Exhibit 10.14
February 11, 2018
2018年 月 日
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第1章 总则 | 8 |
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Article 1 Definitions | 8 |
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第1条 定义 | 8 |
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第2章 成立和法律地位 | 13 |
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Article 2 Establishment and Legal Standing of the JV Company | 13 |
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第2条 合资公司的成立和法律地位 | 13 |
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第3章 宗旨和经营范围 | 15 |
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Article 3 Purpose and Business Scope | 15 |
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第3条 宗旨和经营范围 | 15 |
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第4章 投资总额和注册资本 | 16 |
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Article 4 Total Investment | 16 |
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第4条 投资总额 | 16 |
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第5条 注册资本 | 16 |
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第5章 合资公司的业务经营 | 22 |
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Article 6 Business Operation of Joint Venture | 22 |
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第6条 合资公司的业务经营 | 22 |
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第6章 各方的责任和陈述与保证 | 23 |
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Article 7 Responsibilities of Each Party | 23 |
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第7条 各方的责任 | 23 |
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第8条 陈述与保证 | 25 |
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第7章 合资公司的董事会和监事 | 26 |
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Article 9 Board | 26 |
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第9条 董事会 | 26 |
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第10条 董事会的权力 | 28 |
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第11条 董事会会议 | 31 |
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第12条 监事 | 35 |
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第13条 管理人员 | 36 |
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第14条 员工和工会 | 38 |
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第15条 财务和会计 | 39 |
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第16条 利润分配 | 43 |
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第8章 竞业禁止与保密 | 45 |
Article 17 Non-Competition | 45 |
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第17条 竞业禁止 | 45 |
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Article 18 Confidentiality | 45 |
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第18条 保密 | 45 |
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第9章 经营期限 | 48 |
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Article 19 Business Term | 48 |
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第19条 经营期限 | 48 |
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第10章 合同终止 | 49 |
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Article 20 Termination | 49 |
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第20章 合同终止 | 49 |
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Article 21 FORCE MAJEURE | 51 |
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第21条 不可抗力 | 51 |
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第11章 违约责任 | 53 |
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Article 22 Breach of Contract | 53 |
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第22条 违约 | 53 |
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Article 23 Defaults and Remedies | 53 |
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第23条 违约与救济 | 53 |
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Article 24 Liabilities for Breach | 54 |
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第24条 违约责任 | 54 |
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第12章 法律管辖和争议解决 | 54 |
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Article 25 Governing Law | 54 |
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第25条 法律管辖 | 54 |
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Article 26 Dispute Resolution | 54 |
第26条 争议解决 | 54 |
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第13章 其他规定 | 55 |
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Article 27 Miscellaneous | 55 |
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第27条 其他规定 | 55 |
This Joint Venture Contract (this “Contract”) is entered into by and between the following parties on , 2018 in Shenzhen, the People’s Republic of China.
本合资经营合同(“本合同”)由以下各方于2018 年 月 日在中国深圳签订。
Shenzhen Hepalink Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd, a listed company limited by shares incorporated under the PRC Laws, with its registered office at 21 Langshan Road, Songpingshan, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, the PRC (“Hepalink”); and
深圳市海普瑞药业股份集团有限公司,一家根据中国法律成立的上市股份有限公司, 其注册地址为中国深圳市南山区松坪山郎山路21号(“海普瑞”);和
Aridis Pharmaceuticals Inc., a Delaware, USA based private company with a business address at 5941 Optical Court, San Jose, California 95138, the USA (“Aridis”).
Aridis Pharmaceuticals Inc.,一家总部位于美国特拉华州的公司,地址为:5941 Optical Court, San Jose, California, the USA 邮编: 95138(”Aridis”)。
Hepalink and Aridis are hereinafter referred to as “Parties” collectively, or a “Party” individually.
Hepalink and its affiliates and subsidiaries have significant experience and resources in pharmaceutical product development. Aridis focuses on the development of novel, differentiated therapies for infectious diseases. Hepalink and Aridis have discussed the possibility and benefits of establishing an equity joint venture in the PRC for developing and commercializing the products of therapies for infectious diseases.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereby agree to enter into this Contract as follows:
第1章 总则
Article 1 Definitions
第1条 定义
The capitalized terms as used in this Contract shall have the following meanings:
“AIC” shall mean the Administration for Industry and Commerce of the PRC or its delegated local counterpart.
“Articles of Association” shall mean the articles of association of the JV Company in the form attached hereto as Appendix A, which may be amended by the Parties from time to time pursuant to the provisions thereof.
“章程”指如本合同附录A所示格式的合资公司的章程,其可由各方根据其规定不 时修订。
“Affiliate” shall mean any business entity, which directly or indirectly,
controls, is controlled by, or is under the common control with, Hepalink or Aridis, at the relevant time; For the purposes of this definition, a business entity shall be deemed to “control” another entity if more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting stock of the latter business entity, ordinarily entitled to vote in the election of directors (or, if there is no such stock, more than fifty percent (50%) of the ownership of or control in the latter business entity) is held by and consolidated in the annual accounts of the controlling business entity.
“关联公司”指在相关时点直接或间接地控制海普瑞或Aridis、受海普瑞或 Aridis控制、或与海普瑞或Aridis受共同控制的任何商业实体。为本定 义之目的,”控制”指某商业实体持有另一商业实体超过百分之五十(50%)有权投 票选举董事的股份(或者在该等股份缺失的情形下,持有另一商业实体超过百分 之五十(50%)的所有权或控制权),且该等股份被并入前一商业实体的年度财务 报表。
“Bankruptcy Event” means the filing by the JV Company of a petition in bankruptcy according to the PRC Laws or the decision of a competent PRC court that bankruptcy procedures concerning the JV Company shall be initiated upon
application of any creditor(s) of the JV Company.
“破产事件”指由合资公司根据中国法律提交破产申请书,或者有管辖权的中国法 院根据合资公司之任何债权人的申请而作出合资公司须开始其破产程序的裁决。
“Board” shall have the meaning set forth in Article 9.1.
“Board Meetings” shall mean meetings of the Board convened in accordance with the provisions of this Contract and the Articles of Association, including both Regular Board Meetings and Interim Board Meetings.
“Business Day” shall mean a day that is not a Saturday, a Sunday or any public holiday in the PRC and the United States of America.
“Business License” shall mean the business license of the JV Company issued by the competent AIC evidencing the incorporation of the JV Company.
“Business Plan” shall have the meaning set forth in Article 10.2.
“Business Term” shall have the meaning set forth in Article 16.1.
“CEO” shall have the meaning set forth in Article 13.1.
“Chairman” shall have the meaning set forth in Article 9.2.
“Deadlock” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11.10.
“Director(s)” shall mean an individual director or all the directors of the Board as respectively appointed by the Parties in accordance with this Contract and the Articles of Association.
“Election Notice” shall have the meaning as set forth in Article 5.10.
“Electing Party” shall have the meaning as set forth in Article 5.10.
“Equity Interest(s)” shall mean, with respect to any Person, an ownership interest in the registered capital, capital reserve, capital stock or the corresponding distribution of the JV Company.
“Establishment Date” shall mean the date on which the JV Company’s Business License is issued by the competent AIC evidencing its incorporation.
“Fair Market Value” shall have the meaning as set forth in Article 5.4.
“Field of Use” shall mean all uses, including the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases and other conditions, in all indications related to infections in humans.
“Force Majeure Event” shall have meaning as set forth in Article 21.
“Governmental Entity(ies)” shall mean any court or government or governmental agency, commission, entity, instrumentality or governmental subdivision or its delegated counterparts.
“政府机构”指任何法院或政府、或政府机构、委员会、实体、部门或政府分部或 其授权的相应部门。
“Hindered Party” shall have the meaning as set forth in Article 21.
“HKIAC” shall have the meaning set forth in Article 26.2.
“Interim Board Meeting” shall have the meaning set forth in Article 11.4.
“JV Company” shall mean the Sino-foreign equity joint venture company
contemplated to be incorporated by the Parties in accordance with this Contract.
“Laws” shall mean all national, provincial, local or foreign laws, ordinances, rules, statutes and regulations.
“Liabilities” shall mean with respect to any Person, means any liabilities of such Person of any kind, whether accrued or absolute, contingent or otherwise, matured or unmatured.
“Licensed Technology” shall mean “Licensor Technology” as defined in the Technology License and Collaboration Agreement.
“Meeting Agenda” shall have the meaning set forth in Article 11.5.
“Offered Price” shall have the meaning as set forth in Article 5.10.
“Offer Notice” shall have the meaning as set forth in Article 5.10.
“Offered Securities” shall have the meaning as set forth in Article 5.10.
“Offering Party” shall have the meaning as set forth in Article 5.10.
“Officers” shall have the meaning set forth in Article 13.1.
“Permitted Transferee(s)” shall mean any Affiliate of a Party equity interest; provided, that in no event shall any Transfer be made to a competitor of the JV Company without the consent of the Board.
“Person” shall mean any individual, partnership, joint venture, limited
liability company, corporation, trust, unincorporated organization or other entity.
