b)scanned copies, received by e-mail, of the prospectus dated February 22, 2024 which forms a part of the Registration Statement, (the "Prospectus"); c)the form of a New York law governed indenture, the form of which is attached as Exhibit 4.19 to the Registration Statement, as supplemented on or after the date hereof, by and among, inter alios, the Issuer as issuer, the Guarantor as parent guarantor, the other guarantors identified therein, a trustee to be named and a paying agent, transfer agent and registrar to be named ("Indenture"); d)a scanned copy, received by email, of the executed written resolutions of the board of managing directors (bestuur) of the Issuer ("Board"), dated February 22, 2024, inter alia, authorising the issuance and the delivery of the Securities and the performance of the transactions contemplated thereby in relation to the Registration Statement ("Board Resolution"); e)a scanned copy, received by email, of the executed written resolutions of the general meeting (algemene vergadering) ("General Meeting") of the Issuer, dated February 22, 2024, inter alia, approving the Board Resolution and authorising the issuance and the delivery of the Securities and the performance of the transactions contemplated thereby in relation to the Registration Statement; f)a certified online excerpt (uittreksel), dated February 22, 2024, from the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce regarding the registration of the Issuer with the Chamber of Commerce under number 92738869 ("Issuer Excerpt"); g)a scanned copy of the deed of incorporation (akte van oprichting) of the Issuer, dated 24 January 2024 and which, according to the Issuer Excerpt are the articles of association of the Issuer, which are in force on the date hereof ("Deed of Incorporation"); and h)the power of attorney granted by the Issuer and incorporated in the Board Resolution authorising any one of Eelco Armin Aantjes; Maurice van der Horn; Yanik Cantieni; Mirjam van der Hoeven; Gyan Patrick Tamby; Andrew Craig Hamilton; and Rick Galloway, each acting individually to execute, inter alia, the Indenture on behalf of the Issuer ("Power of Attorney"). The documents under d) through h) are hereinafter collectively referred to as "Corporate Documents". The documents under d) and e) are hereinafter collectively referred to as "Resolutions". Words importing the plural include the singular and vice versa.