Notes Related to the Consolidated Statements of Financial Position | 6 N OTES RELATED TO THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION 6.1 Intangible assets As of December 31, (in thousands of euros) 2015 2016 2017 Other intangible assets 184 209 234 Total historical cost 184 209 234 Accumulated amortization of other intangible assets (122 ) (152 ) (180 ) Total accumulated amortization and depreciation (122 ) (152 ) (180 ) Total, net 61 57 53 6.2 Property, plant and equipment At December 31, 2017, property, plant and equipment are composed as follows: (in thousands of euros) As of January 1, Increase Decrease As of December 31, Laboratory equipment 974 974 Assets under construction 862 868 1,730 Plant, equipment, and tooling 850 270 — 1,121 General equipment, fixtures and fittings 1,466 389 — 1,855 Office equipment and computers 531 137 — 668 Total gross value 4,684 1,664 — 6,349 Accumulated depreciation of laboratory equipment (882 ) (48 ) — (930 ) Accumulated depreciation of plant, equipment and tooling (523 ) (118 ) — (641 ) Accumulated depreciation of general equipment, fixtures and fittings (909 ) (207 ) — (1,116 ) Accumulated depreciation of office equipment and computers (125 ) (129 ) — (255 ) Total accumulated depreciation (2,439 ) (503 ) — (2,439 ) Total net value 2,245 1,161 — 3,407 Property, plant and equipment held under finance leases amounts to €203 thousand and €116 thousand as of December 31, 2016 and 2017, respectively. At December 31, 2016, property, plant and equipment are composed as follows: (in thousands of euros) As of Increase Decrease As of December 31, Laboratory equipment 974 974 Assets under construction 44 862 (44 ) 862 Plant, equipment, and tooling 727 123 — 850 General equipment, fixtures and fittings 1,079 387 — 1,466 Office equipment and computers 134 397 — 531 Total gross value 2,958 1,770 (44 ) 4,684 Accumulated depreciation of laboratory equipment (831 ) (51 ) — (882 ) Accumulated depreciation of plant, equipment and tooling (426 ) (98 ) — (523 ) Accumulated depreciation of general equipment, fixtures and fittings (733 ) (175 ) — (909 ) Accumulated depreciation of office equipment and computers (51 ) (74 ) — (125 ) Total accumulated depreciation (2,041 ) (398 ) (2,439 ) Total net value 918 1,372 (44 ) 2,245 Property, plant and equipment held under finance leases amounts to €143 thousand and €203 thousand as of December 31, 2015 and 2016, respectively. At December 31, 2015, property, plant and equipment are composed as follows: (in thousands of euros) As of January 1, Increase Decrease As of December 31, Laboratory equipment 974 — — 974 Assets under construction 112 29 (98 ) 44 Plant, equipment, and tooling 617 110 — 727 General equipment, fixtures and fittings 959 120 — 1,079 Office equipment and computers 76 59 — 134 Total gross value 2,738 318 (98 ) 2,958 Accumulated depreciation of laboratory equipment (753 ) (78 ) — (831 ) Accumulated depreciation of plant, equipment and tooling (346 ) (79 ) — (426 ) Accumulated depreciation of general equipment, fixtures and fittings (636 ) (98 ) — (733 ) Accumulated depreciation of office equipment and computers (36 ) (15 ) — (51 ) Total accumulated depreciation (1,771 ) (270 ) — (2,041 ) Total net value 967 48 (98 ) 918 6.3 Other non-current The other non-current 6.4 Inventories As of December 31, 2015 2016 2017 (in thousands of euros) Production inventory 79 71 104 Laboratory inventory 87 74 72 Total inventory 166 145 176 6.5 Trade and other receivables The receivables relate mainly to the receivables on Orphan Europe as regards the re-invoicing 2012-10 6.6 Other current assets As of December 31, 2015 2016 2017 (in thousands of euros) Research Tax Credit 3,743 3,321 3,326 Tax receivables (e.g. VAT) and other receivables 1,190 863 1,114 Cash to be received from bank related to exercise of warrants 553 — 23 Prepayments 220 339 1,327 Total 5,705 4,524 5,791 Research Tax Credit The Company benefits from the provisions in Articles 244 quater septies The amount as of December 31, 2017 is mainly the CIR receivable for the 2017 period. Prepayments as at December 31, 2017 relate to the building leases for 2018 first quarter, the D&O insurance for one-year 6.7 Cash and cash equivalents As of December 31, (in thousands of euros) 2015 2016 2017 Cash and cash equivalents 45,634 37,646 185,525 Total cash and cash equivalents as reported in statement of financial position 45,634 37,646 185,525 Bank overdrafts — — 10 Total cash and cash equivalents as reported in statement of cash flow 45,634 37,646 185,515 At December 31, 2015, the cash position is composed of the following items: (i) €20.2 million in current accounts and (ii) €25.4 million in term deposits, with maturities of 1 month to 3 years, but readily available without penalty subject to a 32-day At December 31, 2016, the cash position is composed of the following items: (i) €10.6 million in current accounts