“人”指任何个人、合伙、合资企业、有限责任公司、公司、信托组织、非公司 社团或组织。
“PRC” or “China” shall mean the People’s Republic of China, and solely for purpose of this Contract, excluding Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macau Special Administrative Region and Taiwan.
“中国”指中华人民共和国,且仅为本合同之目的,不包括香港特别行政区、澳门 特别行政区和台湾。
“Proposed Transferee” shall have the meaning as set forth in Article 5.10.
“Record-filing Authority” shall mean the PRC Ministry of Commerce or its delegated local counterpart.
“Regular Board Meeting” shall have the meaning set forth in Article 11.3.
“Renminbi” or “RMB” shall mean Renminbi yuan, the legal tender of the PRC.
“Reserved Matters” shall have the meaning set forth in Article 10.2.
“Right of First Refusal” shall have the meaning set forth in Article 5.10.
“Refusal Period” shall have the meaning set forth in Article 5.10.
“Supervisor(s)” shall have the meaning set forth in Article12.1.
“Technology License and Collaboration Agreement” shall mean the Technology License and Collaboration Agreement to be entered into by and between Aridis and the JV Company, the form of which is attached hereto as Appendix B.
“Territory” shall mean the Greater China area, for the purpose of this Contract, including Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.
“Transfer” means any direct or indirect sale, transfer, assignment, pledge, mortgage, exchange, hypothecation, grant of a security interest, other disposition or encumbrance of an interest (whether with or without consideration, whether voluntarily or involuntarily or by operation of the Laws) or the acts thereof or other conveyance of legal or beneficial interest, including rights to vote and to receive dividends or other income with respect thereto, or any agreement or commitment to do any of the foregoing, including a change of control of any Party (or any one or more parent entities of such Party) that results in an indirect Transfer of ownership.
“USD” shall mean U.S. Dollar, the legal tender of the United States of America.
第2章 成立和法律地位
Article 2 Establishment and Legal Standing of the JV Company
第2条 合资公司的成立和法律地位
2.1 The Parties agree to jointly establish the JV Company according to the PRC Laws, this Contract, and the Articles of Association in Appendix A.
2.2 The Parties shall sign and deliver the Articles of Association upon execution of this Contract and submit it to the competent Record-filing Authority together with this Contract for record filing. If there is any discrepancy between the Articles of Association and this Contract, the provisions under this
Contract shall prevail. Further, in that event, the Parties shall promptly amend the Articles of Association to conform to the provisions of this Contract.
2.3 The name of the JV Company shall be 深圳市瑞迪生物医药有限公司in Chinese and Shenzhen Arimab Biopharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. in English. The name of the JV Company shall be subject to the name clearance with the competent AIC.
合资公司的中文名称为深圳市瑞迪生物医药有限公司,英文名称为Shenzhen Arimab Biopharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.。合资公司的名称以主管工商局进行的名称预核准为准。
2.4 The registered address of the JV Company shall be at Room 5044, No. 21, Langshan Lu, Song Ping Shan, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China. The definitive registered address of the JV Company shall be the address as the competent AIC approves.
2.5 The JV Company shall be a legal-person enterprise under the Laws. The JV Company shall comply with Laws, and its benefits are protected by the Laws.
合资公司应为中国法律规定的企业法人。合资公司应遵守中国法律,其权益 受中国法律保护。
2.6 The JV Company is a limited liability company. The JV Company shall be liable for all of its Liabilities and obligations to the extent of its own assets. Each Party is only liable to the JV Company up to the share of the registered capital of the JV Company that such Party shall subscribe for as set forth hereunder. Creditors of the JV Company (including taxation or other authorities) shall have no recourse whatsoever against either Party for the Liabilities of the JV Company. The JV Company shall indemnify and hold each Party harmless against any and all losses, damages, or Liabilities suffered by such Party in respect of any third party claims arising out of the operation of the JV Company except to the extent arising from the breach by such Party of this Contract.
合资公司应组建为一家在中国法律下具有法人地位的有限责任公司,以其所有资产为限向其债权人承担责任。在任何情况下,每一方就合资公司或其债务或责任而言的责任,应以该方在本合同项下认缴的合资公司注册资本金额 为限。合资公司的债权人(包括税务或者其他政府机关)不得因任何愿意就公司的责任向任何一方行使任何追索权。合资公司应当就一方遭受的任何第三方就合资公司经营而提起的请求而造成的任何损失、损害、或者责任赔偿该方,并使该方免受此类损害,除非是源于该方在本合同项下的违约所产生。
第3章 宗旨和经营范围
Article 3 Purpose and Business Scope
第3条 宗旨和经营范围
3.1 The Parties contemplated that the purpose of the JV Company is for the development and commercialization of the Licensed Technology for the Field of Use in the Territory, and for the purpose of engaging in all activities and transactions that are necessary in furtherance of that purpose. JV Company shall not engage in any other activity except as set forth above or otherwise provided under the Technology License and Collaboration Agreement, unless approved by the Board and subject to the unanimous consent provisions of Article 10.2 below.
3.2 For the purpose of the business registration of the JV Company with the competent AIC only and without prejudice to the other provisions of this Contract, all provisions of the Articles of Association (as set forth in Appendix A hereto), and all provisions of the Technology License and Collaboration Agreement (as set forth in Appendix B hereto), the business scope of the JV Company is “[develop, manufacture, import and distribute of the products of AR-101 and AR-301]” (detailed description of the business scope and business operation are subject to the specific requirements of the competent AIC, without any modifications or conditions that are reasonably unacceptable to either Party).
仅为合资公司向主管工商局进行商事登记的目的,在不影响本合同其它条款 及附件A章程和附件B技术许可和合作协议中所有条款的前提下,合资公司的经营范围是【开发、生产、进口和经销AR-101 和 AR-301产品。】 (营业范围和业务经营的详细描述,须根据主管工商局的具体要求而定,但不得强加任意一方合理不可接受的任何更改或者条件)。
第4章 投资总额和注册资本
Article 4 Total Investment
第4条 投资总额
4.1 The total investment of the JV Company shall be US$29,000,000.
第5条 注册资本
5.1 The registered capital of the JV Company shall be USD 11,760,000, among which:
合资公司的注册资本为 1176万美元,其中:
(a) Hepalink subscribes for and shall contribute USD 6 million (in equivalent RMB amount according to the applicable RMB-USD exchange rate published by People’s Bank of China on the date hereof) in cash, and shall comprise fifty-one percent (51%) of the total registered capital of the JV Company;
(b) Aridis subscribes for and shall contribute USD 5.76 million, among which (i) USD 1 million will be contributed in cash, and (ii) the remaining USD 4.76 million will be contributed through the grant to the JV Company of a license for the Field of Use of the Licensed Technology (which includes cell lines for AR301 and AR101 production, culture media, purification process and product technology, surrounding formulation technology, current and future know-how and clinical data and similar) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Technology License and Collaboration Agreement (as
set forth in Appendix B hereto),and shall comprise forty-nine percent (49%) of the total registered capital of the JV Company;
Aridis认缴出资576万美元,其中:(1)100万美元以现金形式出资,(2)其余476万美元,根据技术许可和合作协议(附件B)项下的条款和条件,以授予合资公司为了使用领域的被许可技术的许可(该许可包括了AR301和AR101生产的细胞系、培养基、提纯过程和产品技术、周边配方技术、现有的和未来的专有技术和临床数据及其类似)的方式出资,占合资公司总注册资本的百分之四十九(49%) 。
5.2 The initial capital contributions to be made by the Parties shall be paid by each Party within sixty (60) days of the Establishment Date.
5.3 The JV Company shall not borrow any funds from domestic or international banks or other financial institution or any third party, unless unanimously approved by the Board according to Article 10.2. Unless otherwise provided under this Contract, neither Party shall be obligated to lend funds to the JV Company or to guarantee loans from third parties or financial institutions.
5.4 In the event the JV Company proceeds with its future capital fundraising, which (i) should not be earlier than Jan 1, 2019, (ii) top-line clinical trial results of the first global AR-301 Phase 3 study is available, (iii) CFDA approval for phase III clinical trial in China mainland is granted, and (iv) Aridis has not breached any of its representations, warranties and covenants under Article 9 of the Technology License and Collaboration Agreement that could trigger termination of such Technology License and Collaboration Agreement, and as approved by the Board according to Article 10.2, Hepalink is obligated to make further investment of US$9,000,000 (or equivalent RMB amount) into the JV Company. Upon closing of such US$9,000,000 investment by Hepalink, the percentages of Equity Interests of Hepalink and Aridis at the JV Company shall be accordingly adjusted according to the following formula:
· Hepalink adjusted Equity Interest = (51% * Fair Market Value + US$9 million) / (Fair Market Value + US$9 million);
海普瑞调整后的股权利益= (51% * 公平市场价格+ 900万美元) / (公平市场价格+ 900万美元)
· Aridis adjusted Equity Interest = (49% * Fair Market Value) / (Fair Market Value + US$9 million)
Aridis调整后的股权利益= (49% * 公平市场价格) / (公平市场价格+ 900万美元)
“Fair Market Value” means the fair market value of the JV Company as a whole assuming a full and fair marketing process and shall be determined by an independent, nationally recognized valuation firm mutually agreed to by the Parties. The valuation of the third party valuation firm shall be binding on them and all expenses related to such valuation shall be borne by the JV Company.
