Loans, net | 6. Loans, net (a) This caption is made up as follows: 2019 2018 S/(000) S/(000) Direct loans Loans 28,504,689 25,569,152 Credit cards 5,876,983 4,881,404 Leasing 1,533,395 1,682,629 Discounted notes 686,164 494,953 Factoring 374,192 309,558 Advances and overdrafts 87,373 50,219 Refinanced loans 251,180 210,384 Past due and under legal collection loans 943,168 856,909 38,257,144 34,055,208 Plus (minus) Accrued interest from performing loans 316,171 318,250 Unearned interest and interest collected in advance (41,683 ) (47,737 ) Impairment allowance for loans (d) (1,394,779 ) (1,364,804 ) Total direct loans, net 37,136,853 32,960,917 Indirect loans, Note 18(a) 4,101,977 4,071,460 (b) The classification of the direct loan portfolio is as follows: 2019 (**) 2018 (**) S/(000) S/(000) Commercial loans (c.1) (*) 17,479,006 16,032,068 Consumer loans (c.1) 12,821,567 10,891,278 Mortgage loans (c.1) 7,206,445 6,407,479 Small and micro-business loans (c.1) 750,126 724,383 Total 38,257,144 34,055,208 (*) In 2019, Interbank acquired a commercial loan from Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation for an amount of S/164,950,000 (In 2018, Interbank acquired commercial loans from Bancolombia Panamá S.A., Bancolombia Puerto Rico Internacional Inc. and Itaú Corbanca NY Branch for approximately S/306,168,000, S/90,531,000 and S/198,000,000, respectively). (**) For purposes of estimating the impairment loss in accordance with IFRS 9, the Group’s loan portfolio is segmented by homogeneous groups that share similar risk characteristics; the Group determined these 3 types of portfolios: Retail Banking (groups consumer and mortgage loans), Commercial Banking (groups commercial loans) and Small Business Banking (groups loans to small and micro-business). (c) The following table shows the credit quality and maximum exposure to credit risk based on the Group’s internal credit rating as of December 31, 2019 and 2018. The amounts presented do not consider impairment. 2019 2018 Direct loans, (c.1) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) Not impaired High grade 28,314,167 271,610 — 28,585,777 25,062,456 372,197 — 25,434,653 Standard grade 4,675,010 528,372 — 5,203,382 3,853,640 849,073 — 4,702,713 Sub-standard 358,527 969,387 — 1,327,914 417,701 845,995 — 1,263,696 Past due but not impaired 1,474,310 770,876 — 2,245,186 1,048,378 791,096 — 1,839,474 Impaired Individually impaired — — 8,444 8,444 — — 7,349 7,349 Collectively impaired — — 886,441 886,441 — — 807,323 807,323 Total direct loans 34,822,014 2,540,245 894,885 38,257,144 30,382,175 2,858,361 814,672 34,055,208 2019 2018 Contingent Credits: Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) Not impaired High grade 3,733,040 62,860 — 3,795,900 3,256,280 223,735 — 3,480,015 Standard grade 108,515 118,463 — 226,978 211,784 110,420 — 322,204 Sub-standard 7,597 41,095 — 48,692 33,472 192,699 — 226,171 Past due but not impaired — — — — — — — — Impaired Individually impaired — — 22,607 22,607 — — 35,738 35,738 Collectively impaired — — 7,800 7,800 — — 7,332 7,332 Total indirect loans 3,849,152 222,418 30,407 4,101,977 3,501,536 526,854 43,070 4,071,460 (c.1) The following tables show the credit quality and maximum exposure to credit risk for each classification of the direct loan portfolio: 2019 2018 Commercial loans Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) Not impaired High grade 12,786,786 53,449 — 12,840,235 12,088,746 106,480 — 12,195,226 Standard grade 2,605,473 127,347 — 2,732,820 2,305,607 125,090 — 2,430,697 