Schedule of related party balances and transactions | Schedule of related party balances and transactions As of As of Amount due from related parties Asia Food People Sdn Bhd (1) $ 3,243 $ 3,074 G2lux Sdn Bhd (2) 31,261 21,606 Ho Wah Genting Berhad (3) 5,016 5,226 Snatch Asia Sdn Bhd (4) 4,410 4,426 Total Amount due from related parties $ 43,930 $ 34,332 Amount due to related parties Ho Wah Genting Group Sdn Bhd (5) $ 485,989 $ 83,339 Dato’ Lim Hui Boon (6) 71,651 49,778 Ho Wah Genting Holding Sdn Bhd (7) 59,709 62,223 Grande Legacy Inc. (8) 3,605,241 4,206,469 Total Amount due to related parties $ 4,222,590 $ 4,401,809 The related party balances are unsecured, interest-free and repayable on demand. (1) A director of the Company, Leong Yee Ming, is also a director of Asia Food People Sdn Bhd (“AFP”). The amount due from AFP as at September 30, 2021 and December 31, 2020, were advances made to AFP. (2) A director of the Company, Leong Yee Ming, is also a director of G2lux Sdn Bhd (“G2lux”). The amount due from G2lux as at September 30, 2021 and December 31, 2020, were advances made to G2lux. (3) The President of the Company, Dato’ Lim Hui Boon, is also the Group President of HWGB. (4) A director of the Company, Leong Yee Ming, is also a director of Snatch Asia Sdn Bhd (“SASB”). The amount due from SASB as at September 30, 2021 and December 31, 2020, were advances made to SASB. (5) The President of the Company, Dato’ Lim Hui Boon, is also the Group President of Ho Wah Genting Group Sdn Berhad (“HWGGSB”). (6) The amount due to the President of the Company, Dato’ Lim Hui Boon, as at September 30, 2021 and December 31, 2020, were advances made to the Company. (7) A former director of the Company, Lim Wee Kiat who resigned during period ended December 31, 2020, is also a director of Ho Wah Genting Holding Sdn Bhd. (8) A director of the Company, Leong Yee Ming, is also a director of Grande Legacy Inc. (“GL”). The Company recognized management fee income of $ 360,000 The Company also recognized royalty income of $ nil 293 The Company billed GL for product sales of $ 2,770 13,697 (9) Total payment made in the form of compensation, which includes salary, bonus, stock awards and all other compensation have been made to the following officer and former officers of the Company: September 30, 2021 September 31, 2020 Lim Wee Kiat $ 39,215 $ 35,856 Leong Yee Ming 32,679 33,864 $ 71,894 $ 69,720 |