The new shares will be paid for in cash, or via a contribution in kind, offset against liquid and due receivables, or via the incorporation of profits, reserves, or share premiums into the share capital, either as the result of a merger or demerger, or following the exercise of a right attached to transferable securities granting entitlement to the share capital, including payment of the corresponding amounts, where applicable.
The new equity securities will be issued either at their par value, or at that amount plus a share premium.
Only the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders has the power to decide on increasing the share capital, based on a report from the Board of Directors containing the disclosures required by law.
However, the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders may delegate this power to the Board of Directors under the conditions determined by law. The Board of Directors has the requisite powers to perform a capital increase in one or several installments, to determine its terms and conditions, to record its completion, and to amend the By-Laws accordingly within the limits of the powers so granted by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.
If the General Meeting of Shareholders decides to increase the share capital, it may delegate the powers required to perform the transaction to the Board of Directors.
If a delegation of power or of authority is used, the Board of Directors will draw up a supplementary report at the next Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.
If the capital increase is performed via the incorporation of profits, reserves, or share premiums, the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will take decisions under the quorum and majority conditions provided for Ordinary General Meetings of Shareholders. In this case, it may decide that rights amounting to fractional shares may neither be traded nor transferred, and that the corresponding equity securities must be sold. The proceeds from the sale will be allocated to the holders in proportion to their rights.
A capital increase by increasing the par value of the shares can only be decided with the shareholders’ unanimous consent, except if it results from the incorporation of profits, reserves, or share premiums into the share capital.
Shareholders will have a preferential right to subscribe to the cash shares issued in order to perform a capital increase, in proportion to the number of shares that they hold. The shares purchased as a result of exercising this right will be shares in the same class as the one for the shares giving rise to said right, together with the shares resulting from the purchase of other transferable securities than shares.
The shareholders may sell all or some of their subscription rights throughout the subscription period. These rights will be tradable if they are stripped from shares that are themselves tradable. Otherwise, they may be sold under the same conditions as the actual shares.
Shareholders may waive their preferential subscription right on an individual basis.
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders that decides on the capital increase may waive the preferential subscription right under the conditions and limits determined by law, and rule to that effect on the reports prepared by the Board of Directors and the Statutory Auditors under the conditions determined by the laws and regulations in effect.
If the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, or the Board of Directors in the event of a delegation of authority, has expressly decided to do so, any shares that have not been subscribed on an irrevocable basis will be allotted to shareholders who subscribed to a higher number of shares on a revocable basis than the number to which they were able to subscribe on a preferential basis, in proportion to the subscription rights that they hold, and within the limits of their request, in any event.