Notes Related to the Consolidated Statements of Financial Position | 4. Notes related to the consolidated statements of financial position 4.1 Fixed assets 4.1.1 Intangible assets Accounting policies Internally generated intangible assets – Research and development costs In accordance with IAS 38 Intangible Assets IAS 38 An internally generated intangible asset relating to a development project is recorded as an asset if, and only if, the following criteria are met: (a) it is technically feasible to complete the development project; (b) intention on the part of the Company to complete the project and to utilize it; (c) capacity to utilize the intangible asset; (d) proof of the probability of future economic benefits associated with the asset; (e) availability of the technical, financial, and other resources for completing the project; and (f) reliable evaluation of the development expenses. The initial measurement of the asset is the sum of expenses incurred starting on the date on which the development project meets the above criteria. Because of the risks and uncertainties related to regulatory authorizations and to the research and development process, the Company believes that the six criteria stipulated by IAS 38 have not been fulfilled to date and the application of this principle has resulted in all development costs being expensed as incurred in all periods presented. Other intangible assets Other intangible assets are recorded at their acquisition cost plus costs directly attributable to the preparation of the asset for its intended use. Other intangible assets mainly comprised costs of modeling studies of a new production process and costs of acquisition of software licenses. As the new production process relates to equipment that is not yet constructed, the amortization will begin on the date the equipment will be available for use (i.e. when it is in the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating). In the meantime, an impairment test will be performed (see Note 4.1.3). Intangible assets with a finite life are amortized on the basis of the straight-line method over their estimated useful life. Intangible assets Item Amortization period Software 1 to 5 years (amounts in thousands of euros) Other intangible assets TOTAL GROSS VALUE As of December 31, 2016 209 209 Increase 25 25 Decrease - - As of December 31, 2017 234 234 Increase 3 3 Decrease — — Reclassification 1,596 1,596 As of December 31, 2018 1,833 1,833 Increase 16 16 Decrease — — FX rate impact (0 ) (0 ) Reclassification 28 28 As of December 31, 2019 1,876 1,876 ACCUMULATED AMORTIZATION AND DEPRECIATION As of December 31, 2016 (152 ) (152 ) Increase (29 ) (29 ) Decrease - - As of December 31, 2017 (181 ) (181 ) Increase (39 ) (39 ) Decrease — — As of December 31, 2018 (220 ) (220 ) Increase (1,053 ) (1,053 ) Decrease — — FX rate impact 0 0 As of Decemner 31, 2019 (1,273 ) (1,273 ) NET VALUE As of December 31, 2016 57 57 As of December 31, 2017 53 53 As of December 31, 2018 1,613 1,613 As of December 31, 2019 603 603 The reclassification of €1,596 thousand in 2018 corresponds to expenses incurred as part of a new production process that were recognized in assets under construction as of December 31, 2017. Considering that the new production process (€1,596 thousand) relates to equipment that is not yet constructed, an impairment test is performed annually and whenever there is an indication that the intangible asset may be impaired (see note 4.1.3). Following clarification at the end of 2019, the Company determined that €1,036 thousand of the intangible asset will no longer be used in the intended production process. This amount has been impaired. 4.1.2 Property, plant and equipment Accounting policies Property, plant and equipment are recorded at their acquisition cost, comprised of their purchase price and all the direct costs incurred to bring the asset to the location and working condition for its use as intended by the company’s management. Property, plant, and equipment are depreciated on the basis of the straight-line method over their estimated useful life. The non-reusable fixtures of property rented are depreciated over the term of their own lifetime or of the term of the rental agreement, whichever is shorter. The depreciation periods used are the following: Property, plant and equipment items Depreciation period Industrial equipment 1 to 5 years Fixtures and improvements in structures 3 to Office equipment 3 to 5 years Furniture 3 to 5 years The useful lives of property, plant and equipment as well as any residual values are