Investments | NOTE 2. INVESTMENTS Securities Available-for-Sale The following table summarizes the amortized cost and fair value of securities available-for-sale at September 30, 2020 and the corresponding amounts of gross unrealized gains and losses recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income: September 30, 2020 Cost or Adjusted / Amortized Cost Gross Unrealized Gains Gross Unrealized Losses Fair Value Debt Securities Available-for-sale (In thousands) U.S. government and agency securities (1) $ 35,198 $ 744 $ 1 $ 35,941 States, municipalities and political subdivisions 54,084 876 13 54,947 Special revenue 188,933 3,093 43 191,983 Hybrid securities 99 — 1 98 Industrial and miscellaneous 158,722 3,846 56 162,512 Total $ 437,036 $ 8,559 $ 114 $ 445,481 (1) Includes securities at September 30, 2020 with a carrying amount of $23.5 million that were pledged as collateral for the advance agreement entered into with a financial institution in 2018. The Company is permitted to withdraw or exchange any portion of the pledged collateral over the minimum requirement at any time. The Company’s unrealized losses on corporate bonds have not been recognized because the bonds are of high credit quality with investment grade ratings of A- or higher, the Company does not intend to sell and it is unlikely the Company will be required to sell the securities prior to their anticipated recovery, and the decline in fair value is deemed due to changes in interest rates and other market conditions. The bond issuers continue to make timely principal and interest payments on the bonds. After taking into account these and other factors previously described, we believe these unrealized losses generally were caused by a decrease in market interest rates since the time the securities were purchased. The following table summarizes the amortized cost and fair value of securities available-for-sale at December 31, 2019 and the corresponding amounts of gross unrealized gains and losses recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income: December 31, 2019 Cost or Adjusted / Amortized Cost Gross Unrealized Gains Gross Unrealized Losses Fair Value Debt Securities Available-for-sale (In thousands) U.S. government and agency securities (1) $ 53,836 $ 383 $ 28 $ 54,191 States, municipalities and political subdivisions 74,755 1,641 41 76,355 Special revenue 246,791 3,689 254 250,226 Hybrid securities 100 1 — 101 Industrial and miscellaneous 202,307 4,097 21 206,383 Total $ 577,789 $ 9,811 $ 344 $ 587,256 (1) Includes securities at December 31, 2019 with a carrying amount of $20.2 million that were pledged as collateral for the advance agreement entered into with a financial institution in 2018. The Company is permitted to withdraw or exchange any portion of the pledged collateral over the minimum requirement at any time. Proceeds received, and the gross realized gains and losses from sales of available-for-sale securities, for the three and nine months ended, September 30, 2020 and 2019 are as follows: Proceeds Gross Realized Gains Gross Realized Losses (In thousands) Three months ended September 30, 2020 $ 290,643 $ 20,360 $ 5 Three months ended September 30, 2019 $ 9,703 $ 108 $ — Proceeds Gross Realized Gains Gross Realized Losses (In thousands) Nine months ended September 30, 2020 $ 308,507 $ 20,492 $ 115 Nine months ended September 30, 2019 $ 49,395 $ 958 $ 76 The Company reviews credit losses and the valuation allowance for expected credit losses each quarter. When all or a portion of a debt security is identified as uncollectible and written off, the valuation allowance for expected credit losses is reduced by the same amount. In general, a security is considered uncollectible no later than when all efforts to collect contractual cash flows have been exhausted. The Company considers the following considerations when deeming a security uncollectible: • sufficient information was available to determine the issuer of the security is insolvent; • receipt of notice of filed bankruptcy, and the collectability is expected to be adversely impacted; • issuer has violated multiple debt covenants; • the extent to which the market value of the security has been below its cost or amortized costs; and • receipt of notice indicating that the issuer does not intend to pay the contractual principal and interest. For the nine months ended September 30, 2020, the Company sold no marketable equity securities nor did it hold any marketable equity securities as of that date. For the nine months ended months ended September 30, 2019, the Company received proceeds from the sale of its holdings in marketable equity securities of approximately $26.5 million. The sale resulted in a gross gain of $2.4 million and a gross loss of $1.2 million, related primarily to unrealized holding gains or losses in certain marketable equity securities. At September 30, 2019, the Company had unrealized net holding gains of $993,600 recognized on nonmarketable other investments still held. The table below summarizes the Company’s fixed maturity securities at September 30, 2020 by contractual maturity periods. Actual results may differ as issuers may have the right to call or prepay obligations, with or without penalties, prior to the contractual maturity of those obligations. At September 30, 2020 Cost or Amortized Cost Percent of Total Fair Value Percent of Total Maturity dates: (In thousands) (In thousands) Due in one year or less $ 79,488 18 % $ 80,166 18 % Due after one year through five years 144,994 34 % 148,502 34 % Due after five years through ten years 92,611 21 % 94,701 21 % Due after ten years 119,943 27 % 122,112 27 % Total $ 437,036 100 % $ 445,481 100 % The following table summarizes the Company’s net investment income by major investment category for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2020 and 2019, respectively: Three Months Ended September 30, Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020 2019 2020 2019 (In thousands) (In thousands) Debt securities $ 2,170 $ 3,492 $ 