5.5 A Party shall not mortgage or otherwise encumber all or any part of its contribution to the registered capital of the JV Company without of the prior written consent of the other Parties.
5.6 The JV Company shall issue to each Party investment certificate based upon the capital they subscribed respectively. The investment certificates shall include the following items:
合资公司应根据各方分别认缴的出资数额向各方出具出资证明书,出资 证明书应载明以下事项:
(a) name of the JV Company;
(b) registered capital of the JV Company;
(c) Establishment Date of the JV Company;
(d) date and amount of the capital contribution;
(e) date of issuance and the numbering of the investment certificate;
(f) seal of the JV Company; and
(g) signature of the Chairman of the Board
5.7 The JV Company shall record the shares held by the Parties in its shareholders’ register. The shareholders’ register shall include information such as name and address, capital contribution, and the number of the investment certificates of respective Parties. In the event of any change to such information, the JV Company shall promptly update the shareholders’ register and, where required under the Laws, file such change with the competent AIC in a timely manner.
合资公司应在其股东名册中记载各方的持股情况。股东名册应包含各方 各自的名称及地址、出资额和出资证明书编号等信息。如果此类信息发 生任何变更,合资公司应立即更新股东名册,并在中国法律要求时及时 向主管工商局就该等变更进行备案。
5.8 Should a Party fail to perform any capital contribution obligation under this Article 5 and further fail to rectify it within thirty (30) days of the due date, that Party shall pay to the JV Company default interest for the overdue payment at a rate equal to the then applicable interest rate of one (1) year term loans as published by the People’s Bank of China and pay to the other Parties default penalty for the overdue payment at the rate of 0.05% per day of default, both from the first day of overdue until the overdue payment is fully made. If the defaulting Party fails to pay such default interest, the JV Company will be entitled to deduct such interest from the profit or any other amounts payable to
that Party. If a Party does not contribute the registered capital it subscribes for in full within sixty (60) days of the due date, the other Parties shall have the right to, upon the written notice to the first Party the JV Company within thirty (30) days after the expiry of the aforesaid sixty(60) day period, terminate this Contract according to Article 20, or subscribe for and contribute all or any portion of the pro rata registered capital not contributed by the first Party the shareholding percentage of the Parties in the registered capital of the JV Company shall be adjusted accordingly.
如果一方未能履行本第5条项下的任何出资义务,且未能于该出资期限到期 后三十(30)天内改正,则该方应就逾期款项向合资公司支付违约利息,利率 相当于中国人民银行公布的届时适用的一(1)年期定期贷款基准利率;并就逾 期款项向其他方支付违约罚金,利率为每日0.05%,违约利息和违约罚金均 自逾期首日起计算直至该逾期款项足额缴付之日。如违约一方未能支付该等 违约利息,合资公司有权从应向该方支付的利润或任何其他款项中扣除该等 利息。如果一方未能于出资期限届满后六十(60)天内缴足其认缴的注册资本, 其他方有权在上述六十(60)天过后的三十(30)天内向前一方和合资公司发出 书面通知,依据第17.1条终止本合同,或对前一方未缴付的按比例认缴的注册资本中的全部或任何部分予以认缴并出资,并且各方在合资公司注册资本 中所占的股权利益比例应相应调整。
5.9 No Party may Transfer (or offer or agree to Transfer) all or any part of any interest in any Equity Interest except (i) with the prior written consent of the other Party, which consent may be withheld in its sole description, and (ii) in accordance with this Contract, and (iii) to such Party’s Permitted Transferees. Each transferee of Equity Interests shall, as a condition prior to such Transfer, execute and deliver to the JV Company a joinder (in form and substance reasonably acceptable to the Board) of or counterpart to this Contract pursuant to which such transferee shall agree to be bound by the provisions of this Contract.
5.10 Except for Transfers to Permitted Transferees, a Party seeking to effect a Transfer (such Party, the “Offering Party”) of any Equity Securities (the “Offered Securities”) shall first give to the JV Company and the other Party
written noticed signed by the Offering Party (a “Offer Notice”) stating (a) the Offering Party’s bona fide intention to Transfer such Offered Securities; (b) the number of Offered Securities; (c) the name, address and relationship, if any, to the Offering Party of the proposed transferee (the “Proposed Transferee”); and (d) the bona fide cash price or, in reasonable detail, other consideration for which the Offering Party proposes to Transfer such Offered Securities (the “Offered Price”). The other Party shall have the right, but not the obligation, to purchase the Offered Securities (the “Right of First Refusal”). If the other Party (the “Electing Party”) desires to purchase the Offered Securities, then the Electing Party must, within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the Offer Notice (the “Refusal Period”), give written notice (the “Election Notice”) to the Offering Party of the Electing Party’s election to purchase the Offered Securities. The Right of First Refusal shall automatically expire at the end of the Refusal Period unless exercised prior to the end of the Refusal Period. The purchase price for the Offered Securities purchased by the Electing Party shall be the Offered Price, and shall be made within thirty (30) days after the Election Notice. If the other Party declines to exercise the Right of First Refusal, then the Offering Party may Transfer the Offered Securities to the Proposed Transferee at the Offered Price. If a Party declines to exercise its Right of First Refusal, then the Offering Party may transfer the applicable portion of the Offered Shares to the Proposed Transferee at no less than the Offered Price, but only if such transfer occurs within ninety (90) days after expiration of the Refusal Period.
除转让给许可的受让方外,寻求出售股权利益(以下简称”要约股权”)的一方 (以下简称”要约方”)应首先向公司和另一方发出一份由要约方签署的书面通知 (以下简称”要约通知”),其中说明 (a) 要约人系善意转让要约股份;(b) 要约股份的数目;(c) 拟受让方(以下简称”拟受让方”) 的名称、地址和其与要约方的关系(如有);(d) 要约方拟转让要约股份的每股价格 (以下简称”要约价格”),该价格应当全部为现金。另一方(按其各自的股份份额) 应有权而不是有义务购买要约股份 (以下简称”优先购买权”)。如果另一方 (以下简称”选择方”) 意欲按其持有的股份比例购买要约股权的,选择方应当在收到要约通知之日起的三十 (30) 天(以下简称”优先期”)内,将决定购买该部分要约股份的书面通知 (以下简称”选择通知”) 提供给要约方。优先购买权应当在优先期届满时自动终止,除非该股东在拒绝期到期前行使其权利。选择方购买要约股份的购买价格应与上述”要约价格”一致,并应在发出选择通知后的六十 (60) 天内支付。如果一方当事人拒绝行使优先购买权,则要约方可将要约股份的相应部分以不低于要约价格的价格转让给拟受让方,但仅限于当该等转优先拒绝期届满之日后的九十 (90) 天内发生。
5.11 Any increase or decrease of the registered capital of the JV Company must be: (a) approved unanimously by the Board and (b) submitted to the competent Record-filing Authority for approval or filing for recordation. Upon such approval or filing for recordation, the JV Company shall register the increase or decrease of the registered capital with the competent Governmental Entity. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, each Party shall contribute to any increase or bear its proportionate share of the decrease in proportion to its Equity Interest at the time of the increase or decrease of the registered capital.
第5章 合资公司的业务经营
Article 6 Business Operation of Joint Venture
第6条 合资公司的业务经营
6.1 The JV Company under this Contract will focus on the development and commercialization of the Licensed Technology for the Field of Use in the Territory, as licensed by Aridis under Technology License and Collaboration Agreement in Appendix B.
6.2 As soon as practicable after the establishment of the JV Company, Hepalink or its Affiliate shall enter into a lease agreement with the JV Company in the form attached hereto as Appendix C, under which Hepalink or its Affiliate provides the JV Company with office space and laboratory facilities at the Hepalink headquarter in Shenzhen of approximately 200m2 at a reasonable market rental rate for [ten (10) years]. Subject to the lease agreement the form of which is set forth as Appendix C hereto, (i) the initial rental fee for the office space is predicted to be RMB120-140 per square meter per month, while laboratory equipment rental is subject to the amount of device to rented, and (ii) the JV Company may early terminate the lease at its discretion subject to the approval by the Board.
件C所示的租赁协议, 在该租赁协议项下,海普瑞或其关联公司将向合资公司提供位于海普瑞深圳总部的大约200平方米的办公室空间和实验室场地,按照合理市场租赁价格,租期为3年。根据该租赁协议(格式详见本合同附件C),(1)初始的办公室空间的租赁费用约为每月每平方米120-140人民币,实验室设备租赁将视实际租赁的设备数量而定;(2)合资公司可根据其自身选择,依据董事会的批准,提早终止该租赁。
6.3 Upon the formation of the JV Company, Hepalink shall provide the JV Company with PRC clinical and regulatory personnel services for clinical and regulatory review, application and filing procedures in the Territory (such services are expected to comprise no more than 5 senior staff and no more than 100 hours per month total), and Aridis shall provide the JV Company with clinical and regulatory personnel services to assist in coordination of the execution of the clinical study in China, and also with CMC personnel services for drug supply and manufacturing planning (to the extent such services are reasonably required by JV Company; such services are expected to comprise no more than 100 hours per month total). If personnel services are required by the JV Company in excess of the total expectations noted above, then the Parties shall meet and agree upon hourly or other compensation by the JV Company to the Party supplying such services. .
