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accrual, adenocarcinoma, adjacent, adjuvant, adversarial, advocacy, afoul, Africa, ahead, AIA, air, albumin, ALK, alongside, ambit, amphiphile, amphiphilic, anaplastic, Annex, anticancer, antidilutive, antigen, Arab, Arabia, Arkham, articulated, articulating, ASA, aseptic, aspect, assay, AstraZeneca, ATM, atmosphere, attendant, AUD, authentication, authoritative, backup, Baker, bankruptcy, batch, behavior, bifurcated, bifurcation, bile, bio, bioassay, BioNTech, bioprinting, BIOSECURE, bipartisan, BPCIA, BRAF, breakdown, Brexit, bribery, BridgeBio, Bristol, Canadian, CAR, casualty, CDRH, ceiling, Chamber, chapter, check, chemotherapy, Chiarle, chimeric, Chinese, CHMP, CI, Circio, circumvented, circumvention, CJEU, clarification, clock, Closest, closure, CMIA, codified, collegial, Colorado, colorectal, commentary, commonplace, communicable, companion, complementary, compliant, compulsory, conceived, conjugation, Connecticut, constitutionality, construction, construed, contra, contractor, contrary, conviction, convincingly, copayment, core, Cornell, Corrupt, corruption, counterfeit, CpG, CRC, credible, CRL, crossover, ctDNA, culminated, cultivate, custody, cytotoxic, danger, de, deceive, decentralized, defeat, deliberate, departure, depth, devise, DFS, digestive, diligence, diligent, diligently, disaggregated, disclaimed, disfavor, disproportionate, dispute, disqualification, disseminate, dissemination, dissenting, DNA, downgrade, drawn, DSCSA, duct, ductal, dynamic, easily, East, EEA, EGC, elaborate, electrical, element, elicit, elicited, eliciting, elite, ELTX, email, embedded, embodied, embodying, emission, emphasized, encryption, entail, entertain, entrepreneurial, envisioned, epidemic, EPO, EPS, eradication, ESC, escalating, escalation, ethical, ethically, evade, evidentiary, evolution, exaggerate, exemplify, exit, explanation, explanatory, explicitly, extinguishment, Facebook, fatigue, FCA, FCPA, FD, FDASIA, feedback, fierce, flammable, flexibility, flexible, flexibly, float, Florida, frustrate, fulfill, furnish, furnished, furnishing, gating, geared, GI, GKCC, goodwill, greatest, Gritstone, Hampshire, harbor, harder, harmonized, hearing, helper, Helsinki, henceforth, hereof, highlighted, hitchhiking, Hookipa, hotspot, HR, HTA, humoral, hurdle, IAS, IDMC, IMM, immunogenicity, immunomodulatory, immunostimulatory, immunotherapeutic, impartial, Indiana, Indictment, ineffective, inflation, infrequent, installation, intelligence, intentionally, interchangeability, interchangeable, intermediate, interoperable, intervene, intracellular, intranasal, Iowa, IPR, IRC, iRECIST, isolated, IVD, Justice, Kirsten, KRAZATI, landmark, Latin, lengthened, lessee, licensor, licensure, Liechtenstein, lifelong, lifespan, lipid, lymphatic, lymphoma, MA, MAA, macroeconomic, main, malaise, Malaysia, malignant, Maximilian, mechanistically, melanoma, memory, Merck, metastatic, MHRA, microenvironment, microphysiological, mind, Mirati, Missouri, MIT, mobilize, mobilizing, Moderna, modestly, modular, molecularly, monoclonal, monotherapy, Montana, mounting, multifunctional, multiplied, multivalent, mutant, mutated, mutation, mutual, myalgia, navigate, neglected, neuroblastoma, Nigeria, NIST, nondiscrimination, nonhuman, Notably, NSCLC, nucleic, nurse, occasionally, ODD, official, oncoantigen, oncogene, oncogenic, oncology, open, opened, Oregon, outbreak, outlook, ovarian, overactive, overpayment, overriding, page, panel, patentee, pathogenic, pattern, payload, PBM, PDAB, PDAC, penalized, penalty, peptide, perception, perspective, pharmacy, PHSA, physiological, piece, pioneering, platform, plausible, polyfunctional, polynucleotide, polypeptide, portal, pose, posed, PREA, predecessor, predetermined, preempt, preempted, preexisting, preferentially, prejudiced, preparatory, pride, proactive, problem, protracted, proud, PSP, PTA, PTE, pure, purification, quarantine, radiographic, RAS, rationale, rearranged, reauthorization, reauthorize, reauthorized, reciprocal, reconciling, recoup, recourse, recurrently, redundancy, refute, reinterpreted, relapse, relaxation, reopening, repetition, reposition, reproduce, reproducible, reprogramming, restitution, retail, retrospective, Revolution, RFS, Roberto, Roche, ROU, run, runway, safeguard, safeguarding, salvaged, sarcoma, Saudi, scalable, scrutinizing, se, seasoned, sector, segregated, sentinel, sequence, sexual, shell, Shield, shifting, shortly, signature, silico, situation, sizeable, Slight, slowdown, slower, somatic, South, spot, Squibb, statue, step, straight, streamline, streamlined, stricter, strictly, strive, sublicensee, subscription, substandard, sue, sweeping, switched, switching, talent, TCR, teamwork, technique, telecommunication, Tennessee, tenure, terminology, Tewksbury, Thailand, threat, thyroid, tighter, Tilly, trace, tracing, transmission, treble, Tricare, trick, Trump, truncal, umbrella, unadjusted, unanimously, unapproved, unaware, unchanged, uncommon, uncured, undermine, underpinning, understated, underway, unexercised, unfavorable, unfit, unlawfully, unnecessarily, unpatentable, unpatented, unpublished, unregistered, unregulated, unreliable, unsure, untested, unwilling, upward, urge, usable, Utah, Vedantra, Vendantra, verification, vigorously, Virginia, voucher, WASO, weigh, wholesale, wrong, wrongdoing
AAKP, Academy, accelerate, accessible, accountant, accreted, acquiror, acted, acute, Addiction, adrenal, advisor, affinity, AKI, Albert, aldosterone, Allen, alliance, allocated, Alpine, ALPN, Alzheimer, amyotrophic, analyzed, ANG, anniversary, Apax, applying, appointment, arrive, arrived, Assistant, Austria, awarded, Ayer, background, Bain, Bank, Belgium, belumosudil, beneficially, Berkeley, billed, bioavailability, biopharma, Black, bowel, breathing, Brighton, broking, Brookside, Bulletin, bundled, calculating, campaign, cap, capitalization, capitalized, cardiac, cardiopulmonary, cardiovascular, Cascadian, CDC, cerebral, chair, chaired, chairman, chairperson, channel, chosen, chronic, Clifford, Club, College, composition, compound, comprise, Computational, computing, conforming, congestive, Conn, Connect, consistency, consisting, constitute, constraint, convert, coordination, COPD, copyright, correlate, corroboration, Cowen, Crisler, CRO, cum, curable, Curhan, curve, CYP, cytochrome, Czech, Dartmouth, David, DaVita, dean, dedicated, default, degradation, deleted, Deloitte, Denmark, denominated, dental, denying, desirability, desire, destroyed, destruction, DGF, diagnosed, diarrhea, diastolic, discounted, discretionary, disgruntled, disinterested, dissolved, dissuade, Distinguished, diversified, donor, doubtful, dual, dysfunction, eighteen, Einstein, elevated, Elisha, emerged, ending, English, entirety, entrenchment, ErilTM, Esbriet, Esperion, ESPR, evidenced, evolve, exacerbated, excellence, excrete, executed, Exicure, expert, expiring, extending, faculty, failed, fasudil, fellow, fibrotic, fifty, fill, Finland, FLG, focal, Fordham, Forest, forgivable, forming, Fort, founder, founding, fourth, France, Francisco, freestanding, FTE, furniture, Galectin, GALT, Ganzi, Geffen, Gentiva, geographic, Germany, Gilbert, Glanatec, glaucoma, globe, Goldberg, Gotshal, graft, grantee, Greece, Gregory, GST, hair, Harold, Harvard, headcount, Hearst, heart, hemorrhagic, hepatocyte, HGF, home, hormone, Hungary, hyperaldosteronism, hypertension, hypertrophy, hypotension, idiopathic, IgAN, ill, immunoglobulin, impacting, implicated, incorporating, incurable, indefinite, indemnified, indemnify, ineligible, inhibition, inhibitor, injunctive, insert, integrated, intensely, intrusion, involvement, IOVA, Iovance, IPF, irritable, isoform, Italy, Itzhak, Jay, Jazz, Jennifer, jeopardy, John, Johnson, joined, joining, Kadmon, Karen, kidney, Kurz, labeled, landlord, landscape, lapse, laude, LAVA, leased, leasehold, Lee, lessor, lieu, literacy, liver, located, Luxembourg, Macau, Madison, magna, manager, match, matched, McKinsey, Medal, Medivation, membership, merge, mice, Michigan, mimetic, minimizing, Monaco, month, monthly, mouse, multinational, Museum, nausea, NDA, nearest, NEO, nephrology, nephropathy, nephrotic, NEPTUNE, netarsudil, Newcomb, Neylan, nintedanib, Nissenson, nominate, noncurrent, nonexclusive, nontransferable, North, Northwell, Northwestern, NovaPark, Novare, obstruction, obstructive, occurring, ocular, OFEV, Ohr, older, Omenn, oncologist, overarching, overhead, overseeing, oxygen, package, paradigm, Parkinson, participant, path, Patricof, Paul, Paycheck, PDL, permeability, perpetual, perquisite, Pfizer, PGA, pharmacological, pirfenidone, Poland, Portugal, positively, postdoctoral, potassium, PPP, practical, practiced, precluded, predefined, premarketing, premise, prespecified, presumptive, prevail, Princeton, principally, problematic, professor, progressive, prohibition, promised, proportional, proteinuric, provoke, publicized, pulmonary, radiation, Radiology, ratification, realizable, receivable, recipient, recognizing, reflecting, remind, removal, removed, renal, repeal, replacing, Republic, repurchase, reputable, reserve, resignation, resigned, resistant, respiratory, retainer, retire, reversal, Revocable, Rhopressa, Rina, ripasudil, Robert, ROCK, Rockwell, Rohm, Roth, rounded, routine, RPA, RSU, SAB, salt, San, SBA, scaled, scarring, scleroderma, Seagen, segmental, selective, selectivity, Senator, separation, setoff, settle, Shapiro, shipping, showed, signal, Silicon, simple, skin, slate, solicitation, solubility, son, Southern, Spain, speculative, spouse, staggered, statutorily, steering, stopping, stroke, structurally, subcontractor, subjective, subtracted, sufficiency, summa, supplementary, surgical, suspending, Sweden, Switzerland, syndrome, synthase, Taiwan, takeover, telephone, Television, text, tiered, tissue, TKI, Touche, Tour, trained, tranche, transduction, transform, translate, translation, transmit, transplant, transport, travel, trust, trustee, Tulane, Turkey, twenty, tyrosine, UCLA, UM, unaffiliated, unbeknownst, unbilled, uncollectible, underdiagnosed, undergoing, underwriting, undiagnosed, unilateral, Uniondale, unsafe, upfront, upregulated, ureteral, UUO, vacancy, Valley, vascular, vasospasm, Vaxart, vehicle, Venkatesan, venture, Vice, Victor, Vifor, ViroLogic, visit, vote, Wake, Watson, weight, Weil, welfare, Wellstone, Wharton, Whitney, wife, Wilson, withheld, withhold, withholding, Wood, worked, world, worsening, Wyeth, XCUR, York
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CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration Statements on Form S-3 (File No. 333- 264994) and Form S-8 (Nos. 333-252906, 333-264995, 333-270676 and 333-274127) of Elicio Therapeutics, Inc. of our report dated March 29, 2024, relating to the consolidated financial statements, which includes an explanatory paragraph relating to the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, which appears in this Form 10-K. /s/ BAKER TILLY US, LLP Tewksbury, Massachusetts March 29, 2024