8,567 $ 10,625 Equity securities — 22 — 944 Cash and cash equivalents 651 558 1,610 1,288 Other investments 221 324 486 258 Net investment income 3,042 4,396 10,663 13,115 Less: Investment expenses 225 741 880 1,958 Net investment income, less investment expenses $ 2,817 $ 3,655 $ 9,783 $ 11,157 The following tables summarizes debt securities available-for-sale in an unrealized loss position at September 30, 2020, aggregated by major security category and length of time in a continued unrealized loss position (in thousands): Less Than Twelve Months Twelve Months or More September 30, 2020 Number of Securities Gross Unrealized Losses Fair Value Number of Securities Gross Unrealized Losses Fair Value Debt Securities Available-for-sale U.S. government and agency securities 4 $ 1 $ 78 2 $ 0 $ 12 States, municipalities and political subdivisions 7 13 6,254 — — — Special revenue 19 40 9,185 11 3 99 Hybrid securities 1 1 99 — — — Industrial and miscellaneous 26 56 13,275 — — — Total fixed maturity securities 57 $ 111 $ 28,891 13 $ 3 $ 111 The Company evaluates expected credit losses for available-for-sale securities (“AFS”) when fair value is below amortized cost. AFS securities are evaluated for potential credit loss on an individual security level but the evaluation may use assumptions consistent with expectations of credit losses for a group of similar securities. If the Company has the intent to sell or will be required to sell the security before recovery, the entire impairment loss will be recorded through income to net realized gains and losses. If the Company does not have the intent to sell or will not be required to sell the security before recovery, an allowance for credit losses is established and the portion of loss that relates to credit losses is recorded in income to net realized and unrealized gains (losses) and the portion of the loss that relates to the non-credit loss is recorded in Other comprehensive income. At September 30, 2020, the Company did not intend to sell securities with an unrealized loss position in accumulated other comprehensive income, and it is not likely that it will be required to sell these securities before recovery of their amortized cost basis. Further, the Company did not believe it had a credit event and therefore did not record any credit allowance for securities that were in an unrealized loss position at September 30, 2020. The following tables summarizes debt securities available-for-sale in an unrealized loss position at December 31, 2019, aggregated by major security category and length of time in a continued unrealized loss position (in thousands): Less Than Twelve Months Twelve Months or More December 31, 2019 Number of Securities Gross Unrealized Losses Fair Number of Securities Gross Unrealized Losses Fair Value Debt Securities Available-for-sale U.S. government and agency securities 9 $ 10 $ 1,476 23 $ 18 $ 4,288 States, municipalities and political subdivisions 6 38 7,613 3 3 1,440 Special revenue 62 145 24,862 95 109 13,159 Industrial and miscellaneous 25 13 12,601 16 8 3,202 Total fixed maturity securities 102 $ 206 $ 46,552 137 $ 138 $ 22,089 Other Investments Non-consolidated Variable Interest Entities (“VIEs”) The Company makes passive investments in limited partnerships (“LPs”), Partnership Real Estate Investment Trusts (“REITs”) and Limited Liability Companies (“LLCs”), which are deemed to be VIEs. These investments are generally of a passive nature and the Company has determined it is not the primary beneficiary as it has no ability to direct activities that could significantly affect the economic performance of the investments. The Company has not provided financial or other support with respect to these investments other than its original investment. The Company’s maximum exposure to loss as of September 30, 2020 was limited to the amortized cost of $17.4 million for the Class A Preferred Units and the net asset value of $9.4 million for the REIT and LLCs investments, as described below, which are included in other invested assets in the Company’s condensed consolidated balance sheets. Classified in other investments, the Company has interest in LPs, REITs and LLCs totaling $9.4 million and $6.4 million at September 30, 2020 and December 31, 2019. The Company is not the primary beneficiary and does not consolidate these investments. These investments are carried at net asset value, which approximates fair value with changes in fair value recorded in net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on the Company’s consolidated statement of operations and other comprehensive income. Realized gains (losses) on sales of these investments are reported within net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on the Company’s condensed consolidated statement of operations and other comprehensive income . During the third quarter of 2020, the Company invested $9.9 million in Class A Preferred Units of a private limited liability company. The Company is entitled to a preferred return on its investments of 8% per annum, payable monthly and commencing on November 1, 2020, and return of capital in equal installments of $367,000 commencing on February 1, 2022 through April 1, 2024. In September 2020, the Company converted its secured promissory notes issued by the same private limited liability company originally issued in January 2020 in the aggregate amount of $7.5 million, into Class A Preferred Units. The Company is entitled to a preferred return on its investment of 8% per annum, payable monthly, and a return of capital in equal monthly installments of $150,000 commencing on June 1, 2021 and $225,000 commencing on June 1, 2022 through February 1, 2023. As of September 30, 2020, the Company has received in aggregate approximately $353,000 in interest income from the secured promissory notes prior to their conversion. The total of $17.4 million redeemable Class A Preferred Units, which is in the same private limited liability company, classified as held-to-maturity and recorded at amortized cost. |