reviewed at each year end and, in the event of a significant change, result in a prospective revision of the depreciation pattern. (amounts in thousands of euros) Assets under construction Plant, equipment and tooling General equipment, fixtures and fittings Office equipment and computers TOTAL GROSS VALUE As of December 31, 2016 862 1,824 1,466 532 4,684 Increase 868 270 389 137 1,664 Decrease — — — — — As of December 31, 2017 1,730 2,094 1,855 669 6,348 Increase 13,425 490 152 155 14,222 Decrease — — — — — Reclassification (1,596 ) — — — (1,596 ) As of December 31, 2018 13,559 2,584 2,007 824 18,974 Increase 630 1,557 9,489 387 12,063 Decrease (21 ) (106 ) (437 ) (112 ) (676 ) FX rate impact 268 (8 ) (62 ) 2 200 Reclassification (13,357 ) 779 11,389 70 (1,120 ) As of December 31, 2019 1,078 4,806 22,385 1,171 29,440 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION As of December 31, 2016 — (1,406 ) (908 ) (125 ) (2,439 ) Increase — (165 ) (208 ) (130 ) (503 ) Decrease — — — — — As of December 31, 2017 — (1,571 ) (1,116 ) (255 ) (2,942 ) Increase — (248 ) (355 ) (155 ) (758 ) Decrease — — — — — Reclassification — (5 ) — 5 — As of December 31, 2018 — (1,824 ) (1,471 ) (405 ) (3,700 ) Increase — (469 ) (1,148 ) (180 ) (1,797 ) Decrease — 85 437 112 634 FX rate impact — 0 0 (2 ) (2 ) Reclassification — 988 61 7 1,056 As of December 31, 2019 — (1,219 ) (2,121 ) (469 ) (3,808 ) NET VALUE As of December 31, 2016 862 418 558 407 2,245 As of December 31, 2017 1,730 523 739 414 3,406 As of December 31, 2018 13,559 760 536 419 15,274 As of December 31, 2019 1,078 3,587 20,264 702 25,632 As of December 31, 2017 and 2018, property, plant and equipment included assets held under finance leases. Their net book value amounted to €113 thousand as of December 31, 2017 (of which equipment amounted to €37 thousand and office and computers amounted to €76 thousand) and €37 thousand as of December 31, 2018. Property, plant and equipment held under finance leases were reclassified in right of use with the application of IFRS 16 as of January 1, 2019. Assets under construction in 2018 and commissioned in 2019 in the amount of €13.4 million mainly relate to fixtures and fittings and industrial equipment of the Princeton manufacturing facility (€11.9 million) and the expansion of the manufacturing facility in Lyon (€1.2 million). In 2019, the Company pursued the acquisition of and the expansion of the manufacturing facility in Lyon (€0.7 million). These two facilities began the production of GMP-compliant clinical batches in 2019 4.1.3 Impairment on fixed assets Accounting policies According to IAS 36 Impairment of Assets (“ IAS 36 The property, plant, and equipment and intangible assets that have a finite life are subject to an impairment test when the recoverability of their carrying value is called into question by the existence of indications of impairment. The intangible assets that are not amortized are tested for impairment at the end of the period in which they are acquired, subsequently annually and whenever there is an indication that the intangible asset may be impaired. An impairment is recognized up to the amount of the excess of the value over the recoverable value of the asset. 4.2 Right of use Accounting policies In accordance with IFRS 16 Leases (“ IFRS 16 ”), The right of use asset is measured at cost and comprises: • the amount of the initial measurement of the lease liability (see note 4.10), • lease incentives, payments at or prior to commencement date, • incremental costs which would not have been incurred if the contract had not been concluded. The right of use is subsequently measured at cost less depreciation and any accumulated impairment loss. The amount can be adjusted based on certain revaluations of the lease liability. Until December 31, 2018, only finance lease agreements for which the Company bears substantially all the benefits and risks inherent in the ownership of the property were recorded as assets in accordance with IAS 17 Leases (“ IAS 17 ”). (amounts in thousands of euros) Buildings Plant, equipment and tooling Transport equipment Office equipment and computers TOTAL GROSS VALUE As of December 31, 2018 — — — — — First application of IFRS 16 7,397 — 47 — 7,443 Increase 4,088 — 34 — 4,121 Decrease (355 ) (20 ) — — (375 ) FX rate impact 108 — — — 108 Reclassification — 974 — 118 1,092 As of December 31, 2019 11,237 954 80 118 12,389 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION As of December 31, 2018 — — — — — Increase (1,304 ) — (23 ) (39 ) (1,366 ) Decrease 16 20 — — 36 FX rate impact 3 — — — 3 Reclassification — (974 ) — (79 ) (1,053 ) As of December 31, 2019 (1,286 ) (954 ) (23 ) (118 ) (2,380 ) NET VALUE As of December 31, 2018 — — — — — As of December 31, 2019 9,952 — 58 — 10,009 Reclassifications correspond to assets financed by finance leases which have been reclassified in right of use with the application of IFRS 16 as of January 1, 2019. These assets were classified in property, plant and equipment until December 31, 2018. The increase of €4,121 thousand is mainly linked to the partial relocation of the French team in new facilities in July 2019 (impact of €4,026 thousand). The decrease in net value of €339 thousand corresponds to a decrease in the right of use following a decrease in the rental space of a building lease (linked to a partial relocation of the French team in new facilities). 4.3 Other financial assets Accounting policies Other financial assets are composed of receivables initially recognized at their fair value and then at the amortized cost calculated with the effective interest rate (“ EIR Financial assets with a maturity of more than one year are classified in “other non-current financial assets” in accordance with IAS 1. (amounts in thousands of euros) 12/31/2017 12/31/2018 12/31/2019 Deposits related to leased premises 168 446 475 Advance payments to suppliers — 510 226 Other 67 91 17 Total other non-current financial assets 234 1,046 718 Advance payments to suppliers — — 28 Other — — 13 Total other current financial assets — — 41 Advance payments comprise payments made to service providers, especially Contract Research Organizations (“ CROs 4.4 Inventories Accounting policies In compliance with IAS 2 Inventories IAS 2 First-In First-Out (amounts in thousands of euros) 12/31/2017 12/31/2018 12/31/2019 Raw materials 176 1,396 358 Total inventory 176 1,396 358 4.5 Trade receivables and other current assets Accounting policies Other current assets are initially recognized at their fair value and then at the amortized cost calculated with the effective interest rate (“ EIR Trade receivables Trade receivables are initially recognized in accordance with IFRS 15 and then at the amortized cost calculated with the effective interest rate (“ EIR The Company recognizes loss allowances for expected credit losses (“ ECL (amounts in thousands of euros) 12/31/2017 12/31/2018 12/31/2019 Trade and other receivables 76 30 36 Total trade and other receivables 76 30 36 Research Tax Credit 3,326 7,701 3,917 Tax and social receivables (e.g VAT) and other receivables 1,114 1,949 1,871 Cash to be received from bank related to exercise of warrants 23 — — Prepaid expenses 1,327 4,461 2,188 Total other current assets 5,791 14,111 7,975 Research Tax Credit The Company benefits from the provisions in Articles 244 quater septies As of December 31, 2017, the CIR receivable included Research Tax Credit of the year. As of December 31, 2018, the CIR receivable included Research Tax Credit for the 2017 and 2018 financial years. As of December 31, 2019, the CIR receivable included Research Tax Credit of the year. Tax and social receivables and other receivables Tax and social receivables and other receivables mainly related to VAT receivables (€1,016 thousand as of December 31, 2017, €949 thousand as of December 31, 2018 and €942 thousand as of December 31, 2019) and credit notes to be received (€101 thousand as of December 31, 2017, €863 thousand as of December 31, 2018 and €570 thousand as of December 31, 2019). Prepaid expenses Prepaid expenses mainly related to advances payments made to suppliers of asparaginase (€570 thousand as of December 31, 2017, €3,180 thousand as of December 31, 2018 and €1,295 thousand as of December 31, 2019). 4.6 Cash and cash equivalents Accounting policies The item “cash and cash equivalents” includes bank accounts and highly liquid securities. They are readily convertible into a known amount of cash and are subject to a negligible risk of change in value. The cash equivalents classification is made if the following criteria are fulfilled: • held for the purpose of meeting short term cash commitments rather than for investment or other purposes. • exit options exist: o exercisable at any time at least every three months; o initially included in the contract and this exit option is always provided in the initial contract; and o exercisable without exit penalty and without significant risk of change in the amount received as cash reimbursement. • there is no value risk related to the level of minimum compensation acquired (i.e. that obtained in the event of early exit) because over