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abandoned, abroad, absorb, accelerate, accrual, accurately, acquisition, Additionally, administrative, advertising, agent, aggregate, aggressive, appraisal, arbitration, area, arisen, Arrangement, assembled, assembling, assuming, Attorney, August, authority, authorization, authorized, automated, background, beneficiary, binding, Borad, borrowed, borrowing, breadth, briefly, calculate, calculated, capacity, catch, categorization, caution, cease, certainty, checking, circumstance, collateral, Commission, communication, comparison, compliance, comprise, construction, contractual, contrary, contravene, conversion, convert, Cooperation, copyright, core, corroborated, damage, deal, declare, decline, deemed, deficiency, demand, department, deposit, detail, detect, detected, deteriorate, deterioration, difficulty, director, disaggregated, discharge, disclaim, discount, discounted, display, disposition, distributable, distributed, distribution, domiciled, dormitory, drug, dug, economy, education, efficiency, effort, encumber, encumbrance, enforce, enforceable, enhanced, entitled, environment, epidemic, equal, event, evidence, evolving, examination, exceed, excessive, exclusive, exert, exhausted, expenditure, experienced, expire, expose, exposed, fact, fairly, fee, fell, field, fixed, footnote, foregoing, foreseeable, forward, found, free, fulfil, fulfill, fully, governed, government, governmental, greater, grow, Guanzhou, guide, hand, hardware, healthcare, highly, history, Hunan, ii, iii, illustrated, implicit, implied, inability, inadequate, incentive, inception, increase, increased, increasing, incremental, incurrence, independent, index, inflation, inflow, influence, influenced, innovation, input, insisted, install, installation, installment, instalment, Institute, instrument, insufficient, insurance, intangible, internet, invention, inventory, invoiced, irrevocably, issuance, iterate, Jingmi, Jiuchenbengou, jurisdiction, Kangmi, kind, labor, laboratory, larger, lessor, life, Liu, loan, loaned, lower, Lugeng, machine, macroeconomic, main, maintain, maintaining, manufacture, manufacturing, margin, master, maturity, medicine, Mei, merge, microeconomic, mitigated, model, moderate, Monetary, monitor, monitoring, moving, NCI, obsolescence, offset, omitted, opportunity, optimization, optimize, ordinary, outcome, outflow, outsource, overcome, overhead, pandemic, part, passage, patent, patented, pension, percent, permissible, personal, pertain, physical, plant, platform, Pledge, pledged, pledgee, point, political, possession, Postal, preceding, preferred, prepaid, prepay, prepayment, prescription, prevailing, prevent, prevented, prevention, processing, producing, product, production, profit, program, prominent, promote, promotion, promotional, promptly, properly, proposed, purpose, qualified, qualify, quantitative, rapid, raw, recapitalization, recourse, recovered, recovery, reduction, regulatory, relationship, relevant, remediation, remit, removed, rendered, rendering, renew, renewal, renewed, rent, rental, reorganization, repaid, replace, research, reserve, reserved, residual, resolution, respond, restructure, retail, return, robust, room, salary, save, saving, secure, securing, security, short, showing, significantly, simplified, single, slowdown, smart, social, software, solution, speak, spouse, stage, stamp, standalone, strategy, strong, structure, subordinated, subsidy, substantive, successful, summary, supplement, supplier, supply, sustain, sustained, temporary, testing, training, transportation, trend, trusteeship, twelve, typically, unauthorized, unban, unconditional, undiscounted, unemployment, uninsured, unknown, unmanned, Unpledged, unrealized, unrecognized, unrelated, unsuccessful, unutilized, upgrading, upward, valid, VAT, vehicle, vending, vendor, viability, VIE, violation, wake, warranty, welfare, window, withholding, written, Wulinwang, Yaolian, Yuan, YZ, Zhou
accessible, adverse, AICPA, allocation, anticipate, approval, arise, ASU, audited, authoritative, award, bad, bear, behalf, cancelled, capitalized, CIT, CODM, commenced, commencing, committed, comparability, comparative, contemplated, contingency, counsel, court, covenant, daily, deciding, deducting, derecognized, disclosing, discontinued, distinction, distinguishing, divided, duly, earn, emerge, enable, establishment, estate, evolution, exclude, exercised, exist, existed, expedient, exposure, extended, factor, factual, fail, failed, federal, FIN, Finally, formulate, framework, fund, geographic, high, highest, hindsight, HK, implementation, incorrect, indefinitely, inherently, initiate, initiation, integrated, intend, issuable, issuing, January, JHCL, judgment, lapse, legislation, Lending, liquid, list, litigation, managerial, materialize, matter, nature, negative, nonfinancial, opening, order, organizing, package, payroll, pending, plaintiff, planned, portfolio, practical, predict, predicted, preparing, prescribed, priority, private, proceeding, projected, prove, Provisional, publication, quantified, real, reassessed, Recent, Reclassification, recognizing, reduce, referred, reflective, Registrant, regularly, reimbursement, reinvested, relating, relation, reliably, relief, remained, represented, repurchase, restating, retained, Retaining, ROU, routinely, satisfactory, scope, senior, serve, shown, sought, source, spun, station, stockholder, strength, Subtopic, succeed, sum, target, threshold, transition, transparency, treasury, treatment, turn, unasserted, unchanged, uncollectible, unpredictable, unregistered, unrestricted, utilizing, validly, vest, viewed, virtue
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