第6章 各方的责任和陈述与保证
Article 7 Responsibilities of Each Party
第7条 各方的责任
7.1 The Parties shall cooperate with each other and with the JV Company in order to achieve the objective of the JV Company in accordance with this Contract. Hepalink and Aridis shall cause its appointed Directors to take all the necessary
actions and cause all the necessary actions to be taken so that the Parties may exercise and fully enjoy its rights and interests under this Contract.
各方应相互合作,并与合资公司合作,以根据本合同实现合资公司的目标。 海普瑞和Aridis应促成其任命的董事采取一切必要的行动,并促成一切必要的行动被采取,以使各方可以行使并充分享有其在本合同项下的权利和利益。
7.2 Hepalink shall assist the JV Company in properly proceeding with the applications with competent Governmental Entities and assisting the JV Company in properly obtaining any and all approvals, registrations or licenses required for the establishment and operation of the JV Company in the manner contemplated by this Contract.
7.3 Aridis shall provide necessary reasonable assistance to Hepalink to obtain the approvals, registrations or licenses mentioned in Article 7.2 above.
7.4 Subject to other provisions contained in this Contract, any expenses incurred by a Party due to its performance of the foregoing responsibilities or otherwise prior to the establishment of the JV Company (except for the expenses that for preparing and concluding this Contract, the Technology License and Collaboration Agreement by the Parties, and obtaining the approvals and registration of the establishment of the JV Company, which shall be borne by the JV Company) shall be borne solely by that Party shall not be charged to the JV Company, unless otherwise agreed upon by all Parties expressly in this Contract or separately in writing. Any expenses in relation to the operation of the JV Company subsequent to its establishment shall be borne by the JV Company.
受限于本合同的其他规定,除非各方在本合同或另行签订的其它书面文件 中明确约定,一方因履行其上述责任而发生的或在合资公司成立之前另行 发生的任何费用(除各方筹备和缔结本合同以及技术许可和合作协议以及获取合资公司成立之审批和登记的必要费用,应由合资公司承担之外)应由该方独自承担,并且不得向合资公司收取。合资公司成立后,任何与合资公司运营相关的费用应由合资公司承担。
第8条 陈述与保证
8.1 Each Party represents and warrants to the other Party that: (i) it is a duly organized and validly existing legal person in its jurisdiction of formation and has the full power and right to conduct its business in accordance with its business licenses, articles of association or similar corporate constitutional documents; (ii) it possesses full power and authority to enter into this Contract and to perform its obligations hereunder; (iii) its representative whose signature is affixed hereto has been fully authorized to sign this Contract and to bind the respective Party hereby; (iv) as of the effective date hereof, the provisions of this Contract constitute its legal, valid and binding obligations (except as limited by applicable bankruptcy Laws affecting enforcement of creditors’ rights generally and similar Laws); (v) its execution and delivery of this Contract and the fulfillment of its obligations hereunder do not and will not (a) conflict with or result in default of the business license, articles of association and similar constitutional documents of such Party, (b) result in any breach, default, conflict, non-performance or non-performance event under any contract, agreement or license to which it is a party or its assets or operation is subject, or (c) conflict with or result in default of any Laws applicable to such Party; and (vi) except the consents that have been obtained or that are expressly provided herein, none of (a) its execution, delivery or performance of this Contract, nor (b) the consummation of any transaction contemplated hereunder will require such Party to make or obtain any consent, waiver, approval, authorization, exemption, registration, license or announcement.
第7章 合资公司的董事会和监事
Article 9 Board
第9条 董事会
9.1 The JV Company shall establish a board of directors (the “Board”). The Board shall consist of 5 Directors, among which Hepalink shall appoint three (3) Directors, Aridis shall appoint the remaining two (2) Directors. The term of office of each Director shall be four (4) years. Each Party may remove any of the Directors it appointed from time to time, provided that it shall simultaneously appoint a new Director to replace the one removed and shall notify the other Party and the JV Company in writing of such replacement. If a Director dies, resigns or is removed prior to the end of his/her term of office, the Party appointing that Director shall forthwith appoint a replacement for that Director and shall notify the other Party and the JV Company in writing of such appointment. Parties further agree that in the event that the composition or size of the Board is changed as a result of future financing or equity sale of the JV Company, both Parties, at their best efforts, will secure that Hepalink hold at least 3 seats and Aridis holds at least 2 seats, at the adjusted Board.
合资公司应设董事会(“董事会”)。董事会由五(5)名董事组成,其中海普瑞应委派三(3)名董事,Aridis应委派其余两(2)名董事。每一董事的任期为 四(4)年。每一方可不时免职其委派的任何董事,但其应同时委派一名新董事以替代被免职的董事,并应向其他各方和合资公司书面通知该等更换事宜。如某一董事在其任期结束前死亡、辞职或被免职,则委派该董事的一方应立即委派一名董事,以替代该死亡、辞职或被免职的董事,并应向其他各方和合资公司书面通知该等更换事宜。双方进一步同意若董事会的组成或者规模由于合资公司未来融资或者股权出售而改变,则双方应尽其最大努力保证在调整后的董事会中海普瑞掌握至少3席董事,Aridis掌握至少2席董事。
9.2 The Board shall have a chairman (the “Chairman”), who will be nominated by Hepalink, and a vice chairman, who will be nominated by Aridis. The Chairman shall serve as the legal representative of the JV Company and has the powers outlined below and other powers delegated to him/her pursuant to the applicable Laws, resolution by the Board and/or written agreement among the Parties:
Aridis 任命。董事长是合资公司的法定代表人且具有下述权力,以及 依照相关法律、董事会决议和/或各方书面协议所授予的其它权力:
(a) be responsible for convening and presiding over meetings of the Board; if the Chairman is unable to convene or preside over a meeting of the Board, the Chairman shall designate another Director, with the same power and authority, to convene and preside over that meeting;
(b) to exercise the same authority as each other Director of the JV Company, such as casting one (1) vote equal in weight to the votes of each other Director at meetings of the Board; and
(c) other rights stipulated by the Laws, regulations, and the Articles of Association of the JV Company.
For avoidance of doubt, the Chairman shall have no right to an additional or casting vote.
9.3 Each Party shall cause each of its appointed Directors to perform his/her duties in good faith and in accordance with the applicable Laws, this Contract and Appendix A with the care that an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would exercise under similar circumstances.
9.4 The JV Company shall provide reimbursement to the Directors for any reasonable travel expenses actually incurred for attending Board Meetings. Apart from such reimbursement, the Directors are not entitled to any salary or any form of fringe benefits, awards or reimbursements for their position as a Director.
第10条 董事会的权力
10.1 The Board is the highest authority of the JV Company and shall have the powers and duties for the overall management and operation of the JV Company as set forth in the applicable Laws, this Contract, Appendix A. Any resolutions (except for the Reserved Matters provided under Article 10.2) shall be adopted by an affirmative vote of at least simple majority of the Directors present (in person or by proxy) at a duly convened Board Meeting, among which shall include at least one (1) Director of Hepalink and one (1) Director of Aridis.
董事会是合资公司的最高权力机关,具有相关法律、本合同和附属合同A中规定的全面管理和经营合资公司的权力和职责。任何决议(第 10.2款项下规定的保留事项除外)应由正式召开的董事会会议的与会董事(无论是亲自或派代理人参加)投票表决通过,中至少简单多数(即超过半数)投票表决通过,其中须包括至少一(1)名海普瑞的董事和一(1)名Aridis的董事。
10.2 Unless otherwise agreed among the Parties in writing, the following matters (the “Reserved Matters”) shall require an unanimous approval of the Board:
(1) approval of any agreements, documents or other arrangements between or involving the JV Company and any shareholder or affiliate thereof, as well as any amendment, consent or waiver with respect to such arrangements;
(2) removal of a Director other than by the Party which designated the Director to be removed;
(3) approval of the appointment of the members of any committee established by the Board;
(4) terms of any employment agreements with the Officers of the JV Company;
(5) approval of, and amendment to, any budgets, assessments or financial plans of any applicable fiscal period, or commercial and operational plan of the JV Company (collectively, the “Business Plan”);
(6) approval of agreements providing for the payment or receipt in excess of US$100,000 which is out of the Business Plan approved by the Board;
(7) all transactions regarding buildings and land, including the lease, purchase, sale and mortgage thereof;
(8) individual plans and projects which are capital in nature and for which the anticipated expenditure will exceed US$100,000 which is out of the Business Plan approved by the Board;
(9) providing loans, guarantees, or other extensions of credit other than in the ordinary course of business;
(10) amendment of the Articles of Association of the JV Company;
(11) merger into or with or acquisition of all or part of the business of another person or entity; sale, lease, transfer, or other disposition of the assets of the
JV Company having a fair market value, sale price, or book value at time of disposition greater than US$100,000 which is out of the Business Plan approved by the Board;
(12) liquidation, dissolution, winding up or any Bankruptcy Event of the JV Company;
(13) fixing compensation of the Officers, including bonuses;
(14) declaration and distribution of dividends (except as otherwise provided under Article 16.3 below);
(15) appointment, removal or change of any Officer;
(16) any material change in the business of the JV Company;
(17) issuance, purchase or redemption by the JV Company of any securities of the JV Company and any increase or reduction in the capitalization of the JV Company;
(18) any financing, fundraising, or borrowing of funds by the JV Company greater than US$100,000, as long as the Equity Interests of both Parties remain unchanged; and
(19) Any engagement of business , or attempt to engage such business, exceeding the scope specified under Article 3.1 above.
