RELATED PARTIES TRANSACTIONS | 9. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS As of March 31, 2018 As of December 31, 2017 Amount due from related parties Ho Wah Genting Berhad (1) $ 6,643 $ — Ho Wah Genting Group Sdn Berhad (2) 293,907 18,149 Beedo Sdn Bhd (3) 23,421 14,837 Balance at end of year $ 323,971 $ 32,986 Amount of due from an associated company Vitaxel Corporation (Thailand) Limited (4) $ 91,645 $ 103,024 Balance at end of year 91,645 103,024 Total Amount due from related parties $ 415,616 $ 136,010 Amount of due to related parties Dato’ Lim Hui Boon (5) $ — $ 40,491 Ho Wah Genting Holiday Sdn Bhd (6) 1,442 1,703 Ho Wah Genting Property Sdn Bhd (7) 953 — Genting Highlands Taxi Services Sdn Bhd (8) 8,493 11,820 VSpark Malaysia Sdn Bhd (9) 5,201 4,967 Grande Legacy Inc. (10) 4,584,061 2,311,022 Balance at end of year 4,600,150 2,370,003 Total Amount due to related parties $ 4,600,150 $ 2,370,003 The related party balances are unsecured, interest-free and repayable on demand. (1) The President of the Company, Dato’ Lim Hui Boon, is also the Group President of Ho Wah Genting Berhad, a company listed in Bursa Malaysia Main Market. The Company recognized an expense of rent totalling $15,330 and $14,239 during the periods ended March 31, 2018 and March 31, 2017 respectively. Of the total rent, $5,110 and $4,746 was paid to Ho Wah Genting Berhad during the period ended March 31, 2018 and March 31, 2017 respectively, and $10,220 and $9,493 was paid to its affiliate, Malaysia-Beijing Travel Services Sdn Bhd during the period ended March 31, 2018 and March 31, 2017 respectively. The operating lease commitment to Ho Wah Genting Berhad as of March 31, 2018 was $15,330.The lease commitment are disclosed in note 11 COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES below under the heading Operation Commitments. (2) The President of the Company, Dato’ Lim Hui Boon, is also the Group President of Ho Wah Genting Group Sdn Berhad, subsidiary of Ho Wah Genting Group Ltd, a company listed on the US OTC Market. Amount owing to Ho Wah Genting Group Sdn Berhad in prior year were advances, whereby settlement has been performed in current year. (3) A director of a subsidiary (Vitaxel Online Mall Sdn Bhd), Liew Jenn Lim, is also a director of Beedo SDN BHD. The Company recognized an expense of $0 and $13,504 pertaining for website maintenance expense during the period March 31, 2018 and during the period March 31, 2017 respectively, which was charged by its related party, Beedo Sdn. Bhd. The balances due from Beedo Sdn Bhd was due to discount received by the Company. (4) The Company recognized product sales of $0 and $440,000 to an associated company, Vitaxel Corp. (Thailand) Limited during the period ended March 31, 2018 and period ended March 31, 2017 respectively. (5) The amount due to the President of the Company, Dato’ Lim Hui Boon, were advances made to the Company. (6) A former director of the Company, Lim Chun Hoo, is also a director of Ho Wah Genting Holiday Sdn Bhd. On March 31, 2017, Lim Chun Hoo has resigned from the Company. The Company recognized an expense of $17,906 and $59,644 pertaining to event, traveling and accommodation expenses during the periods ended March 31, 2018 and March 31, 2017 respectively, which was charged by its related party, Ho Wah Genting Holiday Sdn. Bhd. (7) Ho Wah Genting Property Sdn Bhd is also a subsidiary of Ho Wah Genting Group Ltd. The amount due were due to advertisement charges billed by Ho Wah Genting Property Sdn Bhd to the Company. (8) A director of the Company, Lim Wee Kiat, is also a director of Genting Highlands Taxi Services Sdn Bhd and of Vitaxel Sdn Bhd. (9) A director of a subsidiary (Vitaxel Online Mall Sdn Bhd), Liew Jenn Lim, is also a director of VSpark Malaysia Sdn Bhd. The Company has engaged with VSpark Malaysia Sdn Bhd during the year for marketing purposes. (10) A director of the Company, Leong Yee Ming, is also a director of Grande Legacy Inc. On January 5, 2017, the Company executed a license agreement with Grande Legacy Inc (“GL”). The agreement grants GL exclusive use of Vitaxel Marks to operate a Vitaxel Business in countries other than Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. However, GL is still in the process of obtaining online payment gateway for its credit card sales, GL is currently engaging Vitaxel Sdn Bhd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, to collect credit card sales proceeds on behalf. On January 22, 2018, the Company has acquired 100% of Grande Legacy Inc. Refer note 13 SUBSEQUENT EVENTS for further details on the acquisition. |