the entire duration and at each moment this remuneration will be identical to that obtained from an investment of no more than three months that meets the definition of a cash equivalent. This can be the case when the rate is variable or revisable. They are recorded as assets in cash equivalents, measured at their fair value, and the changes in value are recognized in financial income (loss). (amounts in thousands of euros) 12/31/2017 12/31/2018 12/31/2019 Current account 174,525 118,371 68,066 Term deposits 11,000 16,000 5,107 Total cash and cash equivalents as reported in statement of financial position 185,525 134,371 73,173 Bank overdrafts (11 ) — — Total cash and cash equivalents as reported in statement of cash flow 185,514 134,371 73,173 As of December 31, 2017, term deposits included a term deposit of €11 million with a maturity as of January 1, 2019, but readily available without penalty subject to a 32-day notice. As of December 31, 2018, term deposits included two term deposits of €11 million and €5 million, both with a maturity in January 2019. As of December 31, 2019, term deposits included a term deposit of €5 million with a maturity of one month and deposits of €0.1 million convertible into cash immediately. 4.7 Shareholders’ equity Accounting policies Common shares are classified under shareholders’ equity. The costs of share capital transactions that are directly attributable to the issue of new shares or options are recognized in shareholders’ equity as a deduction from the proceeds from the issue, net of tax. As of December 31, 2019, the capital of the Parent Company consisted of 17,940,035 shares, fully paid up, with a nominal value of 0.10 euro. Number of shares Balance as of December 31, 2016 8,732,648 Exercise of share warrants 17,200 Free shares / stock options / share warrants 7,574 Private placement with institutional investors in April 3,000,000 Initial public offering (including 5,389,021 ordinary shares in the form of ADSs) 6,180,137 Balance as of December 31, 2017 17,937,559 Free shares 2,476 Balance as of December 31, 2018 17,940,035 Balance as of December 31, 2019 17,940,035 Capital management The capital is managed to ensure that the Company will be able to continue as a going concern while maximizing the return to shareholders through the optimization of the debt and equity balance. The Company is not subject to any externally imposed capital requirements. Transaction costs The costs of issuing ordinary shares amounted to €16,722 thousand in 2017 and were deducted from the share premium increase. These costs were related to bank fees, legal counsels, advisors and auditors’ fees. 4.8 Provisions Accounting policies A provision is recognized when the Company has a current or implicit legal obligation resulting from a past event, where the obligation can be reliably estimated, and where it is probable that an outflow of resources representing economic benefits will be necessary to settle the obligation. The portion of a provision that become due in less than one year is recorded under current liabilities, and the balance under non-current liabilities. The provisions are discounted when the impact is material. Disclosure is made on any contingent assets and liabilities where the impact is expected to be material, except where the probability of occurrence is low. (in thousands of euros) 12/31/2017 12/31/2018 12/31/2019 Provision for retirement indemnities 214 347 506 Provisions - non-current portion 214 347 506 Other provisions — — 71 Provisions - current portion — — 71 Provision for retirement indemnities - defined benefit plans Accounting policies The French employees of the Company receive the retirement benefits stipulated by law in France: • a compensation paid by the Company to employees upon their retirement (defined-benefit plan); and • a payment of retirement pensions by the social security agencies, which are financed by the contributions made by companies and employees (defined contribution plans in France). The American employees do not receive defined-benefit plan. For the defined-benefit plans, the costs of the retirement benefits are estimated by using the projected credit unit method. According to this method, the cost of the retirement benefit is recognized in the statement of income (loss) so that it is distributed uniformly over the term of the services of the employees. The retirement benefit commitments are valued at the current value of the future payments estimated using, for discounting, the market rate for high quality corporate bonds with a term that corresponds to