Sub-standard 132,707 401,991 — 534,698 226,849 124,051 — 350,900 Past due but not impaired 1,069,813 102,267 — 1,172,080 714,034 134,730 — 848,764 Impaired Individually impaired — — 8,444 8,444 — — 7,349 7,349 Collectively impaired — — 190,729 190,729 — — 199,132 199,132 Total direct loans 16,594,779 685,054 199,173 17,479,006 15,335,236 490,351 206,481 16,032,068 2019 2018 Consumer loans Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) Not impaired High grade 9,319,421 176,764 — 9,496,185 7,481,529 223,261 — 7,704,790 Standard grade 1,443,966 311,673 — 1,755,639 980,918 643,553 — 1,624,471 Sub-standard 196,126 362,228 — 558,354 163,050 534,181 — 697,231 Past due but not impaired 167,295 443,693 — 610,988 97,943 442,380 — 540,323 Impaired Individually impaired — — — — — — — — Collectively impaired — — 400,401 400,401 — — 324,463 324,463 Total direct loans 11,126,808 1,294,358 400,401 12,821,567 8,723,440 1,843,375 324,463 10,891,278 2019 2018 Mortgage loans Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) Not impaired High grade 5,676,737 21,775 — 5,698,512 5,003,914 22,297 — 5,026,211 Standard grade 550,656 65,662 — 616,318 478,576 56,958 — 535,534 Sub-standard 25,855 190,605 — 216,460 22,575 170,556 — 193,131 Past due but not impaired 225,687 201,506 — 427,193 224,588 188,839 — 413,427 Impaired Individually impaired — — — — — — — — Collectively impaired — — 247,962 247,962 — — 239,176 239,176 Total direct loans 6,478,935 479,548 247,962 7,206,445 5,729,653 438,650 239,176 6,407,479 2019 2018 Small and micro-business loans Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) Not impaired High grade 531,223 19,622 — 550,845 488,267 20,159 — 508,426 Standard grade 74,915 23,690 — 98,605 88,539 23,472 — 112,011 Sub-standard 3,839 14,563 — 18,402 5,227 17,207 — 22,434 Past due but not impaired 11,515 23,410 — 34,925 11,813 25,147 — 36,960 Impaired Individually impaired — — — — — — — — Collectively impaired — — 47,349 47,349 — — 44,552 44,552 Total direct loans 621,492 81,285 47,349 750,126 593,846 85,985 44,552 724,383 (d) The balances of the direct and indirect loan portfolio and the movement of the respective allowance for expected credit loss, calculated according to IFRS 9, is as follows: (d.1) Direct loans 2019 2018 Gross carrying amount of direct Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) Beginning of year balances 30,382,175 2,858,361 814,672 34,055,208 25,492,417 2,941,897 740,387 29,174,701 New originated or purchased assets 18,046,202 — — 18,046,202 16,526,772 — — 16,526,772 Assets derecognized or repaid (excluding write-offs) (10,863,470 ) (786,157 ) (76,716 ) (11,726,343 ) (9,417,223 ) (918,338 ) (71,826 ) (10,407,387 ) Transfers to Stage 1 969,214 (967,118 ) (2,096 ) — 660,625 (659,573 ) (1,052 ) — Transfers to Stage 2 (1,931,859 ) 1,969,563 (37,704 ) — (2,142,391 ) 2,178,029 (35,638 ) — Transfers to Stage 3 (504,354 ) (470,499 ) 974,853 — (402,281 ) (508,498 ) 910,779 — Write-offs (***) — — (874,068 ) (874,068 ) — — (791,107 ) (791,107 ) Others (*) (1,111,112 ) (56,737 ) 101,042 (1,066,807 ) (630,465 ) (197,590 ) 50,625 (777,430 ) Foreign exchange effect (164,782 ) (7,168 ) (5,098 ) (177,048 ) 294,721 22,434 12,504 329,659 End of year balances 34,822,014 2,540,245 894,885 38,257,144 30,382,175 2,858,361 814,672 34,055,208 2019 2018 Changes in the allowance for Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) Expected credit loss at the beginning of year balances 394,801 462,749 507,254 1,364,804 329,161 477,616 453,570 1,260,347 Impact of the expected credit loss