December 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively. Dominion Energy’s margin liabilities associated with cash collateral at December 31, 2017 or 2016 were immaterial. Virginia Power had margin assets of $23 million and $2 million associated with cash collateral at December 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively. Virginia Power’s margin liabilities associated with cash collateral were immaterial at December 31, 2017 and 2016. Dominion Energy Gas’ margin assets and liabilities associated with cash collateral were immaterial at December 31, 2017 and 2016. See Note 7 for further information about derivatives.
To manage price risk, the Companies hold certain derivative instruments that are not designated as hedges for accounting purposes. However, to the extent the Companies do not hold offsetting positions for such derivatives, they believe these instruments represent economic hedges that mitigate their exposure to fluctuations in commodity prices. All income statement activity, including amounts realized upon settlement, is presented in operating revenue, operating expenses, interest and related charges or other income based on the nature of the underlying risk.
Changes in the fair value of derivative instruments result in the recognition of regulatory assets or regulatory liabilities for jurisdictions subject to cost-based rate regulation. Realized gains or losses on the derivative instruments are generally recognized when the related transactions impact earnings.
The Companies designate a portion of their derivative instruments as either cash flow or fair value hedges for accounting purposes. For all derivatives designated as hedges, the Companies formally document the relationship between the hedging instrument and the hedged item, as well as the risk management objective and the strategy for using the hedging instrument. The Companies assess whether the hedging relationship between the derivative and the hedged item is highly effective at offsetting changes in cash flows or fair values both at the inception of the hedging relationship and on an ongoing basis. Any change in the fair value of the derivative that is not effective at offsetting changes in the cash flows or fair values of the hedged item is recognized currently in earnings. Also, the Companies may elect to exclude certain gains or losses on hedging instruments from the assessment of hedge effectiveness, such as gains or losses attributable to changes in the time value of options or changes in the difference between spot prices and forward prices, thus requiring that such changes be recorded currently in earnings. Hedge accounting is discontinued prospectively for derivatives that cease to be highly effective hedges. For derivative instruments that are accounted for as fair value hedges or cash flow hedges, the cash flows from the derivatives and from the related hedged items are classified in operating cash flows.
Cash Flow Hedges-A majority of the Companies’ hedge strategies represents cash flow hedges of the variable price risk associated with the purchase and sale of electricity, natural gas and NGLs. The Companies also use interest rate swaps to hedge their exposure to variable interest rates on long-term debt as well as foreign currency swaps to hedge their exposure to interest payments denominated in Euros. For transactions in which the Companies are hedging the variability of cash flows, changes in the fair value of the derivatives are reported in AOCI, to the extent they are effective at offsetting changes in the hedged item.
Any derivative gains or losses reported in AOCI are reclassified to earnings when the forecasted item is included in earnings, or earlier, if it becomes probable that the forecasted transaction will not occur. For cash flow hedge transactions, hedge accounting is discontinued if the occurrence of the forecasted transaction is no longer probable.
Dominion Energy entered into interest rate derivative instruments to hedge its forecasted interest payments related to planned debt issuances in 2014. These interest rate derivatives were designated by Dominion Energy as cash flow hedges prior to the formation of Dominion Energy Gas. For the purposes of the Dominion Energy Gas financial statements, the derivative balances, AOCI balance, and any income statement impact related to these interest rate derivative instruments entered into by Dominion Energy have been, and will continue to be, included in the Dominion Energy Gas’ Consolidated Financial Statements as the forecasted interest payments related to the debt issuances now occur at Dominion Energy Gas.
Fair Value Hedges-Dominion Energy also uses fair value hedges to mitigate the fixed price exposure inherent in commodity inventory. In addition, Dominion Energy has designated interest rate swaps as fair value hedges on certain fixed rate long-term debt to manage interest rate exposure. For fair value hedge transactions, changes in the fair value of the derivative are generally offset currently in earnings by the recognition of changes in the hedged item’s fair value. Hedge accounting is discontinued if the hedged item no longer qualifies for hedge accounting. See Note 6 for further information about fair value measurements and associated valuation methods for derivatives. See Note 7 for further information on derivatives.
Property, Plant and Equipment
Property, plant and equipment is recorded at lower of original cost or fair value, if impaired. Capitalized costs include labor, materials and other direct and indirect costs such as asset retirement costs, capitalized interest and, for certain operations subject tocost-of-service rate regulation, AFUDC and overhead costs. The cost of repairs and maintenance, including minor additions and replacements, is generally charged to expense as it is incurred.
In 2017, 2016 and 2015, Dominion Energy capitalized interest costs and AFUDC to property, plant and equipment of $236 million, $159 million and $100 million, respectively. In 2017, 2016 and 2015, Virginia Power capitalized AFUDC to property, plant and equipment of $37 million, $21 million and $30 million, respectively. In 2017, 2016 and 2015, Dominion Energy Gas capitalized AFUDC to property, plant and equipment of $25 million, $8 million and $1 million, respectively.
Under Virginia law, certain Virginia jurisdictional projects qualify for current recovery of AFUDC through rate adjustment clauses. AFUDC on these projects is calculated and recorded as a regulatory asset and is not capitalized to property, plant and equipment. In 2017, 2016 and 2015, Virginia Power recorded $22 million, $31 million and $19 million of AFUDC related to these projects, respectively.
For property subject tocost-of-service rate regulation, including Virginia Power electric distribution, electric transmission, and generation property, Dominion Energy Gas natural gas distribution and transmission property, and for certain Dominion Energy natural gas property, the undepreciated cost of such prop-