第11条 董事会会议
11.1 The quorum for a Board Meeting shall require the presence in person or by proxy of at least four-fifth (4/5) of all Directors including one Director appointed by Hepalink and Aridis respectively. Resolutions adopted by any Board Meeting shall be invalid unless the quorum is satisfied. In the event of failure to constitute the quorum in this Article, the Chairman shall have the right to call a second meeting of the Board and any director absent from this second meeting without legitimate reason and without a proxy is deemed to have attended the meeting but to have abstained from voting.
董事会会议应由全体董事中至少三分之二(2/3)(包括至少一(1)名分别由海普瑞和Aridis委派的董事)亲自出席或委托代理人出席方构成法定人数。 如出席董事未达到上述要求,董事会会议通过的任何决议均为无效。若未达到本条所规定的法定人数,董事长应有权提请召开第二次董事会;任何无合法理由缺席第二次董事会且未委托代理人出席的董事,将被视作已经实际出席了该董事会会议,但无权参加投票。
11.2 Each Director shall cast one (1) equal vote on each matter to be resolved by the Board. Any Director may attend a Board Meeting by proxy, provided that such Director shall, prior to the meeting, deliver to the Chairman the written power of attorney, in which the name and authority of the proxy shall be specified. The proxy may be another Director or any other representative authorized by the Director using the proxy.
每一董事就董事会每一决议事项享有一(1)票同等表决权。任何董事均可委托代理人出席董事会会议,但前提是该董事应在会议之前将载明代理人姓 名和权限的书面授权提交董事长。代理人可以是另一名董事或使用代理人 的该名董事授权的任何其他代表。
11.3 A regular annual Board Meeting shall be convened within thirty (30) days after the issuance of the audited annual financial report of the JV Company or four
(4) months after the end of each fiscal year, whichever comes first (“Regular Board Meeting”).
年度例行董事会会议应于合资公司经审计的年度财务报告出具之后三十 (30)天或每一财务年度结束后四(4)个月之内(以较早者为准)召开(“例行董事 会会议”)。
11.4 Upon the request of any two (2) Directors or one (1) of the Supervisors or otherwise pursuant to this Contract and the Articles of Association, the Chairman shall convene an interim Board Meeting (“Interim Board Meeting”).
经任意两(2)名董事或一(1)名监事要求,或另行根据本合同和章程的规定, 董事长应召集临时董事会会议(“临时董事会会议”)。
11.5 Unless otherwise expressly provided in this Contract, for any Board Meeting, a written notice of the time, place of the meeting shall be delivered by the Chairman to each Director by hand, email or telecopy at least three (3) Business Days prior to the meeting or such other period as agreed upon by all Directors. The written notice shall include an agenda of businesses to be transacted at the Board Meeting (“Meeting Agenda”). For any businesses a Director intends to transact at the Board Meeting, it shall submit such businesses to the Chairman for the Chairman to include in the Meeting Agenda. The Board Meeting shall not discuss any matters outside the Meeting Agenda, unless otherwise agreed by all Directors in office unanimously in writing. Any meeting notice to a Director shall be deemed received if delivered to the address or the telecopy number or the email address designated by that Director in writing. Unless otherwise provided in this Contract or approved by all Directors in writing, resolutions or decisions adopted or made in a Board Meeting shall not be valid unless proper meeting notices have been delivered in accordance with this Article 11.5.
除非本合同中另有明确规定,就任何董事会会议而言,一份列明会议时间、地点的书面通知应由董事长于会议前至少三(3)个营业日或全体董事同意的其他期限内通过专人递送、电子邮件或传真的方式递交至每一董事。书面会议通知应包括董事会会议待议事项的议程(“会议议程”)。如果有董事有意在董事会会议上讨论任何事项,其应当将该事项提交董事长,由董事长列入会议议程。除全体在任董事一致书面同意外,董事会会议不得讨论会议议程之外的事项。 致某一董事的任何会议通知,若已递交至该董事书面指定的地址、传真号码或电子邮件地址,则应被视为已由该董事收讫。除非本合同中另行规定或全体董事另行书面批准,董事会会议通过或作出的决议或
决定,仅在适当的会 议通知已根据本第11.5款递交的情况下方为有效。
11.6 In case that an urgent Board Meeting needs to be convened, the requirement on prior notice of Board Meetings provided in Article 11.5 may be waived by unanimous consent by all Directors. Furthermore, in respect of a Director who has not received the meeting notice before a Board Meeting, (a) such Director may waive the meeting notice in writing before or after the meeting; and (b) such Director’s presence at that meeting in person or by proxy shall constitute a waiver of notice of that meeting, unless such Director attends that meeting for the express purpose of objecting, at the beginning of the meeting, to the improper notice on that meeting. For the avoidance of any doubt, when a meeting notice is waived for any Board Meeting, the meeting shall still proceed in accordance with the Meeting Agenda.
如果需要召集紧急董事会会议,经全体董事一致同意,可以豁免第11.5款规 定的董事会会议之前的事先通知要求。此外,就未于董事会会议前收到会议通知的某一董事而言,(a)该董事可于会议之前或之后以书面方式放弃会议通知;及(b)该董事亲自出席或委托代理人出席该会议应构成对该会议之通知的放弃,除非该董事出席该会议的明确目的就是为了在会议开始时对该会议的不适当通知提出异议。为避免疑义,任何已豁免会议通知的董事会会议,仍应按照会议议程进行。
11.7 A Board Meeting may be held via conference telephone, video conference or similar communications equipment by means of which all persons present at the meeting is audible to each other. The resolutions adopted by the Board Meeting held in the aforesaid manner shall be signed in writing by all the Directors present at the meeting.
董事会会议可通过电话会议、视频会议或者使用全部与会人士可互相���到 的类似通讯设备进行。采用上述方式举行的董事会会议通过的决议应经所 有与会的董事书面签署
11.8 The minutes and/or resolutions of each Board Meeting shall be prepared in both Chinese and English languages and a transcript of the minutes and/or resolutions shall be delivered to each Director, as well as to each Party, within ten (10) Business Days after the meeting, unless otherwise agreed to by all Directors present at that meeting in person or by proxy. Both the Chinese and English language versions of the minutes and/or resolutions shall be equally authentic and be of the same legal effect. The original copy of the minutes and/or resolutions shall be kept in the JV Company.
除非全体董事另行同意,每一次董事会会议的会议记录和/或决议应同时以 中文和英文制备,并且,该等会议记录和/或决议的一份誊本应在会议后的 十(10)个营业日内交付至各董事以及合同各方。中文和英文文本的会议记录 和/或决议应同等可信,并具有相同的法律效力。会议记录和/或决议的正本 应由合资公司保管。
11.9 The Board shall hold the first Board Meeting within sixty (60) Business Days after the Establishment Date. At the first meeting, the Directors shall discuss, among other things, the following matters:
董事会应在成立日期后三十(30)个营业日之内召开第一次董事会会议。在第 一次会议上,除其他事项外,董事应当讨论下述事项:
(a) the initial financial and accounting system of the JV Company;
(b) to approve the initial Business Plan and budgets of the JV Company;
(c) to decide on the remuneration, management authority and appointment of the Officers; and
(d) other matters to be discussed and decided by the Board
11.10 If any Party fails to obtain the support of a sufficient number of the Board appointed by the other Party for a resolution requiring unanimous vote of the Board, and such Party notifies the other Party in writing that such failure will materially adversely affect the JV Company (“Deadlock”), the Chairman shall prepare and deliver a full report regarding the unsuccessfully resolved matter to the chief executives of each of the Parties within thirty (30) days from the date of above notice. The chief executives of the Parties shall have an additional thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of such report or such longer period as they may agree to successfully conciliate such matter. If the chief executives of the Parties do not successfully resolve such matter during such relevant period, then the following procedures may be elected:
(a) Either Party may file arbitration pursuant to Article 27.1 below; or
(b) Either Party may terminate this Contract pursuant to Article 20.1 below.
第12条 监事
12.1 The JV Company shall have two (2) individual supervisors (“Supervisors”). Each of Hepalink and Aridis shall appoint one (1) Supervisor. The term of office of each Supervisor shall be three (3) years. A Director or an Officer of the JV Company cannot be a Supervisor.