in the consolidated statement of income - New originated or purchased assets 317,473 — — 317,473 366,155 — — 366,155 Assets derecognized or repaid (excluding write-offs) (98,575 ) (82,624 ) (42,311 ) (223,510 ) (84,229 ) (77,827 ) (36,833 ) (198,889 ) Transfers to Stage 1 126,904 (125,255 ) (1,649 ) — 86,656 (85,814 ) (842 ) — Transfers to Stage 2 (139,232 ) 156,706 (17,474 ) — (165,351 ) 181,679 (16,328 ) — Transfers to Stage 3 (63,227 ) (135,678 ) 198,905 — (62,418 ) (155,034 ) 217,452 — Impact on the expected credit loss for credits that change stage in the year (91,914 ) 148,328 650,594 707,008 (72,574 ) 147,616 511,285 586,327 Others (**) 16,327 (28,174 ) (16,381 ) (28,228 ) (3,598 ) (28,858 ) 18,086 (14,370 ) Total 67,756 (66,697 ) 771,684 772,743 64,641 (18,238 ) 692,820 739,223 Write-offs (***) — — (874,068 ) (874,068 ) — — (791,107 ) (791,107 ) Recovery of written–off loans — — 136,468 136,468 — — 145,586 145,586 Foreign exchange effect (665 ) (1,279 ) (3,224 ) (5,168 ) 999 3,371 6,385 10,755 Expected credit loss at the end of year balances 461,892 394,773 538,114 1,394,779 394,801 462,749 507,254 1,364,804 (*) Corresponds mainly to: (i) the variation between the amortized cost of the loan at the beginning of the year and its amortized cost at the end of the year (partial amortizations that did not represent a reduction or cancellation of the loan), and (ii) the execution of contingent loans (conversion of indirect debt into direct debt). (**) Corresponds mainly to: (i) the variation between the amortized cost of the loan at the beginning of the year and its amortized cost at the end of the year (variation in the provision recorded for partial amortizations that did not represent a reduction or cancellation of the loan), (ii) variations in credit risk that did not generate transfers to other stages; and (iii) the execution of contingent loans (conversion of indirect debt into direct debt). (***) The Group writes-off financial assets that are still subject to collection activities. In this regard, the Group seeks to recover the amounts legally owed in full, but have been written off because there is no reasonable expectation of recovery. (d.1.1) The following tables show the movement of the allowance for expected credit losses for each classification of the direct loan portfolio: 2019 2018 Changes in the allowance for expected credit losses for commercial loans Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) Expected credit loss at beginning of year 68,705 27,397 98,111 194,213 48,699 28,437 75,335 152,471 Impact of the expected credit loss in the consolidated statement of income - New originated or purchased assets 42,558 — — 42,558 72,297 — — 72,297 Assets derecognized or repaid (excluding write-offs) (35,809 ) (9,153 ) (9,384 ) (54,346 ) (28,714 ) (10,828 ) (10,812 ) (50,354 ) Transfers to Stage 1 6,996 (6,996 ) — — 3,542 (3,542 ) — — Transfers to Stage 2 (13,571 ) 14,721 (1,150 ) — (13,919 ) 15,308 (1,389 ) — Transfers to Stage 3 (4,506 ) (3,583 ) 8,089 — (13,744 ) (3,873 ) 17,617 — Impact on the expected credit loss for credits that change stage in the year (2,900 ) 5,779 26,199 29,078 (2,937 ) 4,748 38,308 40,119 Others (**) (6,239 ) (3,599 ) (25,290 ) (35,128 ) 2,703 (3,366 ) 11,498 10,835 Total (13,471 ) (2,831 ) (1,536 ) (17,838 ) 19,228 (1,553 ) 55,222 72,897 Write-offs (***) — — (29,800 ) (29,800 ) — — (34,355 ) (34,355 ) Written-off — — 968 968 — — 1,163 1,163 Foreign exchange effect (541 ) (167 ) (585 ) (1,293 ) 778 513 746 2,037 Expected credit loss at end of year 