On February 4, 2015, the Cyberspace Administration of China promulgated the Administrative Provisions on Account Names of Internet Users, which became effective as of March 1, 2015. These provisions require internet service providers to authenticate registered users’ identity information and to commit to complying with the “seven basic requirements,” including observing the laws and regulations, protecting state interests, as well as ensuring the authenticity of any information they provide. Internet information service providers are responsible for protecting users’ privacy, the consistency between user information, such as account names, avatars, and the requirements set forth in these provisions, making reports to the competent authorities regarding any violation of these provisions, and taking appropriate measures to stop any such violations, such as, notifying the user to make corrections within a specified time and suspending or closing accounts in the event of continuing non-compliance.
On October 26, 2021, the Cyberspace Administration of China issued draft Administrative Provisions on the Account Names of Internet Users, revising the Administrative Provisions on Account Names of Internet Users. This draft provides that when registering an internet account, the user shall execute an agreement with the internet user account services platform, provide authentic identity information, and obey the rules of the platform. Internet user account service platforms shall establish, improve and strictly implement account name information management system, information content security system, and personal information protection system. Internet user account service platforms should also establish protocols to ensure authenticity of account and user identity information. When an Internet user account is in violation of the provisions of this draft, the internet user account service platform shall suspend the service and inform the user to correct the issue within a limited time frame; and if the user refuses to correct it, the account shall be closed. As of the date of this annual report, this draft has not been formally adopted.
On August 25, 2017, the Cyberspace Administration of China promulgated the Administrative Provisions on Internet Follow-up Comment Services, which was amended on November 16, 2022 with effect from December 15, 2022. These provisions provide that internet follow-up comment service providers must verify the identification information of registered users, establish and improve user personal information protection systems, as well as establish and improve internet follow-up comment review and administration systems for real-time monitoring of user comments and emergency responses.
On August 25, 2017, the Cyberspace Administration of China promulgated the Administrative Provisions on Internet Forum and Community Services, which became effective on October 1, 2017. These provisions provide that internet forum and community service providers must assume primary responsibility for establishing and improving real-time information verification, emergency response capabilities, and personal information protections as well as other information security administration systems to institute preventative safety measures with employed professionals and necessary technical support for performing these duties.
On September 7, 2017, the Cyberspace Administration of China promulgated the Provisions on the Administration of Information Services Provided through Chat Groups on the Internet, which became effective as of October 8, 2017. These provisions require information service providers to verify the identification information of users of information services through internet chat groups and take necessary measures to protect user safety and personal information.
On September 7, 2017, the Cyberspace Administration of China promulgated the Administrative Provisions on the Information Services Provided through Official Accounts of Internet Users, as amended on January 22, 2021 and became effective on February 22, 2021. Pursuant to these provisions, official accounts, or public accounts on certain social media, refer to subscription accounts created and run by users of internet platforms to distribute information to the public. These platforms are required to establish and improve a management system for user registration, information content security, content ecology, data security, personal information protection, intellectual property protection and credit assessment, and a monitoring and evaluation mechanism for public accounts, to prevent fraud such as false account subscriptions and interaction counts. Platforms shall also establish and disclose management rules and platform codes with respect to information content production and public account operation, both of which shall be filed with the local cyberspace administrator. These provisions also require platforms to verify the consistency of user information on the platform with the user’s real identity and prohibit the operators of public accounts from illegally transferring those accounts to others. Furthermore, platforms shall establish and improve mechanisms to deal with online rumors and other false information. When cooperating with account operators, platforms shall regulate and manage business acts such as e-commerce sales, advertisement publishing, and user reward. In addition, platform operators are obligated to prevent false advertisements and commercial fraud from occurring on their platforms.
On December 15, 2019, the Cyberspace Administration of China promulgated the Regulations on the Ecological Governance of Network Information Content, effective from March 1, 2020, which specify the content scopes that are encouraged, prohibited or prevented from producing, re-producing and publishing. The network information content producers should take measures to prevent and resist the production of content that uses exaggerated titles that are inconsistent with the content, may incite racism or discrimination against geographic region, and propagates gossip and scandals. The network information content service platforms should fulfill the main responsibility of content management and establish an ecological governance mechanism of the network information, improve system for user registration, account management, information publishing review, and emergency response. The network information content service users, network information content producers and network information content service platforms should not, through manual or technical means, carry out acts, such as traffic falsification, traffic hijacking, false registration of account IDs, illegal trading of account IDs, or manipulation of user account IDs, that destroy network ecology.