LOANS RECEIVABLE, NET | 8. LOANS RECEIVABLE, NET The interest rates on loans issued ranged between 17.28% ~24.00% and 18.36% ~ 22.44% for the years ended December 31, 2016 and 2015, respectively. Loans receivable consisted of the following: December 31, December 31, 2016 2015 Business loans $ 58,387,204 $ 41,794,907 Personal loans 96,332,530 99,118,875 Total loan receivable 154,719,734 140,913,782 Provision for loan losses Collectively assessed (1,405,536 ) (1,401,061 ) Individually assessed (5,020,771 ) (807,647 ) Provision for loan losses (6,426,307 ) (2,208,708 ) Loans receivable, net $ 148,293,427 $ 138,705,074 The Company originates loans to customers located primarily in Urumqi City, Xinjiang Province. This geographic concentration of credit exposes the Company to a higher degree of risk associated with this economic region. All loans are short-term loans that the Company has made to either business or individual customers. As of December 31, 2016 and 2015, the Company had 71 and 36 business loan customers, and 151 and 125 personal loan customers, respectively. Most loans are either guaranteed by a third party or related parties (please refer to Note 23) whose financial strength is assessed by the Company to be sufficient or secured by collateral. Provision for loan losses is estimated on a quarterly basis based on an assessment of specific evidence indicating doubtful collection, historical experience, loan balance aging and prevailing economic conditions. For the years ended December 31, 2016 and 2015, a provision of $4,650,887 and $2,166,110 were charged to the statement of income, respectively. $91,812 and $642,178 write-offs against provisions have occurred for these periods, respectively. Interest on loans receivable is accrued and credited to income as earned. The Company determines a loan's past due status by the number of days that have elapsed since a borrower has failed to make a contractual loan payment. Accrual of interest is generally discontinued when either (i) reasonable doubt exists as to the full, timely collection of interest or principal or (ii) when a loan becomes past due by more than 90 days. The following table represents the aging of loans as of December 31, 2016 by type of loan: 1-89 Days 90-179 Days Past Due 180-365 Days Past Due Over 1 year Past Due Total Current Total Business loans $ - $ 719,966 $ 5,077,202 $ 719,966 $ 6,517,134 $ 51,870,070 $ 58,387,204 Personal loans - - 881,239 - 881,239 95,451,291 96,332,530 $ - $ 719,966 $ 5,958,441 $ 719,966 $ 7,398,373 $ 147,321,361 $ 154,719,734 The following table represents the aging of loans as of December 31, 2015 by type of loan: 1-89 Days 90-179 Days Past Due 180-365 Days Past Due Over 1 year Past Due Total Current Total Business loans $ - $ 9,698,538 $ 770,214 $ - $ 10,468,752 $ 31,326,155 $ 41,794,907 Personal loans - 4,254,664 - - 4,254,664 94,864,211 99,118,875 $ - $ 13,953,202 $ 770,214 $ - $ 14,723,416 $ 126,190,366 $ 140,913,782 Analysis of loans by collateral The following table summarizes the Company’s loan portfolio by collateral as of December 31, 2016: Business Personal Total Guarantee backed loans $ 44,114,593 $ 40,442,991 $ 84,557,584 Pledged assets backed loans 11,392,746 53,489,172 64,881,918 Collateral backed loans 2,879,865 2,400,367 5,280,232 $ 58,387,204 $ 96,332,530 $ 154,719,734 The following table summarizes the Company’s loan portfolio by collateral as of December 31, 2015: Business Personal Total Guarantee backed loans $ 16,505,692 $ 30,525,132 $ 47,030,824 Pledged assets backed loans 5,593,296 65,289,524 70,882,820 Collateral backed loans 19,695,919 3,304,219 23,000,138 $ 41,794,907 $ 99,118,875 $ 140,913,782 Most guarantee backed loans were guaranteed by shareholders of the Company. (See Note 23). Collateral Backed Loans A collateral backed loan is a loan in which the borrower puts up an asset under their ownership, possession or control, as collateral for the loan. An asset usually is land use rights, equity shares, equipment or buildings. The loan is secured against the collateral and we do not take physical possession of the collateral at the time the loan is made. We will verify ownership of the collateral and then register the collateral with the appropriate government entities to complete the secured transaction. In the event that the borrower defaults, we can then take possession of the collateral asset and sell it to recover the outstanding balance owed. If the sale proceeds of the collateral asset is not sufficient to pay off the loan in full, we will file a lawsuit against the borrower and seek judgment for the remaining balance. Pledged Asset Backed Loans Pledged assets backed loans are loans with pledged assets. Lenders has rights of access to the pledged assets at the time the loan is made and do not need to register them with government entities to secure the loan. If the borrower defaults, we can sell the assets to recover the outstanding balance owed. For the supply chain financing involved for tire industry, the borrowers pledged with inventory and the whole sellers (certain are related parties) guarantee the repayment of loan if the borrowers defaults. Both collateral loans and pledged loans are considered secured loans. The amount of a loan that lenders provide depends on the value of the collateral pledged. Guarantee Backed Loans A guaranteed loan is a loan guaranteed by a corporation or high net worth individual which includes related parties (refer to Note 23). As of December 31, 2016 and 2015, guaranteed loans make up 54.7% and 33.4% of our direct loan portfolio, respectively. As of December 31, 2016 and 2015, the Company pledged $50,396,198 and $44,512,223 gross loans receivable for loans the Company borrowed from China Great Wall Assets Management Co. Ltd. and related parties (See Note 14 and Note 15), which consisted of the following: December 31, December 31, 2016 2015 Business loans $ 10,966,526 $ 13,241,523 Personal loans 39,429,672 31,270,700 Total pledged loans receivable $ 50,396,198 $ 44,512,223 |