54,693 24,399 67,158 146,250 68,705 27,397 98,111 194,213 2019 2018 Changes in the allowance for expected credit losses for consumer loans Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) Expected credit loss at beginning of year 303,953 398,353 284,645 986,951 262,829 408,167 275,650 946,646 Impact of the expected credit loss in the consolidated statement of income - New originated or purchased assets 257,150 — — 257,150 276,193 — — 276,193 Assets derecognized or collected (excluding write-offs) (57,268 ) (69,819 ) (17,238 ) (144,325 ) (51,040 ) (62,795 ) (15,165 ) (129,000 ) Transfers to Stage 1 111,506 (109,857 ) (1,649 ) — 73,436 (72,594 ) (842 ) — Transfers to Stage 2 (120,042 ) 124,906 (4,864 ) — (145,196 ) 149,864 (4,668 ) — Transfers to Stage 3 (54,960 ) (121,246 ) 176,206 — (47,111 ) (138,483 ) 185,594 — Impact on the expected credit loss for credits that change stage in the year (81,409 ) 135,659 553,748 607,998 (60,980 ) 136,396 407,614 483,030 Others (**) 26,129 (24,275 ) 7,613 9,467 (4,295 ) (24,826 ) 3,239 (25,882 ) Total 81,106 (64,632 ) 713,816 730,290 41,007 (12,438 ) 575,772 604,341 Write-offs (***) — — (785,863 ) (785,863 ) — — (710,980 ) (710,980 ) Written-off — — 130,184 130,184 — — 140,049 140,049 Foreign exchange effect (70 ) (1,024 ) (1,868 ) (2,962 ) 117 2,624 4,154 6,895 Expected credit loss at end of year 384,989 332,697 340,914 1,058,600 303,953 398,353 284,645 986,951 2019 2018 Changes in the allowance for expected credit losses for mortgage Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) Expected credit loss at beginning of year 8,428 20,142 86,040 114,610 8,368 24,742 71,977 105,087 Impact of the expected credit loss in the consolidated statement of income - New originated or purchased assets 2,153 — — 2,153 2,035 — — 2,035 Assets derecognized or collected (excluding write-offs) (1,017 ) (1,354 ) (12,834 ) (15,205 ) (1,292 ) (1,795 ) (8,770 ) (11,857 ) Transfers to Stage 1 6,760 (6,760 ) — — 7,839 (7,839 ) — — Transfers to Stage 2 (1,174 ) 12,634 (11,460 ) — (1,117 ) 11,388 (10,271 ) — Transfers to Stage 3 (312 ) (3,472 ) 3,784 — (231 ) (5,084 ) 5,315 — Impact on the expected credit loss for credits that change stage in the year (6,185 ) 2,094 32,211 28,120 (7,248 ) 440 30,230 23,422 Others (**) 787 (420 ) (2,212 ) (1,845 ) 20 (1,917 ) (1,135 ) (3,032 ) Total 1,012 2,722 9,489 13,223 6 (4,807 ) 15,369 10,568 Write-offs (***) — — (5,427 ) (5,427 ) — — (2,689 ) (2,689 ) Written-off — — — — — — — — Foreign exchange effect (22 ) (76 ) (626 ) (724 ) 54 207 1,383 1,644 Expected credit loss at end of year 9,418 22,788 89,476 121,682 8,428 20,142 86,040 114,610 2019 2018 Changes in the allowance for expected credit losses for small and Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) Expected credit loss at beginning of year 13,715 16,857 38,458 69,030 9,265 16,270 30,608 56,143 Impact of the expected credit loss in the consolidated statement of income - New originated or purchased assets 15,612 — — 15,612 15,630 — — 15,630 Assets derecognized or repaid (excluding write-offs) (4,481 ) (2,298 ) (2,855 ) (9,634 ) (3,183 ) (2,409 ) (2,086 ) (7,678 ) Transfers to Stage 1 1,642 (1,642 ) — — 1,839 (1,839 ) — — Transfers to Stage 2 (4,445 ) 4,445 — — (5,119 ) 5,119 — — Transfers to Stage 3 (3,449 ) (7,377 ) 10,826 — (1,332 ) (7,594 ) 8,926 — Impact on the expected credit loss for credits that change stage in the year (1,420 ) 4,796 38,436 41,812 (1,409 ) 6,032 35,133 39,756 Others (**) (4,350 ) 120 3,508 (722 ) (2,026 ) 1,251 4,484 3,709 Total (891 ) (1,956 ) 49,915 