and (ii) €27.0 million in term deposits, with maturities of 1 month to 3 years, but readily available without penalty subject to a 32-day At December 31, 2017, the cash position is composed of the following items: (i) €174.5 million in current accounts and (ii) €11.0 million in term deposits, with a maturity as of January 1, 2019, but readily available without penalty subject to a 32-day 6.8 Shareholders’ equity We manage our capital to ensure that the Company will be able to continue as a going concern while maximizing the return to shareholders through the optimization of the debt and equity balance. Our capital structure consists of financial liabilities as detailed in Notes 6.10 offset by cash and bank balances and equity (comprising issued capital, reserves and retained earnings). We are not subject to any externally imposed capital requirements. As of December 31, 2016, the capital of the Parent Company consisted of 8,732,648 shares, fully paid up, with a nominal value of 0.10 euro. Following the private placement completed in April 2017 and the IPO in November 2017, as well as the exercise of subscription warrants, the capital was increased to 17,937,559 shares with a nominal value of 0.10 euro as at December 31, 2017. Nature of transactions Number of Balance as of January 1, 2015 6,882,761 Exercise of share warrants 101,850 Private placement with institutional investors 940,000 Balance as of January 1, 2016 7,924,611 Follow-on 793,877 Exercise of share warrants 14,160 Balance as of January 1, 2017 8,732,648 Exercise of share warrants 17,200 Free shares / Stock options / Share warrants 7,574 Private placement with institutional investors in April 3,000,000 Initial Public Offering (including 5,389,021 ordinary shares in the form of ADSs) 6,180,137 Total as of December 31, 2017 17,937,559 The costs of issuing ordinary shares amounted to €16,722 thousand and were deducted from the share premium increase. These costs were related to bank fees, legal counsels, advisors and auditors’ fees. Basic earnings per share and diluted earnings (loss) per share For the year ended December 31, (in thousands of euros) 2015 2016 2017 Net loss (in thousands of euros) (15,013 ) (21,913 ) (33,530 ) Weighted number of shares for the period 6,957,654 7,983,642 11,370,557 Basic loss per share (€/share) (2,16 ) (2.74 ) (2.95 ) Diluted loss per share (€/share) (2.16 ) (2.74 ) (2.95 ) At December 31, 2015, 2016 and 2017, the potential shares that could be issued within the context of exercising warrants issued (455,330, 626,000 and 858,186 as at December 31, 2015, 2016 and 2017, respectively) were not taken into consideration in the calculation of the diluted earnings, as their effect would be anti-dilutive. 2,500 shares are held by the Company as treasury shares (and recognized as a deduction of shareholders’ equity) and will be cancelled. 6.9 Provisions The provisions can be detailed as follows: As of December 31, (in thousands of euros) 2015 2016 2017 Provision for retirement indemnities 100 163 214 Provisions for disputes 81 — — Total 181 163 214 The regime for retirement indemnities applicable at the Parent Company, is defined by the collective agreement for the pharmaceutical industry in France. The Company recognizes actuarial differences in other comprehensive income. The pension commitments are not covered by plan assets. The portion of the provision for which the maturity is less than one year is not significant. As part of the estimate of the retirement commitments, the following assumptions were used for all categories of employees: 2015 2016 2017 Discount rate 2.03 % 1.36 % 1.30 % Wage increase 2 % 2 % 2 % Social welfare contribution rate Non-executive 44 % Non-executive 44 % Non-executive 44 % Executive 54 % Executive 54 % Executive 54 % Expected staff turnover 0-10 % 0-10 % 0-10 % Age of retirement: 65-67 65-67 65-67 Mortality table INSEE 2014 INSEE 2014 INSEE 2014 The Company has settled the dispute with BPI France related to the GR-SIL The breakdown of provisions is as follows: In thousands of euros Opening Other (1) Provisions Reversals Closing Period from January 1 to December 31, 2015 Retirement indemnity provision 89 (8 ) 20 — 100 Provision for disputes — — 81 — 81 Net closing balance 89 (8 ) 101 — 181 Period from January 1 to December 31, 2016 Retirement indemnity provision 100 30 33 — 163 Provision for disputes 81 — — 81 — Net closing balance 181 30 33 81 163 Period from January 1 to December 31, 2017 Retirement indemnity provision 163 (8 ) 59 — 214 Provision for disputes — — — — — Net closing balance 163 (8 ) 59 — 214 (1) The “Other” differences relate to actuarial gains and losses 6.10 Financial liabilities Financial liabilities by type As of December 31, (in thousands of euros) 2015 2016 2017 Financial liabilities related to finance leases 144 204 117 Bank overdrafts — — 11 Conditional advances 563 1,182 1,182 Bank loans — 1,480 1,534 Total