Such persons shall be Company spokespersons only for the particular circumstance.
The Authorized Spokespersons shall be fully apprised of all Company developments that affect matters that they are authorized to discuss, in order to ensure that they may fulfill their disclosure obligations.
Persons not listed above are not authorized to speak on behalf of the Company. Any inquiries received by persons not listed above from the financial community, stockholders or the media should be referred to an Authorized Spokesperson.
B.Oversight of Disclosure Policy by the General Counsel
In overseeing the Company’s compliance with this policy, the Company’s general counsel (the “General Counsel”) shall: fully apprised of all material Company developments in order to evaluate and discuss events that may impact the disclosure process and the Company’s disclosure obligations (for example, extraordinary transactions, material operational developments, threatened material litigation, major management changes and events affecting the Company’s securities, such as share issuances and splits);
2.monitor the Company’s disclosures, SEC filings, internet website and other public statements, and all reports regarding the Company issued by analysts, in order to make disclosure determinations and ensure accurate reporting and compliance with Regulation FD and to take corrective measures, if and when necessary; all written statements, presentations to securities analysts and institutional investors (including scripts for conference calls) and other external communications (including press releases) concerning the Company’s financial performance, prospects and business developments, as well as other material information concerning the Company, prior to use;
4.generally oversee and coordinate the Company’s public disclosures and this Public Disclosure Policy, including making decisions regarding responses to non-intentional disclosures as described below; and
5.inform the Board of Directors of the Company (the “Board”), as appropriate, of all material developments and significant information disseminated to the public.
C.Timing of Disclosure
The Company shall make:
●simultaneous public disclosure of material non-public information that is intentionally disclosed to an analyst, stockholder or other market participant to whom disclosure is subject to Regulation FD;