合资公司设两(2)名个人监事(“监事”)。海普瑞和Aridis每一方各委派一 (1)名监事。每一监事的任期为三(3)年。合资公司的董事或高级管理人员不可兼任监事。
12.2 Each Supervisor shall exercise the following powers:
(a) to check on the financial affairs of the JV Company;
(b) to monitor performance of duties by the Directors and Officers of the JV Company, and to propose to the Parties and the JV Company the dismissal of any Director or Officer who has committed any act in contravention of any Law, this Contract, or the Articles of Association;
于违反任何法律、本合同或章程规定的任何董事或高级管理人员,向 各方及合资公司提出罢免的建议;
(c) to propose convening of Interim Board Meetings, and to attend any Board Meeting and submit motions, questions or proposals at the meeting (but the Supervisors shall not have any voting power at any Board Meeting); and
提议召开临时董事会会议,出席任何董事会会议并在会议上提交提 案、询问或建议(但监事在任何董事会会议上不享有任何表决权); 及
(d) to request the Directors and/or Officers of the JV Company to correct their actions that harm the interests of the JV Company.
12.3 Each Supervisor is entitled to attend the Board meetings, and may raise questions or suggestions about the matters to be decided by the Board. If a Supervisor finds that the JV Company is running abnormally, then such Supervisor may conduct investigations. If necessary, a Supervisor may hire an accounting firm, at the JV Company’s expense, to help.
12.4 The Supervisors shall keep minutes on the resolutions of the issues with signatures of present Supervisors.
12.5 The JV Company shall bear all costs incurred by the Supervisors in connection with the performance of their duties.
第13条 管理人员
13.1 The senior officers of the JV Company (“Officers”), the office term of each
of whom shall be three (3) years, shall include:
合资公司的高级管理人员(“高级管理人员”)包括下列人员,每名高级管理人 员任期(3)年:
(a) a CEO, to be in charge of the ordinary operation and management of the JV Company (“CEO”), approved by unanimous consent of the Board;
(b) a CFO, to be in charge of finance, accounting, finance related internal control and tax, selected by the CEO and approved by unanimous consent of the Board;
(c) department managers, to be in charge of respective department of the JV Company, selected and approved by the CEO;
13.2 Except for the Reserved Matters and other matters requiring consent by the Board according to this Contract and the Articles of Association, and under the authorization resolution by the Board, the CEO shall be responsible to the Board directly, carry out the decisions of the Board and manage the daily operations of the JV Company for following matters:
(a) Implementing the annual Business Plan;
(b) Implementing the Board resolutions;
(c) Nominating other managerial personnel;
(d) Appointing and removing employees of the JV Company except for the Officers;
(e) Directing and supervising the other Officers which shall report to him/her according to this Contract, the Articles of Association and the resolutions of the Board;
指导和监督依据本合同和章程的规定以及董事会的决定向其报告的 其他高级管理人员;
(f) Developing and maintaining customers;
(g) Formulating and submitting to the Board for approval the internal organizational and management structure of the JV Company; and
(h) Other powers as delegated by the Board according to this Contract.
13.3 All Officers must have customary non-compete obligation under their employment contracts that prohibits any direct or indirect competition against the JV Company or its shareholders.
第14条 员工和工会
14.1 The CEO shall prepare the outlines regarding the employment, termination, salary, labor insurance, benefits and incentive plans of the employees of the JV
Company in accordance with the applicable Laws, and shall submit the outlines to the Board for approval. The CEO shall implement the outlines approved by the Board in respect of employment related matters.
CEO应按照相关法律拟定有关合资公司员工的雇佣、终止雇佣、工资、劳 动保险、福利和激励计划的纲要,并将纲要提交董事会审批。CEO应实施 经董事会批准的有关劳动相关事宜的纲要。
14.2 The Parties acknowledge that the staff and workers of the JV Company shall have the right to establish a trade union in accordance with the applicable PRC Laws. The activities of the trade union shall not interfere with the normal operations of the JV Company and shall comply with applicable PRC Laws.
各方确认:合资公司的职员和员工有权按照适用的中国法律建立工会。 工会的活动不得干扰合资公司的正常运营,并应遵守适用的中国法律。
14.3 Each Party may recommend to the JV Company certain management or technical personnel to be employed by the JV Company. The terms of the employment contracts between the JV Company and such personnel shall be consistent with the outlines approved by the Board.
每一方均可向合资公司推荐待由合资公司雇佣的某些管理或技术人员。合 资公司与该等人员之间的劳动合同条款应由董事会批准的纲要相一致。
14.4 All employees of the JV Company shall execute Confidentiality and Invention Assignment Agreements. Each Party shall, at all times during the term of the JV Company and thereafter, use its reasonable efforts to safeguard the secrecy of any of the JV Company’s confidential information, including marketing plans, customer information, technical information, or financial information.
第15条 财务和会计
15.1 Financial and Accounting System.
(a) The finance and accounting of the JV Company shall be handled in accordance with the regulations formulated by the Ministry of Finance of the People’s
Republic of China.
(b) The fiscal year of the JV Company shall be calendar year from January 1 to December 31. All vouchers,receipts,accounting statements and reports,and accounting books shall be written in Chinese and English.
(c) The JV Company adopts RMB as its accounts keeping unit. The conversion of RMB into other currency shall be in accordance with the exchange rate of the converting day published by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange Control of the People’s Republic of China.
(d) The JV Company shall adopt the internationally used accrual basis and debit and credit accounting system
(e) The JV Company shall, based on sound business practices, maintain its books and records and implement and maintain an adequate system of procedures and controls with respect to finance, management, and accounting that meets international standards of good practice and is reasonably satisfactory to both Parties to provide reasonable assurance that: (i) transactions by it are executed in accordance with management’s general or specific authorization, (ii) transactions by it are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in conformity with the PRC Accounting Principles and to maintain asset accountability; (iii) access to its assets is permitted only in accordance with management’s general or specific authorization, (iv) the recorded inventory of assets is compared with the existing tangible assets at reasonable intervals and appropriate action is taken with respect to any material differences, (v) segregating duties for cash deposits, cash reconciliation, cash payment, proper approval is established, and (vi) no personal asset or bank account of any employee, director or officer of the JV Company is mixed with the asset or bank account of the JV Company and the JV Company will not use the personal bank account of any of its employees, directors or officers in the course
of its business operation. The JV Company shall also prepare management accounts in accordance with the forms approved by the Board (including the management accounts prepared according to US GAAP for Aridis) and enter the financial information into the financial reporting system of each Party on a monthly basis. Each Party has the right, upon reasonable request, to copies of the JV Company’s tax returns and reports, if any, and copies of the monthly, quarterly and year-end financial statements of the JV Company.
15.2 Auditing.
(a) Each Party may examine (including using third parties to assist with such examination) the books and records of the JV Company at such Party’s own expense. The JV Company shall fully and promptly cooperate with such examination.
(b) The Board shall each year select and appoint as its independent auditor (the “Auditor”) an accounting firm registered in the PRC that is acceptable to both Parties to audit its financial statements and other relevant documents, which Auditor shall be capable of performing accounting and auditing work meeting both PRC domestic accounting standards and the international accounting standards. The JV Company shall be solely responsible for all the costs and
expenses relating to such independent audit. The results of the Auditor’s examination shall be reported to the Board and the general manager within three (3) months of the end of each financial year. The aforesaid financial reports shall be prepared in both Chinese and English.
15.3 Tax.
(a) The JV Company and the Parties shall pay the various taxes in accordance with the Laws of the PRC relating to foreign invested enterprises, treaties or multilateral agreements to which the PRC government is a party. The JV Company’s Chinese and foreign employees shall pay personal income taxes in accordance with the Laws and regulations of the PRC.
(b) The depreciation period for the fixed assets of the JV Company shall be decided in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Enterprise Income Tax by the Board.
(c) The Parties shall use reasonable efforts to obtain for the JV Company, the Parties and all personnel thereof all relevant tax exemption and reduction, privilege and preferential treatment available currently or subsequently under the Laws of the PRC or any international treaty or agreement the PRC has concluded or will conclude to which the PRC is a party.
15.4 Foreign Exchange
All matters concerning foreign exchange shall be handled in accordance with the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Foreign Exchange Control and other relevant regulations.
15.5 Bank Accounts.
The JV Company shall open accounts in RMB and foreign currency with Bank of China or other banks approved by the Bank of China.
15.6 Insurance.
The JV Company shall, at its own expense and at all times, purchase and maintain from reputable insurance companies within the PRC full and adequate insurance customarily required for the JV Company’s business against loss or damage by fire and such other risks as may be decided by the Board or are customarily insured against.
第16条 利润分配
16.1 The JV Company shall allocate reserve funds,expansion funds, and bonuses and welfare funds for staff from the after-tax profits. The proportions of the allocation shall be decided by the Board according to the situation of the JV Company annually.
16.2 The Parties distribute the after-tax-and-fund profits according to the proportion of each Party’s contribution in the registered capital.
16.3 Distribution of profit shall be at the discretion of the Parties subject to the Board’s approval in accordance with Article 10.2 above. Should either Hepalink or Aridis requests distribution of profit in any applicable fiscal year, the Parties and the JV Company and its Board shall all not unreasonably withhold consent to such distribution, provided that JV Company retains sufficient assets to reasonably execute the Business Plan.