47,068 4,400 560 46,457 51,417 Write-offs (***) — — (52,978 ) (52,978 ) — — (43,083 ) (43,083 ) Written-off — — 5,316 5,316 — — 4,374 4,374 Foreign exchange effect (32 ) (12 ) (145 ) (189 ) 50 27 102 179 Expected credit loss at end of year 12,792 14,889 40,566 68,247 13,715 16,857 38,458 69,030 (**) Corresponds mainly to: (i) the variation between the amortized cost of the loan at the beginning of the year and its amortized cost at the end of the year (variation in the provision recorded for partial amortizations that did not represent a reduction or cancellation of the loan), (ii) variations in credit risk that did not generate transfers to other stages; and (iii) the execution of contingent loans (conversion of indirect debt into direct debt). (***) The Group writes off financial assets that are still subject to collection activities. In this regard, the Group seeks to recover the amounts legally owed in full, but have been written off because there is no reasonable expectation of recovery. (d.2) Indirect loans (substantially, all indirect loans correspond to commercial loans) 2019 2018 Gross carrying amount of contingent credits, stand-by Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) Beginning of year balances 3,501,536 526,854 43,070 4,071,460 3,763,245 470,231 33,019 4,266,495 New originated or purchased assets 1,640,747 — — 1,640,747 1,599,629 — — 1,599,629 Assets derecognized or repaid (1,190,801 ) (131,505 ) (6,646 ) (1,328,952 ) (1,532,320 ) (224,143 ) (22,846 ) (1,779,309 ) Transfers to Stage 1 257,397 (257,397 ) — — 27,937 (27,937 ) — — Transfers to Stage 2 (88,515 ) 88,515 — — (378,387 ) 382,098 (3,711 ) — Transfers to Stage 3 (1,186 ) (37 ) 1,223 — (34 ) (50,348 ) 50,382 — Others (*) (241,031 ) 457 (7,212 ) (247,786 ) (48,421 ) (30,765 ) (13,993 ) (93,179 ) Foreign exchange effect (28,995 ) (4,469 ) (28 ) (33,492 ) 69,887 7,718 219 77,824 End of year balances 3,849,152 222,418 30,407 4,101,977 3,501,536 526,854 43,070 4,071,460 2019 2018 Changes in the allowance for expected credit losses for contingent credits, guarantees and stand-by letters of credit Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total S(000) S(000) S(000) S(000) S(000) S(000) S(000) S(000) Expected credit loss at beginning of year balances 19,829 19,753 22,469 62,051 46,890 77,299 14,989 139,178 Impact of the expected credit loss in the consolidated statement of income - New originated or purchased assets 6,937 — — 6,937 12,138 — — 12,138 Assets derecognized or repaid (9,803 ) (6,597 ) (3,400 ) (19,800 ) (8,925 ) (34,620 ) (10,245 ) (53,790 ) Transfers to Stage 1 7,101 (7,101 ) — — 1,177 (1,177 ) — — Transfers to Stage 2 (2,410 ) 2,410 — — (7,004 ) 8,753 (1,749 ) — Transfers to Stage 3 (125 ) (1 ) 126 — (12 ) (25,039 ) 25,051 — Impact on the expected credit loss for credits that change stage in the year (2,997 ) (1,407 ) 75 (4,329 ) (838 ) 3,519 (5,690 ) (3,009 ) Others (**) (1,996 ) (2,091 ) (653 ) (4,740 ) (24,607 ) (9,972 ) 89 (34,490 ) Total (3,293 ) (14,787 ) (3,852 ) (21,932 ) (28,071 ) (58,536 ) 7,456 (79,151 ) Foreign exchange effect and others (***) (169 ) (246 ) (10 ) (425 ) 1,010 990 24 2,024 Expected credit loss at the end of year balances, Note 10(a) 16,367 4,720 18,607 39,694 19,829 19,753 22,469 62,051 (*) Corresponds mainly to: (i) the variation between the amortized cost of the loan at the beginning of the year and its amortized cost at the end of the year (partial amortizations that did not represent a reduction or collection of the loan), and (ii) the execution of contingent loans (conversion of indirect debt into direct debt). (**) Corresponds mainly to: (i) the variation between the amortized cost of the loan at the beginning of the year and its amortized cost at the end of the year (variation in the provision recorded for partial amortizations that did not represent a reduction or collection of the loan), (ii) variations in credit risk that did not generate transfers to other stages; and (iii) the execution of contingent loans (conversion of indirect debt into direct debt). (***) Corresponds mainly to the effect of the exchange rate and the variation of the time value of money. (e) The movement of the provision for impairment of the loan portfolio (direct and indirect) in accordance with IAS 39 for the year 2017, is as follows: 2017 Commercial Consumer and mortgage Small and micro-business Total S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) Beginning of year balances 221,134 912,424 57,200 1,190,758 Provision 47,325 752,629 27,981 827,935 Recovery of written-off 187 123,226 4,723 128,136 Written-off (19,772 ) (811,758 ) (26,174 ) (857,704 ) Translation result and others (5,759 ) (28,104 ) (299 ) (34,162 ) End of year balances (*) 243,115 948,417 63,431 1,254,963 (*) As of December 31, 2017, the allowance for loan losses includes the allowance for direct and indirect loans amounting to S/1,202,118,000 and S/52,845,000, respectively. (f) In Management’s opinion, the allowance for loan losses recorded as of December 31, 2019 and 2018, has been established in accordance with IFRS 9; and it is sufficient to cover incurred losses on the loan portfolio. (g) Interest rates on loans are freely determined based on the rates prevailing in the market. (h) Interest income from loans classified in Stage 3 is calculated through the effective interest rate adjusted for credit quality at amortized cost. (i) The refinanced loans during the 2019 period amounted to approximately S/178,695,000 (S/115,669,000, as of December 31, 2018) which had no significant effect on the consolidated statement of income. (j) The table below presents the direct loan portfolio without including accrued interest and interest to be accrued and collected in advance as of December 31, 2019 and 2018, classified by maturity dates: 2019 2018 S/(000) S/(000) Outstanding Up to 1 month 3,918,788 3,084,717 From 1 to 3 months 4,791,404 4,092,882 From 3 months to 1 year 8,409,336 7,546,896 From 1 to 5 years 15,189,733 13,950,227 Over 5 years 5,004,715 4,523,577 37,313,976 33,198,299 Past due and under legal collection loans, see (j.1) - Up to 4 months 215,791 184,587 Over 4 months 390,697 297,146 Under legal collection 336,680 375,176 38,257,144 34,055,208 (j.1) The tables below present past due and under legal collection loans for each classification of the direct loan portfolio: 2019 2018 S/(000) S/(000) Commercial loans Up to 4 months 29,858 25,848 Over 4 months 70,527 63,804 Under legal collection 111,772 120,902 212,157 210,554 2019 2018 S/(000) S/(000) Consumer loans Up to 4 months 132,774 106,366 Over 4 months 207,333 144,175 Under legal collection 79,139 89,322 419,246 339,863 2019 2018 S/(000) S/(000) Mortgage loans Up to 4 months 39,409 38,912 Over 4 months 92,899 76,452 Under legal collection 123,463 137,008 255,771 252,372 2019 2018 S/(000) S/(000) Small and micro-business loans Up to 4 months 13,750 13,461 Over 4 months 19,938 12,715 Under legal collection 22,306 27,944 55,994 54,120 See credit risk analysis in Note 30.1 (k) Part of the loan portfolio is collateralized with guarantees received from