financial liabilities 707 2,865 2,843 Financial liabilities by maturity Maturity dates of financial liabilities as of December 31, 2015 are as follows: (in thousands of euros) Less than One to Three to More than Total Financial liabilities Bank loans — — — — — Conditional advances 501 — — 63 563 Liabilities related to leases 56 88 — — 144 Total financial liabilities 556 88 — 63 707 Maturity dates of financial liabilities as of December 31, 2016 are as follows: (in thousands of euros) Less than One to Three to More than Total Financial liabilities Bank loans — 1,480 — — 1,480 Conditional advances — — — 1,182 1,182 Liabilities related to leases 50 154 — — 204 Total financial liabilities 50 1,634 — 1,182 2,865 Maturity dates of financial liabilities as of December 31, 2017 are as follows: (in thousands of euros) Less than One to Three to More than Total Financial liabilities Bank loans 735 799 — — 1,534 Conditional advances — — — 1,182 1,182 Liabilities related to leases 79 39 — — 117 Bank overdrafts 11 — — — 11 Total financial liabilities 824 838 — 1,182 2,843 The company has received a bank loan amounting to €1.900 thousand with Société Générale with a 0.4% interest rate and 36 monthly repayment terms to finance its investments. The conditional advances from public authorities relate to contracts with BPI France. The Company has three contracts related to conditional advances with BPI France. These advances are not interest-bearing and are 100% repayable (nominal value) in the event of technical and/or commercial success. Under IFRS, the fact that a conditional advance does not require an annual interest payment is akin to obtaining a zero-interest The portion of the conditional advances due in more than one year is recorded under financial debts—non-current Since its creation, the Company has received 3 conditional advances from BPI France, repayable under certain conditions. The main terms of the agreements as well as the balances as of December 31, 2016 and 2017 respectively are presented below: Conditional advances (amounts received/paid) € ‘000 Conditional advance granted by BPI France / Pancreas project 735 Conditional advance granted by BPI France / GR-SIL 81 Conditional advance granted by BPI France / Tedac project 63 Total conditional advances granted by BPI France as of 31 December 2012 (nominal value) 879 Effect of the discount (122 ) Total conditional advances granted by BPI France as of 31 December 2012 (present value) 757 Repayment in 2013 (115 ) Of which BPI France / Pancreas project (100 ) Of which GR-SIL (15 ) Interest capitalized in 2013 52 Financial liabilities as of December 31, 2013 694 Repayment in 2014 (184 ) Of which BPI France / Pancreas project (150 ) Of which GR-SIL (34 ) Interest capitalized in 2014 39 Financial liabilities as of December 31, 2014 549 Repayment in 2015 (9 ) Interest capitalized in 2015 23 Financial liabilities as of December 31, 2015 563 Repayment in 2016 (508 ) Of which BPI France / Pancreas project (485 ) Of which GR-SIL (23 ) Conditional advance granted by BPI France / Tedac project 1,118 Interest capitalized in 2016 7 Financial liabilities as of December 31, 2016 1,181 Repayment in 2017 — Interest capitalized in 2017 — Financial liabilities as of December 31, 2017 1,181 • BPI FRANCE / PANCREAS The first conditional advance, granted by BPI France for a total amount of €735,000, related to the development of a new treatment against pancreatic cancer through the administration of allogenic red blood cells incorporating L-asparaginase The repayment of this conditional advance was according to a fixed payment schedule that ended on June 30, 2016 following the last payment of €260,000. As at December 31, 2017, all the payment due had been reimbursed (see below). • BPI FRANCE / GR-SIL The second conditional advance, granted by BPI France, which provided for a total amount of €135,000, concerns a program for the preclinical validation of the encapsulation of interfering RNA for therapeutic use in red blood cells, notably to limit inflammation of the cirrhotic liver and/or prevent the development of hepatocellular carcinomas. The Company has reimbursed the entire amount of the conditional advance in January 2016 for €23 thousand (representing the balance) and also reimbursed the related subsidy of €81 thousand to settle the dispute with BPI France. • BPI FRANCE / TEDAC: The third conditional advance, granted by BPI France within the scope of the TEDAC project, is for a total amount of €4,895,052. This conditional advance is paid upon completion of the following key milestones: • €62,607 upon signature of the agreement (paid in 2012) • €1,118,735 upon the milestones n°4 • the remainder upon calls for funds when key milestones are reached (not yet received) • as at December 31, 2017, the Company has reached milestone n°4; the Company has received €1,181 thousand of reimbursable advances and €1,455 thousand