16.4 Losses of the previous fiscal year shall be covered before profit distribution of the JV Company. Undistributed profits of the previous fiscal year may be incorporated into the current fiscal year profits.
16.5 The Parties declare that it is their intention to distribute the maximum amount possible by way of dividends. In evaluating any board resolution for the award of dividends, the Board shall take into consideration, inter alia, the following factors in respect of the JV Company, namely: long and short term liquidity requirements; cash flow requirements and projections; current, contingent and long term liabilities; and generally, the financial stability and well being of the JV Company.
第8章 竞业禁止与保密
Article 17 Non-Competition
第17条 竞业禁止
17.1 For the purpose of this Contract, each Party undertakes that during the term of this Contract:
(a) it will not, and will procure none of its Affiliate, whether directly or indirectly, engage in the same or similar business related to AR301 and AR101 targeting indication as that of the JV Company, solely or in cooperation with others in the Territory with respect to the Field of Use;
(b) it will procure none of its staff relating to Licensed Technology and product development expertise, whether directly or indirectly, engage in the same or similar business as that of the JV Company, solely or in cooperation with others in the Territory with respect to the Field of Use; and
其将促使其与被许可技术和产品开发特长相关的员工不会在区域内与使用领域相关,直接或间接从事与本合同项下的业务相同或相类似的业务,无论其是独资经营或 与其他方合作经营; 及
(c) it will not sell the same or similar products as that of the JV Company in the Territory with respect to the Field of Use, even if it may engage in the same or similar business outside the Territory.
即使其在区域外与使用领域相关,从事相同或相类似的商业活动,其不会直接或间接 生产与合资公司相同或相类似的产品在区域内销售。
Article 18 Confidentiality
第18条 保密
18.1 All technology, know-how, techniques, trade secrets, trade practices, methods, specifications, designs and other proprietary information disclosed by either Party to the JV Company or any other Party under the terms of this Contract or any other Transaction Document, or developed by the JV Company, as well as the terms of this
Contract and other confidential business and technical information (collectively, “Confidential Information”) shall be used by the JV Company and any Party, as well as their respective Affiliates or Representatives, solely for the JV Company’s account and purposes. Each Party and the JV Company shall maintain the secrecy of all Confidential Information that may be disclosed or furnished to it by the JV Company or the other Party, and it shall not disclose or reveal any such Confidential Information to any third party absent explicit written authorization from the Board or the relevant disclosing Party, as the case may be. Confidential Information shall exclude information that the receiving Party can demonstrate by reasonably detailed written documentation: (a) was independently developed by the receiving Party without any use of or access to the disclosing Party’s Confidential Information; (b) became known to the receiving Party, without restriction, from a source (having a right to disclose such information) other than the disclosing Party without breach of this Contract; (c) was generally available in the public domain at the time it was disclosed or enters the public domain through no act or omission of the receiving Party; (d) was rightfully known by the receiving party, without restriction, at the time of disclosure; or (e) was approved for disclosure by the disclosing Party beforehand and in writing.
合资公司及任意一方及其关联方或代表只有为公司的利益和目的才能使用任何一方根据本合同或任何其他交易文件的条款或因其他原因透露给公司或任意其他一方的,或由公司开发的所有技术、技巧、工艺、行业秘密、行业惯例、方法、规格、设计和其他专有资料,以及本合同的条款及其他保密的商业和技术信息(以下合称”保密信息”)。每一方和合资公司对合资公司或另一方可能向其透露或提供的所有保密信息应负责保密,未得董事会或有关一方(视情况而定)明确的书面授权,不得将此种保密信息透露或泄露给任何第三者。 保密信息不应包括接受方能用足够详细的书面文件证明属于如下情况的信息:(a)接受方未通过使用或获取披露方的保密信息而独立开发的信息;(b)接受方在未违反本合同的情况下从披露方之外的来源(其有权利披露此等信息)不受限制地知晓的信息;(c)披露时已为公众广泛了解的信息或非因接受方的行为或不作为而进入公众领域的信息;(d)披露时已由接受方不受限制地合理知晓的信息; 或(e)经披露方事先书面批准披露的信息。
18.2 Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential Information obtained by a Party that is restricted hereunder may be disclosed by such Party to its Affiliates, or the Representatives of such Party or its Affiliates, or the investors or prospective investors of the funds prepared for or managed currently or in the future by such Party or its Affiliates and the advisors and agents thereof. In that event, the receiving Party shall take reasonable precautions to prevent such Affiliates or representatives, or the investors or potential investors of the existing and future funds under
establishment or management by such Party or Affiliates and the consultants and agents thereof from using Confidential Information for their personal benefit and to prevent any unauthorized disclosure of such Confidential Information to any third party.
18.3 The Parties shall also ensure that the JV Company shall take all reasonable precautions, including the conclusion of confidentiality agreements with its employees, to prevent its employees from using Confidential Information for their personal benefit and to prevent any unauthorized disclosure of such Confidential Information to any third party.
18.4 Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Parties and the JV Company may with prior written approval of the Party who disclosed the Confidential Information reveal Confidential Information to government personnel to the extent necessary to obtain any required government approval, and to outside lawyers, accountants and consultants to the extent necessary for them to provide their professional assistance; provided that outside individuals shall be requested to undertake to respect the confidentiality provisions of this Contract.
18.5 Notwithstanding the foregoing, if necessary, the Parties and the JV Company may make necessary disclosure to relevant regulatory authorities or other Governmental Entities any information that (a) is required to be disclosed under any Laws or rules of listing regulators or stock exchanges binding or governing a Party, (b) is reasonably required to be disclosed for Tax purpose or required to be disclosed by relevant Tax regulatory authority, or (c) is required to be disclosed under any Laws,
any biding ruling, award or provision by any court, regulatory authority, or any other competent Governmental Entity; provided that such disclosure shall be made to the extent practicable, through consultation with other Parties and in light of such Party’s reasonable requirements for the timing, content and manner of such disclosure.
18.6 Neither of the Parties hereto shall issue a press release or make any public announcement or other public disclosure or otherwise communicate with any news media with respect to this Contract or any of the transactions contemplated herein without obtaining the prior written consent of the other Parties or use the name, or any part or abbreviation of any form thereof of the other Parties or any Affiliate thereof without obtaining in each instance the prior written consent of them, as the case may be.
第9章 经营期限
Article 19 Business Term
第19条 经营期限
19.1 The business term of the JV Company shall be twenty (20) years commencing on the Establishment Date (“Business Term”).
19.2 If the Parties agree to an extension of the Business Term, the Parties shall cause their appointed Directors to approve the extension and cause the JV Company to file a written application with the competent Record-filing Authority six (6) months
prior to expiration of the Business Term. The extension shall become valid upon issuance of updated Business License by the Registration Authority.
第10章 合同终止
Article 20 Termination
第20章 合同终止
20.1 This Contract shall be terminated and the JV Company shall be dissolved in the following situations:
(a) the Business Term expires and not extended according to Article 19.2 above;
(b) the Parties decide to terminate the Contract with unanimous written consent
(c) one Party’s failure to contribute the registered capital it subscribes for according to Article 5, and such failure exceeds six (6) months;
(d) one Party is involved in liquidation or bankruptcy proceeding or a receiver or administrator is appointed on its assets, or is controlled by third party, or a substantial portion of its assets is seized, forfeited or enforced by any Governmental Entity and not released within sixty (60) days unless the remaining Parties unanimously agree not to terminate this Contract;
一方进入清算或破产程序,或其资产被指定接管人或破产管理人,或被第三方控制,或 其资产的重大部分被政府机构查封、没收或强制执行且未能在六十 (60)天内被解除,除非其它各方一致同意不解除本合同;
(e) A Deadlock occurs and is not resolved after the Parties’ efforts
in accordance with Article 11.10;
董事会出现僵局,且经各方根据第11.10条进行的努力后仍未能解决; 或
(f) If the conditions and consequences of the Force Majeure Event prevail for a period in excess of six (6) months and the Parties have been unable to find an equitable solution;
(g) In the event of occurrence of any breach contained in Article 8.1, the breach has not been remedied at the end of sixty (60) day period as set forth in the breach notice, the non-breaching Party shall have the option to terminate the Contract and dissolve the JV Company; or
(h) Either Aridis or the JV Company terminates the Technology License and Collaboration Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions thereunder.
20.2 Any early termination (other than a termination for the reasons specified in the Article (c),(d),(e), (g) or (h) herein above) shall require an unanimous consent by the Board according to this Contract.
提前终止应获得董事会根据本合同的一致同意,但根据本条第(c),(d),(e), (g) 或 (h)款规定之原因而终止则除外。
20.3 The Parties agree that a non-breaching Party may terminate this Contract by notice in writing to the breaching Party apply directly to the competent Governmental Entity for dissolution of the JV Company without the necessity of obtaining such a Board resolution upon the occurrence of any of the events specified in (c),(d),(e), (g) or (h) herein above.
