, negatively, negligence, negotiate, negotiation, network, newly, NOL, noncancelable, nonclinical, noncompetitive, noncompliance, nonessential, nonstatutory, notification, novelty, nurse, obsolete, obtaining, occurrence, occurring, oncology, operation, operator, opposition, opt, organization, organizational, originate, outcome, outlining, output, oversight, owed, package, packaging, Page, participate, partly, passed, passing, password, past, patentable, patentee, path, Pathology, pathway, Paycheck, paying, payor, pending, periodically, permanently, permit, permitted, persistent, person, personal, personally, pertaining, pharmaceutical, pharmacy, phishing, physical, physician, pivotal, platform, pocket, political, population, Portability, pose, positive, PPP, precautionary, predictive, preexisting, prefer, prejudiced, preliminary, premium, preparing, prescribed, prescription, presence, presenting, preserve, president, pressure, prevail, prevailing, prevalence, preventative, prevented, primary, priority, privacy, proactively, proceeding, processing, procure, produce, produced, production, productivity, profile, profit, profitability, profitable, prohibit, prohibiting, prohibition, prohibitively, promising, promissory, promote, promoted, promotion, promotional, promulgated, proper, proportion, proportionate, proposal, proposed, proprietary, prosecute, prosecuted, prosecuting, prosecution, protect, protecting, protection, protocol, provision, provoke, provoked, publicity, publish, published, pursuing, pursuit, put, qualification, qualifying, quantity, qui, ransomware, reach, reaching, reacquired, reagent, realization, rebate, recall, recommend, recommendation, recommended, recourse, recover, recruit, recruiting, redeem, redesign, reexamination, referral, referred, refuse, regime, regional, register, registered, regularly, regulated, reimbursable, reimburse, reimbursed, reject, relation, released, relevance, reliable, reliably, relied, relief, relieve, relinquish, relying, remained, remediation, remedy, remote, remove, remuneration, render, reorganization, repaid, repealed, repeat, repeated, replace, reproduce, repurchased, reputation, reputational, requirement, resale, rescinded, resell, residency, resolve, resolving, resource, responsibility, restricted, restricting, restrictive, retaining, retroactive, return, revised, revocation, revoked, risky, Royal, rulemaking, ruling, safeguard, safeguarding, sample, sampling, satisfactory, satisfy, scale, scaling, schedule, scheme, scrutiny, secret, seeking, seizure, sensitive, separable, serve, Servier, settlement, shared, sharing, Shield, shortage, shorten, shortened, shown, Silicon, similarity, situation, skill, skilled, small, solicited, soliciting, sophisticated, sought, source, specialty, speculative, spending, sponsor, spraying, stability, state, statute, statutory, stayed, stop, stopped, storage, store, stored, strain, strict, strictly, stringent, strong, structure, studied, studying, submit, submitting, subsidiary, subsidize, substantive, substituted, substitution, sudden, sued, suffered, sufficiently, suit, suitable, Sunshine, supplementary, supported, supportive, Supreme, surgical, surrogate, surveillance, surviving, susceptible, suspend, suspended, suspension, sustain, sustained, swelling, Switzerland, symbol, system, takeover, taxation, Taxonomy, teaching, technical, technological, terminology, territory, test, theft, therapy, threat, threatened, ticker, tie, timeframe, timeline, titled, tornado, toxicology, track, trade, traded, Trademark, traditional, transferable, transition, transitioned, transitioning, transmission, transmitted, transparency, treble, trend, Trump, trust, turn, turnover, type, UK, unannounced, unanticipated, unauthorized, unavailable, unaware, unchallenged, unclear, uncover, uncovered, undergo, undergone, underway, underwriter, undesirable, unenforceability, unenforceable, unfair, unfavorable, unforeseen, uninsured, uninterrupted, Union, unique, unmarketable, unmet, unplanned, unpredictable, unreasonable, unreliable, unresolved, unsecured, unsolicited, unstable, unsuccessful, unsuitable, unusable, unused, unwilling, updated, upgrading, usage, USPTO, utilized, valid, validating, validity, Valley, valuable, variability, variation, variety, varying, vendor, verify, viable, view, viewed, violate, violated, violation, viral, virtually, vitro, vivo, volatile, voluntary, VRDN, vulnerability, vulnerable, warn, warning, waste, water, weaken, weakened, weather, whistleblower, wholly, wide, willfully, withdraw, withdrawal, withdrawn, withheld, withholding, work, wrongfully, XBRL
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