the estimated term for the payment of the benefits. The difference between the amount of the provision at the beginning of a period and at the close of that period is recognized through profit or loss for the portion representing the costs of services rendered and the net interest costs, and through other comprehensive income for the portion representing the actuarial gains and losses. The Company’s payments for the defined-contribution plans are recognized as expenses on the statement of income (loss) of the period in which they become payable. The regime for retirement indemnities applicable at the Parent Company, is defined by the collective agreement for the pharmaceutical industry in France. The pension commitments are not covered by plan assets. As part of the estimate of the retirement commitments, the following assumptions were used for all categories of employees: 12/31/2017 12/31/2018 12/31/2019 Discount rate 1.30 % 1.57 % 0.77 % Wage increase 2 % 2 % 2 % Social welfare contribution rate - non executive employees 44 % 44 % 36 % - executive employees 54 % 54 % 50 % - executive management 54 % 55 % 52 % Expected staff turnover - non executive and executive employees Medium - High Medium - High High - executive management High Low Low Age of retirement 65 - 67 years 65 - 67 years 65 - 67 years Mortality table INSEE 2014 INSEE 2014 INSEE 2018 The change in the provision for retirement indemnities is as follows: (amounts in thousands of euros) As of December 31, 2016 163 Service costs 57 Financial costs 2 Actuarial gains and losses (8 ) As of December 31, 2017 214 Service costs 75 Financial costs 3 Actuarial gains and losses 55 As of December 31, 2018 347 Service costs 115 Financial costs 5 Actuarial gains and losses 38 As of December 31, 2019 506 Provision for risks Accounting policies The provisions for risks correspond to the commitments resulting from litigations and various risks whose due dates and amounts are uncertain. The amount recognized as a provision is the best estimate of the expenses necessary to extinguish the obligation. 4.9 Financial liabilities Accounting policies Financial liabilities are initially recognized at fair value less transaction costs and subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method. Financial liabilities with a maturity of more than one year are classified in “Financial liabilities – non-current portion” in accordance with IAS 1. Financial liabilities by type (amounts in thousands of euros) 12/31/2017 12/31/2018 12/31/2019 Conditional advances 1,182 1,181 1,321 Bank loans 1,534 799 62 Financial liabilities related to finance leases 116 39 — Bank overdrafts 11 — — Other — — 38 Total financial liabilities 2,843 2,019 1,421 Financial liabilities by maturity December 31, 2017 (in thousands of euros) Less than one year One to three years Three to five years More than five years Total Conditional advances — — — 1,182 1,182 Bank loans 735 799 — — 1,534 Financial liabilities related to finance leases 79 37 — — 116 Bank overdrafts 11 — — — 11 Total financial liabilities 825 836 — 1,182 2,843 December 31, 2018 (in thousands of euros) Less than one year One to three years Three to five years More than five years Total Conditional advances — — — 1,181 1,181 Bank loans 737 62 — — 799 Financial liabilities related to finance leases 39 — — — 39 Total financial liabilities 776 62 — 1,181 2,019 December 31, 2019 (in thousands of euros) Less than one year One to three years Three to five years More than five years Total Conditional advances — — — 1,321 1,321 Bank loans 62 — — — 62 Other — — 38 — 38 Total financial liabilities 62 — 38 1,321 1,421 4.9.1 Bank loans In 2017, the Company received a bank loan amounting to €1,900 thousand with Société Générale with a 0.4% interest rate and 36 monthly repayment terms to finance its investments. 4.9.2 Conditional advances Accounting policies Funds received from BPI France in the form of conditional advances are recognized as financial liabilities, as the Company has a contractual obligation to reimburse BPI France for such conditional advances in cash based on a repayment schedule provided the conditions are complied with. Receipts or reimbursements of conditional advances are reflected as financing transactions in the statement of cash flows. The amount resulting from the benefit of conditional advances that do not bear interest at market rates is considered a subsidy. This benefit is determined by applying a discount rate equal to the rate the Company would have to pay for a bank borrowing over a similar maturity. The implicit interest rate