of cumulated subsidies. The Company undertakes to repay BPI France initially: a) an amount of €5,281,000 upon achieving cumulative sales (excluding VAT) equal to or greater than €10 million, according to the following payment schedule: • €500,000 at the latest on June 30 of the first year in which the cumulative sales condition is achieved, • €750,000 at the latest on June 30 of the second year, • €1,500,000 at the latest on June 30 of the third year, • €2,531,000 at the latest on June 30 of the fourth year, b) and, where applicable, an annuity equal to 50% of the income generated through the sale of intellectual property rights resulting from the project, within the limit of a total repayment of €5.3 million. In a second phase, when the cumulative sales reach €60,000,000, the Company undertakes to pay BPI France 2.5% of sales generated by the products developed within the project, limited to a total amount of €15 million over 15 years once sales begin. 6.11 Trade and other payables As of December 31, (in thousands of euros) 2015 2016 2017 Domestic vendors 1,904 2,802 2,335 Foreign vendors 1,371 745 2,631 Vendors—Accruals 498 1,292 3,211 Other (101 ) (7 ) (101 ) Total trade and other payables 3,672 4,832 8,076 Trades and other payables have increased by €3,244 thousand as of December 31, 2017 of which €1,919 thousand relate to accruals. This trade and other payables increase is related to the increase in research and development activities in 2017. The increase between 2015 and 2016 of €1,160 thousand is due to the same reason. 6.12 Other current liabilities As of December 31, (in thousands of euros) 2015 2016 2017 Social liabilities, taxation and social security 1,241 1,465 2,706 Deferred revenue — — Other payables 71 — — Total other current liabilities 1,311 1,465 2,706 The increase in other current liabilities between 2016 and 2017 is mainly due to the increase of accruals for bonuses and social tax on bonuses. The increase is related to the increase of wages and headcounts over the two periods. 6.13 Related parties Related parties include the Chief Executive Officer of the Company Gil Beyen, members of the Board of Directors (6 Board members) and members of the executive committee (5 members). The remuneration of directors and other members of the executive committee during the year amounted to €2,402 thousand for wages and €1,120 thousand for share based-payments (see Note 5.3). 2017 2016 2015 In thousand of euros Salary Retirement Share Salary Retirement Share Salary Retirement Share Executive officers / VP and Qualified person 654 19 306 498 15 226 825 6 241 Executive committee 1,519 25 478 818 10 495 279 1 554 Board of directors 229 — 336 184 — 37 172 — 1,593 Total 2,402 44 1,120 1,500 25 758 1,276 7 2,387 The Company has no other related parties. 6. 14 Financial instruments recognized in the consolidated statement of financial position and effect on net income (loss) As of December 31, 2015 (in thousands of euros) Carrying (1) Fair value Loans and Debt at Fair Non-current 97 — 97 — 97 Trade and other receivables 424 — 424 — 424 Other current assets 5,705 — 5,705 — 5,705 Cash and cash equivalents (2) 45,634 45,634 — — 45,634 Total financial assets 51,860 45,634 6,226 — 51,860 Financial liabilities – Non-current (3) 151 — — 151 151 Financial liabilities – Current portion (3) 557 — — 557 557 Trade payables and related accounts 3,672 — — 3,672 3,672 Total financial liabilities 4,380 — — 4,380 4,380 As of December 31, 2016 (in thousands of euros) Carrying (1) Fair value Loans and Debt at Fair Non-current 132 — 132 — 132 Trade and other receivables 218 — 218 — 218 Other current assets 4,524 — 4,524 — 4,524 Cash and cash equivalents (2) 37,646 37,646 — — 37,646 Total financial assets 42,520 37,646 4,874 — 42,520 Financial liabilities – Non-current (3) 2,816 — — 2,816 2,816 Financial liabilities – Current portion (3) 50 — — 50 50 Trade payables and related accounts 4,832 — — 4,832 4,832 Total financial liabilities 7,697 — — 7,697 7,697 As of December 31, 2017 (in thousands of euros) Carrying (1) Fair value Loans and Debt at Fair value Non-current 234 — 234 — 234 Trade and other receivables 76 — 76 — 76 Other current assets 5,790 — 5,790 — 5,790 Cash and cash equivalents (2) 185,525 185,525 — — 185,525 Total financial assets 191,626 185,525 6,100 — 191,626 Financial liabilities – Non-current 2,019 — — 2,019 2,019 Financial liabilities – Current portion (3) 824 — — 824 824 Trade payables and related accounts (3) 8,076 — — 8,076 8,076 Total financial liabilities 10,919 — — 10,919 10,919 (1) The carrying amount of these assets and liabilities is a reasonable approximation of their fair value. (2) Cash and cash equivalents are comprised of money market funds and time deposit accounts, which are measured using level 1 and level 2 measurements, respectively. (3) The fair value of financial liabilities is determined using level 2 measurements. |