| | modified the New Product so as to no longer infringe, under the following circumstances: (a) if the patent alleged to be infringed is a Standards Essential Patent (and the arbitrator determines that the infringed patent is a Standards Essential Patent) with respect to which the Defending Party gives the Asserting Party written notice it is willing to pay royalties at FRAND rates determined by a U.S. District Court after adjudication of infringement and any defenses by the arbitrator; or (b) if the infringement arises from a combination of new, different or changed Supplier Functionality with a feature or functionality of the Defending Party and the only way the Defending Party can cure the infringement would be to remove a significant feature or functionality (as determined by the arbitrator) that was present in an Existing Product, and where the prior Supplier Functionality is no longer available. • In the case of a Supplier Defense, if the arbitrator determines in a FAD that the Infringement Claim is not entirely directed to Supplier Functionality then the Arbitration Period and Three Year Stand Down and Dispute Resolution Process for New Products continues, but the Asserting Party may bring a patent infringement claim in a court or administrative proceeding against the accused New Product. • In the case of a Supplier Defense, if the arbitrator determines in a FAD that the Infringement Claim is entirely directed to Supplier Functionality, then the Arbitration Period and Three Year Stand Down and Dispute Resolution Process for New Products continue, the Asserting Party may not bring a patent infringement claim against the Defending Party based on the Supplier Functionality for the remainder of the Arbitration Period, but the Asserting Party retains its rights to proceed directly against the relevant supplier. • The prevailing Party in the arbitration will be entitled to its reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in connection with the arbitration. • Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the arbitrator determines in a FAD that a New Product has infringed, and regardless of whether the New Product is modified to avoid infringement after the FAD and regardless of whether the Defending Party also raises a Supplier Defense, the Arbitration Period and 3 Year Stand Down and Dispute Resolution Process for New Products terminates and either Party may bring a patent infringement claim (other than infringement claims subject to the 5 year Stand Down Period) against any New Product of the other Party based on any patent in a court or other governmental tribunal (except with respect to the New Product that was subject to the FAD, provided modification occurs and is timely implemented as provided above). • For sake of clarity, any Infringement Claim that is based on features or functionalities that are new, changed, or different from Existing Products, either alone or in combination with any other products, services, features or functionalities, where such Infringement Claim would not have arisen based on the same patent but-for the new, changed, or different feature or functionality, will be subject to the 3 Year Stand Down and Dispute Resolution Process for New Products so long as such process remains in effect. Any Infringement Claim that is based entirely on the features or functionalities of Existing Products, even if the features or functionalities that were present in Existing Products are contained in New Products, will be subject to the 5 Year Stand Down. |