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abroad, absent, accessible, accurately, acquired, acquirer, Administration, administrative, advertisement, age, agency, aggregate, aging, agreed, agreement, allocated, allocating, allocation, amortized, Annex, Announcement, approval, assembly, assumption, attention, attributable, audit, August, backpack, Bad, bearing, body, borrow, borrowing, cell, Chinese, closed, closing, Codification, collateral, collateralized, commence, commencement, committee, comparable, comparing, compliance, component, composed, concentration, constituting, constraint, consummation, context, contract, contractual, conversion, corporate, courier, currency, damage, decision, decrease, deducted, deductibility, deductible, deduction, Deepening, deficiency, degree, department, deposit, deposited, depreciation, derived, detail, detailed, detect, detected, detection, deteriorate, Digital, discount, disposition, distinct, dividend, dollar, earlier, earliest, economic, eliminated, employee, entered, entitled, entity, environment, equal, equipment, Europe, exceed, excluded, exemption, exercisable, exercise, exercised, expedient, expedite, experienced, expert, expire, expiring, expose, exposure, external, fairly, family, feasible, Feng, fka, foreign, formal, forward, framework, freely, functional, gain, globally, goodwill, governed, government, group, hand, hierarchy, higher, highest, highly, hire, HK, HKD, holding, Hong, Hubei, hypothetical, identical, impairment, implementation, implicit, imposed, impossible, improvement, imputed, inadequate, inappropriate, inconsequential, incorrect, incremental, incurred, individual, industry, ineffective, initial, initially, input, inquiry, investigation, invoice, Kong, lack, lessee, level, liability, longer, lower, lowest, main, maintenance, manner, manufactured, matter, Media, methodology, minimum, Ministry, misstatement, mobile, mu, MYTG, nil, North, note, notebook, November, observable, obsolescence, obsolete, offered, offering, offset, optimal, orderly, original, originally, outbreak, output, outset, outsource, outsourced, oversight, owner, pandemic, pay, payable, payroll, permanent, personnel, pertain, physical, plant, platform, point, political, pooling, portion, power, PRC, predominantly, preferential, prescribed, prevent, prevented, prevention, previously, primarily, prior, priority, promised, promulgated, Provisional, public, purpose, qualified, qualifying, quality, quantify, quoted, raw, reached, ready, recapitalization, receivable, receive, received, reconciliation, region, reinsurance, relationship, reliability, remedy, removed, Renminbi, rent, reorganization, repayable, replacement, representation, research, reserve, residual, respiratory, respond, restated, retained, retired, retroactively, RMB, role, ROU, Samoa, satisfaction, scheduled, scope, segment, segregation, September, service, showing, single, situation, size, small, social, split, stable, stage, standalone, standard, statutory, stipulated, structure, subsidiary, substance, suit, sum, summary, support, supported, table, technology, temporary, terminate, translated, translation, treated, treatment, typically, ultimate, unadjusted, unauthorized, uncertain, uncollectible, underlying, undiscounted, unobservable, unrestricted, unsatisfied, unsecured, utilized, variable, VAT, viable, Wanning, Western, WFOE, whichever, wholly, withholding, worldwide, written, Wuhan, yan, yearly
acceptable, accomplish, accomplishing, advantage, analyzed, annuity, anticipate, anticipated, assuming, assured, attain, authority, belief, calculated, cease, challenged, charge, classification, compensation, contact, continue, cover, delivered, design, developmental, disallowed, disclose, display, doubt, eventually, expect, explanatory, expressing, financed, forced, fund, funded, funding, granted, harbor, health, immaterial, insurance, intend, largest, likelihood, line, liquidation, long, maturity, meet, meeting, minimal, necessarily, obtaining, opinion, paragraph, pension, placement, plan, positive, profitable, prospective, Qualitative, Quantitative, real, recently, recoverability, reference, relating, resort, restrict, return, safe, satisfy, secure, seek, seeking, senior, sharing, specific, substantial, substantively, successful, successfully, sustain, sustained, taxing, technical, thereof, threshold, trading, twelve, unable, Unregistered, varying, working
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