clients, which mainly consist of mortgages, trust assignments, financial instruments as well as industrial commercial pledges. (l) The following tables present the maturities of direct and indirect loans of Stages 2 and 3 as of December 31, 2019 and 2018, as follows: • Stage 2: Loans with maturity longer or shorter than 30 days, regardless of the criteria that caused their classification into Stage 2. • Stage 3: Loans with maturity longer or shorter than 90 days, regardless of the criteria that caused their classification into Stage 3. 2019 2018 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) Maturity shorter than: 30 days 2,352,993 282,422 — — 2,352,993 282,422 3,020,843 390,319 — — 3,020,843 390,319 90 days — — 48,378 2,903 48,378 2,903 — — 58,377 2,875 58,377 2,875 Maturity longer than: 30 days 409,670 117,071 — — 409,670 117,071 364,372 92,183 — — 364,372 92,183 90 days — — 876,914 553,818 876,914 553,818 — — 799,365 526,848 799,365 526,848 Total 2,762,663 399,493 925,292 556,721 3,687,955 956,214 3,385,215 482,502 857,742 529,723 4,242,957 1,012,225 (l.1) The following tables present the maturities of direct and indirect loans of Stages 2 and 3 as of December 31, 2019 and 2018, for each classification of the loan: 2019 2018 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Commercial Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) Maturity shorter than: 30 days 882,447 23,404 — — 882,447 23,404 1,000,049 42,055 — — 1,000,049 42,055 90 days — — 46,260 1,602 46,260 1,602 — — 56,733 1,427 56,733 1,427 Maturity longer than: 30 days 25,025 5,715 — — 25,025 5,715 17,156 5,095 — — 17,156 5,095 90 days — — 183,320 84,163 183,320 84,163 — — 192,818 119,153 192,818 119,153 Total 907,472 29,119 229,580 85,765 1,137,052 114,884 1,017,205 47,150 249,551 120,580 1,266,756 167,730 2019 2018 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Consumer Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) Maturity shorter than: 30 days 1,027,966 230,196 — — 1,027,966 230,196 1,610,339 320,345 — — 1,610,339 320,345 90 days — — 1,711 992 1,711 992 — — 1,490 1,405 1,490 1,405 Maturity longer than: 30 days 266,392 102,501 — — 266,392 102,501 233,036 78,008 — — 233,036 78,008 90 days — — 398,690 339,922 398,690 339,922 — — 322,973 283,240 322,973 283,240 Total 1,294,358 332,697 400,401 340,914 1,694,759 673,611 1,843,375 398,353 324,463 284,645 2,167,838 682,998 2019 2018 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Mortgage loans Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) Maturity shorter than: 30 days 370,018 16,882 — — 370,018 16,882 334,684 14,903 — — 334,684 14,903 90 days — — 127 50 127 50 — — 154 43 154 43 Maturity longer than: 30 days 109,530 5,906 — — 109,530 5,906 103,966 5,239 — — 103,966 5,239 90 days — — 247,835 89,426 247,835 89,426 — — 239,022 85,997 239,022 85,997 Total 479,548 22,788 247,962 89,476 727,510 112,264 438,650 20,142 239,176 86,040 677,826 106,182 2019 2018 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Small and micro- Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss Gross amount Expected loss S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) S/(000) Maturity shorter than: 30 days 72,562 11,940 — — 72,562 11,940 75,771 13,016 — — 75,771 13,016 90 days — — 280 259 280 259 — — — — — — Maturity longer than: 30 days 8,723 2,949 — — 8,723 2,949 10,214 3,841 — — 10,214 3,841 90 days — — 47,069 40,307 47,069 40,307 — — 44,552 38,458 44,552 38,458 Total 81,285 14,889 47,349 40,566 128,634 55,455 85,985 16,857 44,552 38,458 130,537 55,315 |