Unless the context otherwise requires, the term “Morgan Stanley” means Morgan Stanley and its consolidated subsidiaries. Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC (“MS&Co.”) and Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC (“MSSB LLC”), referenced below, are Morgan Stanley’s primary U.S. broker-dealers.
(a) On September 30, 2009, Morgan Stanley entered into an administrative settlement agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) to resolve certain violations of the U.S. environmental laws allegedly committed by Morgan Stanley during 2005. These alleged violations included: distribution of approximately 2.7 million gallons of reformulated gasoline that failed to comply with maximum benzene content limitations; failure to report volume and property information for each batch of gasoline blendstock imported and reformulated gasoline produced; failure to conduct an annual attest engagement; and failure to provide product transfer documents for each transfer of reformulated gasoline and each batch of previously certified gasoline. Without admitting or denying the EPA’s allegations, Morgan Stanley agreed to resolve these matters for a civil penalty of $405,000.
(b) On June 24, 2010, Morgan Stanley and the Office of the Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (“Massachusetts OAG”) entered into an Assurance of Discontinuance (“AOD”) to resolve the Massachusetts OAG’s investigation of the Company’s financing, purchase and securitization of certain subprime residential mortgages. The AOD provides for Morgan Stanley to make payments totaling approximately $102.7 million, and for Morgan Stanley to use its best efforts to implement certain business practices related to such activities on a prospective basis.
(c) On July 23, 2014, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) approved Morgan Stanley’s Offer of Settlement to resolve an investigation of certain subprime RMBS transactions sponsored and underwritten by Morgan Stanley in 2007. Pursuant to the settlement, Morgan Stanley neither admitted nor denied the SEC’s findings but was charged with violating Sections 17(a)(2) and 17(a)(3) of the Securities Act, and agreed to pay disgorgement and penalties in an amount of $275 million.
In addition, MS&Co. has been involved in a number of civil proceedings and regulatory actions which concern matters arising in connection with the conduct of its business. Certain of such proceedings have resulted in findings of violation of federal or state securities laws. Such proceedings are reported and summarized in the MS&Co. Form BD filed with the SEC, which descriptions are hereby incorporated by reference. The MSSB LLC Form BD filed with the SEC is also hereby incorporated by reference.