Regions Bank FFIEC 031 Legal Title of Bank Page 17 of 91 Birmingham RC-1 City AL 35203 State Zip Code FDIC Certificate Number: 12368 Consolidated Report of Condition for Insured Banks and Savings Associations for September 30, 2021 All schedules are to be reported in thousands of dollars. Unless otherwise indicated, report the amount outstanding as of the last business day of the quarter. Schedule RC—Balance Sheet Dollar Amounts in Thousands RCFD Amount Assets 1. Cash and balances due from depository institutions (from Schedule RC-A): a. Noninterest-bearing balances and currency and coin (1) 0081 1,897,000 1.a b. Interest-bearing balances (2) 0071 25,720,000 1.b 2. Securities: a. Held-to-maturity securities (from Schedule RC-B, column A)(3) JJ34 945,000 2.a b. Available-for-sale debt securities (from Schedule RC-B, column D) 1773 28,964,000 2.b c. Equity securities with readily determinable fair values not held for trading (4) JA22 355,000 2.c 3. Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell: RCON a. Federal funds sold in domestic offices B987 0 3.a RCFD b. Securities purchased under agreements to resell (5,6) B989 0 3.b 4. Loans and lease financing receivables (from Schedule RC-C): a. Loans and leases held for sale 5369 925,000 4.a b. Loans and leases held for investment B528 83,270,000 4.b c. LESS: Allowance for loan and lease losses(7) 3123 1,428,000 4.c d. Loans and leases held for investment, net of allowance (item 4.b minus 4.c) B529 81,842,000 4.d 5. Trading assets (from Schedule RC-D) 3545 9,000 5 6. Premises and fixed assets (including capitalized leases) 2145 2,285,000 6 7. Other real estate owned (from Schedule RC-M) 2150 17,000 7 8. Investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries and associated companies 2130 119,000 8 9. Direct and indirect investments in real estate ventures 3656 0 9 10. Intangible assets (from Schedule RC-M) 2143 5,219,000 10 11. Other assets (from Schedule RC-F)(6) 2160 7,046,000 11 12. Total assets (sum of items 1 through 11) 2170 155,343,000 12 (1) Includes cash items in process of collection and unposted debits. (2) Includes time certificates of deposit not held for trading. (3) Institutions that have adopted ASU 2016-13 should report in item 2.a amounts net of any applicable allowance for credit losses, and item 2.a should equal Schedule RC-B, item 8, column A, less Schedule RI-B, Part II, item 7, column B. (4) Item 2.c is to be completed by all institutions. See the instructions for this item and the Glossary entry for “Securities Activities” for further detail on accounting for investments in equity securities. (5) Includes all securities resale agreements, regardless of maturity. (6) Institutions that have adopted ASU 2016-13 should report in items 3.b and 11 amounts net of any applicable allowance for credit losses. (7) Institutions that have adopted ASU 2016-13 should report in item 4.c the allowance for credit losses on loans and leases.