Form of Stock Ownership. For reasons of clarity and standardization, the stock transfer industry has developed uniform stockholder registrations for issuance of stock. Beneficiaries may not be named on stock registrations. If you have any questions on wills, estates, beneficiaries, etc., please consult your legal advisor. When registering stock, do not use two initials – use the full first name, middle initial and last name. Omit words that do not affect ownership such as “Dr.” or “Mrs.” Check the one box that applies.
Buying Stock Individually –Used when shares are registered in the name of only one owner. To qualify in the Subscription Offering, the individual named in Section 9 of the Stock Order Form must have had an eligible deposit account at Pilgrim Bank as of the close of business on December 31, 2012 or March 5, 2014.
Buying Stock Jointly –To qualify in the Subscription Offering, the persons named in Section 9 of the Stock Order Form must have had an eligible deposit account at Pilgrim Bank as of the close of business on December 31, 2012 or March 5, 2014.
Joint Tenants– Joint Tenancy (with Right of Survivorship) may be specified to identify two or more owners where ownership is intended to pass automatically to the surviving tenant(s). All owners must agree to the sale of shares.
Tenants in Common– May be specified to identify two or more owners where, upon the death of one co-tenant, ownership of the stock will be held by the surviving co-tenant(s) and by the heirs of the deceased co-tenant. All owners must agree to the sale of shares.
Buying Stock for a Minor –Shares may be held in the name of a custodian for a minor under the Uniform Transfer to Minors Act. To qualify in the Subscription Offering, the minor (not the custodian) named in Section 9 of the Stock Order Form must have had an eligible deposit account at Pilgrim Bank as of the close of business on December 31, 2012 or March 5, 2014.
The standard abbreviation for custodian is “CUST.” The Uniform Transfer to Minors Act is “UTMA.” Include the state abbreviation. For example, stock held by John Smith as custodian for Susan Smith under the MA Uniform Transfer to Minors Act, should be registered as John Smith CUST Susan Smith UTMA-MA (list only the minor’s social security number).
Buying Stock for a Corporation/Partnership –On the first name line, indicate the name of the corporation or partnership and indicate the entity’s Tax ID Number for reporting purposes. To qualify in the Subscription Offering, the corporation or partnership named in Section 9 of the Stock Order Form must have had an eligible deposit account at Pilgrim Bank as of the close of business on December 31, 2012 or March 5, 2014.
Buying Stock in a Trust/Fiduciary Capacity –Indicate the name of the fiduciary and the capacity under which the fiduciary is acting (for example, “Executor”), or name of the trust, the trustees and the date of the trust. Indicate the Tax ID Number to be used for reporting purposes. To qualify in the Subscription Offering, the entity named in Section 9 of the Stock Order Form must have had an eligible deposit account at Pilgrim Bank as of the close of business on December 31, 2012 or March 5, 2014.
Buying Stock in a Self-Directed IRA(for trustee/broker use only) – Registration should reflect the custodian or trustee firm’s registration requirements. For example, on the first name line, indicate the name of the brokerage firm, followed by CUST or TRUSTEE. On the second name line, indicate the name of the beneficial owner (for example, “FBO John SMITH IRA”). You can indicate an account number or other underlying information and the custodian or trustee firm’s address and department to which all correspondence should be mailed related to this order, including a stock certificate. Indicate the TAX ID Number under which the IRA account should be reported for tax purposes. To purchase shares in the Subscription Offering, the beneficial owner named in Section 9 of this form must have had an eligible deposit account at Pilgrim Bank as of the close of business on December 31, 2012 or March 5, 2014.
Section (10) – Acknowledgment and Signature(s). Sign and date the Stock Order Form where indicated. Before you sign, please carefully review the information you provided and read the acknowledgment. Verify that you have printed clearly and completed all applicable shaded areas on the Stock Order Form. Only one signature is required, unless any account listed in Section 4 requires more than one signature to authorize a withdrawal.
Please review the Prospectus carefully before making an investment decision. Deliver your completed Stock Order Form, with full payment or deposit account withdrawal authorization, so that it isreceived (not postmarked) before 2:00 p.m., Eastern Time, on . Stock Order Forms can be delivered by using the enclosed postage paid Stock Order Reply Envelope, by overnight delivery to the Stock Information Center address on the front of the Stock Order Form, or by hand-delivery to our branch office located at 800 Chief Justice Cushing Way (Route 3A), Cohasset, Massachusetts. Please do not mail Stock Order Forms to Pilgrim Bank. We are not required to accept Stock Order Forms that are found to be deficient or incorrect, or that do not include proper payment or the required signature. Faxes or copies of this form are not required to be accepted.
OVERNIGHT DELIVERY can be made to the Stock Information Center address provided on the front of the Stock Order Form.
QUESTIONS? Call our Stock Information Center, toll-free, at , from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through Friday. The Stock Information Center is not open on weekends or bank holidays.