resulting from taking into account all the repayments plus the additional payments due in case of commercial success is used to determine the amount recognized annually as a finance expense. In the event of a change in payment schedule of the stipulated repayments of the conditional advances, the Company recalculates the net book value of the debt resulting from the discounting of the anticipated new future cash flows at the initial effective interest rate. The adjustment that results therefrom is recognized in the consolidated statement of income (loss) for the period during which the modification is recognized. (amounts in thousands of euros) Reimbursable advances Financial liabilities as of December 31, 2016 1,181 Interests — Financial liabilities as of December 31, 2017 1,181 Interests — Financial liabilities as of December 31, 2018 1,181 Interests 140 Financial liabilities as of December 31, 2019 1,321 Within the scope of the TEDAC project, BPI France granted to the Company a conditional advance for a total amount of €4,895 thousand. This conditional advance is paid upon completion of the following key milestones: • €63 thousand upon signature of the agreement (received in 2012) • €1,119 thousand upon the milestones n°4 (received in 2016) • the remainder upon calls for funds when key milestones are reached (not yet received) The Company undertakes to repay BPI France: a) an amount of €5,281 thousand upon achieving cumulative sales (excluding VAT) equal to or greater than €10 million, according to the following payment schedule: • €500 thousand at the latest on June 30 of the first year in which the cumulative sales condition is achieved, • €750 thousand at the latest on June 30 of the second year, • €1,500 thousand at the latest on June 30 of the third year, • €2,531 thousand at the latest on June 30 of the fourth year, b) and, where applicable, an annuity equal to 50% of the income generated through the sale of intellectual property rights resulting from the project, within the limit of a total repayment of €5,281 thousand. As soon as the cumulative amount of the Company's sales exceeds €60 million, the Company undertakes to pay BPI France 2.5% of the sales generated by the products developed within the project during a period of 5 years, limited to a total amount of €15 million. 4.10 Lease liabilities Accounting policies In accordance with IFRS 16 Leases (“ IFRS 16 ”), The lease liability is recognized for an amount equal to the present value of the lease payments over the lease term. The lease liability is then increased by the interest expense and decreased by the rents paid. The lease liability may be remeasured in the following situations: • Modification related to the assessment of the exercise of an option to purchase or the extension or the non-exercise of a termination option (which become reasonably certain); • Rent adjustments based on rates and indices provided in the contracts. The duration corresponds to the firm period of the commitment and takes into account the optional periods that are reasonably certain to be exercised. The Company has used its judgment in determining the term of the lease agreements providing for an extension option. The fact that the Company has determined that it is reasonably certain to exercise such options affects the lease term and has a significant impact on the amount of the right of use and the lease liability. Until December 31, 2018, only rental obligations related to finance lease agreements for which the Company bears substantially all the benefits and risks inherent in the ownership of the property were recorded in financial liabilities in accordance with IAS 17 Leases (“ IAS 17 ”). (in thousands of euros) Lease liabilities As of December 31, 2018 — First application of IFRS 16 7,734 Allowance received from a lessor (1) 1,866 Increase without cash impact (2) 4,121 Repayment (978 ) Decrease without cash impact (2) (339 ) FX rate impact 108 Capitalized interests 149 Reclassification 42 As of December 31, 2019 12,703 (1) Allowance received for fixture and fittings for Princeton manufacturing facility. (2) Linked to the partial relocation of the French team in new facilities in July and a decrease in the rental space of a building lease of the previous property lease. Lease liabilities by maturity (in thousands of euros) Less than one year One to three years Three to five years More than five years Total As of December 31, 2018 — — — — — As of December 31, 2019 1,425 3,411 2,525 5,342 12,703 4.11 Trade payables and other current liabilities Accounting policies Trade payables