Note 5 - Related Party Transactions | Nemaura Pharma Limited (Pharma) and NDM Technologies Limited (NDM) are entities controlled by the Companys majority shareholder, DFH Chowdhury. Pharma has invoiced DDL and TCL for research and development services. In addition, certain operating expenses of DDL and TCL were incurred and paid by Pharma and NDM. In accordance with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Staff Accounting Bulletin 55, these financial statements reflect all costs associated with the operations of DDL and TCL. While certain costs incurred by Pharma and NDM are directly attributable to DDL and TCL, other costs were shared between the organizations. Management believes the methodologies used are reasonable and that the costs allocated are not materially different from what they would have been had Pharma and NDM been unaffiliated entities. DDL and TCL advanced Pharma certain amounts to cover a portion of the costs. Following is a summary of activity between the Company and Pharma and NDM for the three months ended June 30, 2016 (unaudited) and the year ended March 31, 2016: Three Months Ended June 30, 2016 (unaudited) Year Ended March 31, 2016 Balance due from (to) Pharma and NDM at beginning of period (494,145 ) 192,517 Amounts advanced to Pharma - 58,197 Amounts received from Pharma - (228,361 ) Reduction in prepayments to Pharma for clinical trials - (247,596 ) Amounts invoiced by DDL to Pharma and NDM (sale of assets) 16,025 16,307 Amounts invoiced by Pharma to DDL and TCL (209,444 ) (331,714 ) Sale of fixed and intangible assets to Pharma and NDM - 17,775 Foreign exchange differences 41,667 28,730 Balance due from (to) Pharma and NDM at end of the period (645,897 ) (494,145 ) The balance due to Pharma at March 31, 2016 consists primarily of cash advances received from Pharma of approximately $228,000 during the year ended March 31, 2016 and amounts owed on invoices received from Pharma during the year of approximately $331,000. During the three months to June 30, 2016, the increase in the balance due to Pharma is primarily due to invoices of $209,000 received from Pharma. These amounts are unsecured, interest free and payable on demand. |