Article 29 - Payment for the shares
At least 25% of the par value of shares subscribed in cash must be paid at the time of subscription, together with the full share premium, where applicable.
The balance must be paid in one or several installments, as called by the Board of Directors, and within a period of five years from the date on which the capital increase was finalized.
Calls for funds are made known to the shareholders via a notice published in the BALO fifteen (15) days in advance.
If the shareholder does not make the required payments on the amount of the shares to which they have subscribed at the times determined by the Board of Directors, these payments will automatically bear interest payable to the Company at the legal rate determined in Article L. 313-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, as from the end of the month following the date when they are due, without any requirement for a court application or letter of notice. Furthermore, shares for which the required payments have not been made at the end of a period of 30 days as from the sending of a letter of notice to the defaulting shareholder, to which no reply has been received, will no longer grant the right to attend General Meetings of Shareholders and to vote at those Meetings, and will be deducted from the quorum calculation. The right to dividends, and the preferential right to subscribe to capital increases attached to the shares will be suspended. These rights will be recovered once the capital and interest amounts due have been paid. The shareholder may then request the payment of dividends that have not expired, and exercise their preferential subscription right, if the determined timeframe for exercising that right has not expired.
The share capital must be fully paid up before any issue of new shares to be paid for in cash.
Article 30 - Form of the shares - Management of the securities accounts
The shares may be in registered or bearer form, if the legislation allows, depending on the shareholder’s choice.
Issued shares give rise to a registration in individual accounts in the name of each shareholder opened by the Company or any authorized intermediary. These accounts are held under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures provided for by the legal and regulatory provisions.
In order to identify the owners of bearer shares, the company may, under the conditions provided for by the legal and regulatory provisions in force, request, at any time, information concerning the owners of its shares and securities conferring immediate or future voting rights at its own General Meetings of Shareholders.
Article 31 - Transfer of the shares
Shares registered on an account are transferred from account to account.
Cash shares are freely tradable as from the completion of the capital increase. Shares resulting from contributions are freely tradable as from the completion of the capital increase, i.e. the date of the Meeting or of the meeting of the Board of Directors acting on a delegation of authority, which approved the contributions, in the event of a contribution in kind during the term of the company.
The transfer of ownership will result from their registration on the purchaser’s account, on the date and under the conditions determined by law and the applicable regulations, where applicable.
The shares will be freely tradable, subject to the provisions provided for by law.
Article 32 - Crossing of thresholds
Any private individual or legal entity referred to in Articles L. 233-7, L. 233-9, and L. 223-10 of the French Commercial Code who comes to directly or indirectly hold a number of shares representing a percentage of the Company’s share capital or voting rights higher than or equal to 2.5% or a multiple of that percentage, either on a stand-alone basis or in concert, must inform the Company of the total