and other current liabilities are initially measured at their fair value less transaction costs directly attributable, and then at the amortized cost, calculated using the EIR method. Given the due date, the amortized cost is equal to the initial fair value. (in thousands of euros) 12/31/2017 12/31/2018 12/31/2019 Vendors 4,966 13,402 5,074 Vendors - accruals 3,211 3,253 8,701 Other (101 ) — — Total trade and other payables 8,076 16,655 13,775 Social liabilities, taxation and social security 2,706 3,148 3,628 Fixed assets payables — — 726 Deferred revenue — 16 61 Other payables — 53 96 Total other current liabilities 2,706 3,217 4,510 4.12 Financial instruments recognized in the consolidated statement of financial position and effect on net income (loss) Accounting policies The valuation and the accounting treatment of the financial assets and liabilities are defined by IFRS 9 Financial Instruments IFRS 9 Receivables These instruments are initially recognized at their fair value and then at the amortized cost calculated with the effective interest rate (“ EIR Financial liabilities at the amortized cost Loans and other financial liabilities are initially measured at their fair value less transaction costs directly attributable, and then at the amortized cost, calculated using the EIR method. Financial assets and financial liabilities measured at fair value In accordance with IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement IFRS 13 • Level 1: fair value calculated using quoted prices in an active market for identical assets and liabilities; • Level 2: fair value calculated using valuation techniques based on observable market data such as prices of similar assets and liabilities or parameters quoted in an active market; • Level 3: fair value calculated using valuation techniques based wholly or partly on unobservable inputs such as prices in an inactive market or a valuation based on multiples for unlisted securities. As of December 31, 2017 (amounts in thousands of euros) Carrying amount on the statement of financial position Fair value through profit and loss Loans and receivables Debt at amortized cost Fair value Other non-current financial assets 234 234 234 Trade and other receivables 76 76 76 Other current assets 5,790 5,790 5,790 Cash and cash equivalents 185,525 185,525 185,525 Total financial assets 191,626 185,525 6,100 — 191,626 Financial liabilities - non current portion 2,019 2,019 2,019 Financial liabilities - current portion 824 824 824 Trade and other payables 8,076 8,076 8,076 Total financial liabilities 10,919 — — 10,919 10,919 As of December 31, 2018 (amounts in thousands of euros) Carrying amount on the statement of financial position Fair value through profit and loss Fair value through other comprehensive income Loans and receivables Debt at amortized cost Fair value Other non-current financial assets 1,046 1,046 1,046 Trade and other receivables 30 30 30 Other current assets 14,111 14,111 14,111 Cash and cash equivalents 134,371 134,371 134,371 Total financial assets 149,557 134,371 — 15,187 — 149,557 Financial liabilities - non current portion 1,243 1,243 1,243 Financial liabilities - current portion 776 776 776 Trade and other payables 16,655 16,655 16,655 Total financial liabilities 18,674 — — — 18,674 18,674 As of December 31, 2019 (amounts in thousands of euros) Carrying amount on the statement of financial position Fair value through profit and loss Fair value through other comprehensive income Loans and receivables Debt at amortized cost Fair value Other non-current financial assets 718 718 718 Other current financial assets 41 41 41 Trade and other receivables 36 36 36 Other current assets 5,788 5,788 5,788 Cash and cash equivalents 73,173 73,173 73,173 Total financial assets 79,756 73,173 — 6,583 — 79,756 Financial liabilities - non current portion 1,321 1,321 1,321 Lease liabilities - non current portion 11,278 11,278 11,278 Financial liabilities - current portion 99 99 99 Lease liabilities - current portion 1,425 1,425 1,425 Trade and other payables 13,775 13,775 13,775 Other current liabilities 4,449 4,449 4,449 Total financial liabilities 32,348 — — — 32,348 32,348 (1) The carrying amount of these assets and liabilities is a reasonable approximation of their fair value. (2) Cash and cash equivalents are comprised of money market funds and time deposit accounts, which are measured using level 1 measurements. (3) The fair value of financial liabilities is determined using level 1 measurements. (4) The fair value of lease liabilities is determined using level 2 measurements. |