双方同意若出现本条第(c),(d),(e), (g) 或 (h)款规定的事项,非违约方可直接通过书面通知违约方终止本合同,并直接向有管辖权的政府机构申请解散合资公司,无需获得董事会的一致决议。
20.4 If, upon the expiration of the term of Business License or upon early dissolution of the JV Company pursuant to Article 20.1 of this Contract, no Party purchases the Equity Interest of the other Party in the JV Company, the
Parties shall cause the Directors to appointed by them to adopt a resolution to liquidate the JV Company, formulate liquidation procedures, establish a liquidation committee and submit its proposals to the department in charge of verification.
20.5 The termination of the Contract for any reason, the dissolution of the JV Company or sale of a Party’s Equity Interest to third party shall not release a Party from its Liabilities to pay any sums of money accrued, due and payable to the other Party, or to discharge its then-accrued and unfulfilled obligations including any Liability to the JV Company or other Party in respect of any breach of this Contract.
第21条 不可抗力
21.1 Force Majeure Event.
When the obligations of a Party under this Contract cannot be performed in full or in part according to the agreed terms as a direct result of an event that is unforeseeable and the occurrence and consequences of which cannot be prevented or avoided, such as earthquake, typhoon, flood, fire and other natural disasters, war, insurrection and similar military actions, civil unrest and strikes, slow-downs and other labor actions (a “Force Majeure Event”), the liability and obligations of the Party that encounters such Force Majeure Event (the “Hindered Party”) shall be determined pursuant to the provisions below.
21.2 Consequence of Force Majeure Events.
(a) If the following conditions are met, then the Hindered Party shall be fully or partially released from its liability for its failure to perform its obligations hereunder; (i) the Force Majeure Event is the direct cause of the stoppage, impediment or delay encountered by the Hindered Party in performing its obligations under this Contract; (ii) at the time of the occurrence of the Force Majeure Event, the Hindered Party immediately informed the other Party; (iii) the Hindered Party has adopted measures to prevent the worsening of the damages and to remedy the situation; and (iv) the Hindered Party provides written information on such event within fifteen (15) days of its occurrence, including a statement of the reasons for the delay in performing or partially performing this Contract.
(b) If a Force Majeure Event occurs, the Parties shall decide whether this Contract should be amended in light of the impact of the event upon the performance hereof, and whether the Hindered Party should be partially or fully excused from its obligations hereunder.
(c) Subject to the fulfillment of the conditions set forth in Article 21.2(a) above and to the extent affected by Force Majeure Event, neither Party shall be liable for any damage, increased costs or loss which the other Party may sustain by reason of a failure or delay of performance due to such Force Majeure Event, and such failure or delay shall not be deemed a breach of
this Contract.
第11章 违约责任
Article 22 Breach of Contract
第22条 违约
22.1 If a Party fails to perform any of its material obligations under the Contract, or if a representation or warranty made by a Party under the Contract and any agreements set forth below in the exhibits, the Party shall be deemed to have breached this Contract.
Article 23 Defaults and Remedies
第23条 违约与救济
23.1 In the event of occurrence of any breach contained in Article 8.1, any non-breaching Party shall notify the breaching Party in writing that the Contract has been breached and that the breach should be remedies within sixty (60) days from giving such notice by the non-breaching Party. If the breach has not been remedied at the end of sixty (60) day period as set forth in the breach notice, the non-breaching Party shall have the option either to receive to receive damages, or terminate the Contract and dissolve the JV Company , and/or to buy-out all of the equity ownership of the breaching Party favorable price or terms.
Article 24 Liabilities for Breach
第24条 违约责任
24.1 Without prejudice to any other provisions hereof, if a Party beaches any of its obligations, covenants or warranties under this Contract, it shall indemnify and hold harmless the JV Company and the other Parties against and from any claims or direct losses incurred therefrom. For clarification, direct losses shall not include, and a Party shall not be liable for, any incidental, contingent, special or consequential losses or damages.
在不损害本合同之任何其它规定的前提下,如果一方违反其在本合同项下 的任何义务、承诺或保证,其应就合资公司和其他方由此遭受的任何索赔或 直接损失作出赔偿,并使合资公司和其他方免受损害。为明确起见,直接损 失不包括任何偶然的、或有的、特殊的或间接导致的损失或损害,并且一方 不承担任何该等损失或损害。
第12章 法律管辖和争议解决
Article 25 Governing Law
第25条 法律管辖
25.1 The interpretation, execution, performance, dispute resolution and other legal issues arising from this Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws of the PRC, without regard to the conflict of laws provisions thereof..
本合同的解释,签订、履行、争议解决和其它出自本合同的法律问题均应当 适用中国法律,并据其解释,但中国法律关于冲突法的规定除外。
Article 26 Dispute Resolution
第26条 争议解决
26.1 In the event of any dispute of this Contract, the Articles of Association in Appendix A and the Technology License and Collaboration Agreement in Appendix B, each Party shall promptly designate one or more representatives to meet with each other to resolve the dispute.
26.2 If the dispute is not resolved as a result of the aforesaid meeting, the dispute shall be
resolved by a binding arbitration in the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (“HKIAC”) in accordance with its then effective arbitration rules. The arbitration shall be held and any award shall be rendered in Chinese. English translations shall be provided upon request by a Party and each Party bear one half of the cost.
26.3 During the period when a dispute is being resolved, the Parties shall be in all other respects continue their implementation of the Contract.
第13章 其他规定
Article 27 Miscellaneous
第27条 其他规定
27.1 Each and every section, paragraph, sentence, term and provision of this Contract shall be considered several to the effect that, in the event a court or arbitrator finds any of the same to be invalid or unenforceable, the validity and enforceability, operation, or effect of the remaining sections, paragraphs, sentences, terms and provisions shall not be affected, and this Contract shall be construed in all respects as if the invalid or unenforceable matter had been omitted.
本合同的每一条款、段落、句子、词语和规定应被视为可分割的,若法庭或 仲裁员认定任何条款、段落、句子、词语或规定为无效或不可执行,则本合 同的其它条款、段落、句子、词语和规定的有效性和可执行性、操作性或效 力不受其影响,且在对本合同各方面进行解读时,上述无效或不可执行的部 分不应被视为本合同的一部分。
27.2 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties pertaining to the JV Company and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings of the Parties with respect thereto. It may be amended, including this provision, only by an agreement in writing. All Appendices referred to in this Contract are intended to be and are hereby specifically incorporated into and made a part of this Contract. In the event of any inconsistency between any such Appendix and
this Contract, the terms of this Contract shall govern, unless specifically agreed otherwise in the Appendix.
All Appendices are listed as follows:
Appendix A: Articles of Association of the JV Company
附件A: 合资公司的章程
Appendix B: Form of Technology License and Collaboration Agreement
附件B: 技术许可和合作协议格式
Appendix C: Form of Lease Agreement of the JV Company
附件C: 合资公司的租赁协议格式
27.3 Notices or other communications required to be given by a Party pursuant to this Contract shall be written in Chinese and English and sent by facsimile, electronic mail or personal delivery to the address of the other Party set forth in this Section or to an address updated by such other Party by notice as described in this Section. A notice sent by facsimile transmission or electronic mail shall, if there is a certificate of service, be deemed to be served on the date on which the receipt of the certificate of service is acknowledged by signing, or if there is no certificate of service, be deemed to be served on the date indicated on the fax transmission receipt or the date indicated on the sent email if sent during normal business hours of the recipient, and if not sent during normal business hours, then on the recipient’s next business day; A notice sent by personal delivery shall be deemed to have been served when the other Party signs to acknowledge its receipt.
For the purpose of notices, the addresses of the Parties are as follows:
If to Hepalink, to: No. 21, Langshan Road, Songpingshan, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, the PRC
致海普瑞 : 中国深圳市南山区松坪山郎山路2号
If to Aridis, to: 5941 Optical Court, San Jose, California 95138, the USA
致Aridis : 5941 Optical Court, San Jose, California 95138, the USA
Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP
30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112
Facsimile: 917.438.6133
Email: JFessler@sheppardmullin.com
Addressee: Jeffery Fessler
27.4 Unless otherwise provided for, failure or delay on the part of any Party to exercise any right, power or privilege under this Contract shall not operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege preclude exercise of any other right, power or privilege.
27.5 This Contract shall be written in Chinese and English, and both versions have equal legal effect. In case of discrepancy between the two languages versions, the arbitrators shall decide based on the true intention of the Parties.
27.6 Amendments to this Contract must be made by a written agreement signed by each of the Parties in both Chinese and English texts, each of which shall have equal validity and legal effect, and, if necessary, shall be submitted to the original Record-filing Authority (or its successor) for filing.
[Signature Page Follows]
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed and delivered this Contract as of the date first above written.
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深圳市海普瑞药业股份有限公司 | |
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By 签署人: | /s/_姓名: 李锂 | |
Name姓名: | 李锂 | |
Title职务: | 法定代表人 / Legal Representative | |
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By签署人: | /s/ Vu Truong姓名 | |
Name姓名: | Vu Truong | |
Title职务: | 创始人兼CEO / Founder & CEO | |
Appendix A
Articles of Association of the JV Company
Appendix B
Form of Technology License and Collaboration Agreement
Appendix C
Form of Lease Agreement of the JV Company