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abandon, abandonment, abide, Abitibi, abroad, absent, accelerate, acceptable, accepted, accompanied, accompanying, accordion, accretive, accrue, accrued, accruing, achieve, achieved, acid, acquisition, active, activity, adding, Additionally, addressing, Adelaide, adequacy, adequate, adequately, adjacent, adjusted, adjustment, administration, administrative, administrator, advance, advanced, advancing, advice, advisor, advisory, advocate, affiliate, aforementioned, aforesaid, African, ag, Agency, aggressive, Agnico, agreed, agreement, air, airport, AK, Akasaba, Alberta, Aldebaran, Alligator, allotment, alongside, Alpala, Altar, alter, alteration, altered, alternating, alternative, altogether, amalgamated, amenability, amenable, America, American, amortization, amount, Amphi, Amulsar, analyst, Andean, Andr, anniversary, announced, annum, Antofagasta, Antonio, applied, apply, applying, appointed, appointment, approval, approve, approved, approving, approximately, April, Archean, Arctic, Argentina, Argonaut, arise, arising, Armenia, arrangement, ascribed, aspect, assert, assign, assist, Assistant, Associateship, assumed, assuming, attached, attaching, attend, attention, attract, attracting, attractive, attributable, Au, August, Australia, Australian, autoclave, automated, automatically, automation, Autorit, avenue, average, averaged, award, Bachelor, Back, backfill, background, backstop, Baird, Baja, balance, Bald, Bank, banker, banking, bankrupt, bankruptcy, Bar, Barnat, Barolo, Barrick, basic, Basin, Battery, Bay, bear, Beaver, bedding, began, begin, Beginning, Bel, belt, beneficially, Bennett, Bermuda, bid, bidding, billed, billion, binding, biotitic, Blake, blasted, block, Blowing, blue, BMO, body, bottom, bought, Brazil, breach, breadth, bribery, bring, bringing, British, broad, broader, Brock, brokerage, brought, Brunswick, budget, buffer, build, building, built, bulk, buydown, Cabinet, Cadillac, Calibre, California, call, called, Cambior, Camborne, Camflo, camp, Canada, cancellation, Candace, Canfor, capacity, Capstone, carbon, carbonate, carbonatized, career, careful, carefully, Cariboo, Caro, Cascabel, case, cash, Casino, cast, categorized, category, cautionary, cave, cease, ceased, ceasing, cell, central, Cerro, certainty, certificate, certification, cessation, CFA, chain, chair, chalcopyrite, challenge, challenged, Chancery, characterized, charged, charitable, chart, Charter, chartered, Charterholder, chemical, Chemistry, Chile, China, CHL, chosen, Christopher, CIM, CIP, circuit, circular, clarity, classified, clastic, clear, client, climate, cm, Cogeco, collusion, Columbia, combination, Comit, Commerce, commercial, commercially, commodity, commonly, comparison, compensate, compensation, compete, competence, competition, competitive, complaint, complemented, complex, complexity, compliance, component, composition, comprehensive, comprised, comprising, compromise, computing, concentration, concept, concession, Concordia, concurrent, concurrently, confidence, confidential, configuration, confirm, confirmed, confiscation, conflict, conformity, conglomerate, conjunction, connection, consecutive, conservation, consideration, constitute, constituted, constrained, consult, consultancy, Consultatif, consultation, consulted, consuming, consumption, contact, contemplated, contestation, context, contract, contracting, contrary, contravene, contributor, conventional, convert, converted, convertible, convey, conveyed, cooperation, copper, Copperwood, copy, core, Cornell, cornerstone, corrective, corridor, corruption, Corvette, COSO, cost, costly, counsel, counterparty, country, coupled, court, coverage, CPA, CRA, create, created, creation, credit, credited, creditor, crime, criminal, criteria, critical, crosscutting, crushed, crusher, crushing, crust, CSA, Cu, cubic, cultural, Culture, cumulative, Curfman, curtailing, cut, cyanidation, cyanide, cyber, cybersecurity, cyclical, daily, damage, Dame, deal, dealer, death, Debenture, debt, decide, decision, declaration, declare, declared, decline, deconsolidation, decrease, dedicated, deducting, deed, deep, deeper, default, defence, Deferred, degree, del, delay, delayed, delegate, delineating, delisted, delisting, deliver, delivered, delivery, Deloitte, demonstrate, demonstrated, denied, denominated, depend, dependent, depending, depletion, deploy, deposit, deposition, deprivation, depth, desirable, destruction, detailed, detect, detection, detoxified, developmental, devote, dialogue, diamond, dictate, difficult, difficulty, diligence, diluting, dilution, dioritic, Diploma, direct, direction, directly, director, disadvantage, discharge, disciplinary, discontinue, discount, discovered, discovery, discrete, discretion, disease, disposal, disposing, disposition, dispute, disrupt, disruption, disseminated, dissolution, dissolve, distance, distancing, Distinguished, distributed, distribution, District, diversified, diversion, diversity, divert, divided, dividend, dividing, Division, Doctor, doctrine, Dolphin, domain, dore, downturn, Dr, drawn, DREAM, drew, drill, drilling, drop, drought, DSU, du, due, Dundee, DundeeWealth, duration, duty, Eagle, earlier, earned, Earth, east, eastern, economy, Ecuador, EDGAR, edge, Edie, edition, Education, Edward, efficiency, efficient, efficiently, effort, electricity, electrowinning, eliminate, elution, emission, emitter, employed, employee, enacted, enacting, encountered, encountering, endangered, endowed, energy, enforce, enforceability, enforced, enforcement, enforcing, Eng, engineer, engineering, enhance, enhanced, enjoining, enrolled, ensuing, enter, entered, entering, entitled, entity, entrepreneurial, environment, environmental, Eocene, epidemic, epizonal, equal, equipment, equitable, equity, Erosion, escalation, ESG, essential, estate, ethical, eurasia, European, event, eventual, evidence, evolve, evolving, exacerbated, exact, examination, excerpted, exclusive, exist, existence, existing, expand, expansion, expect, expected, expedient, expel, expense, experience, experienced, expert, expertise, expiration, exporting, expose, exposed, exposure, expressly, expropriation, extent, external, extra, extract, extracted, extraction, extractive, extraordinary, extrapolate, Extreme, face, facilitate, facilitation, facility, factor, factored, fail, failure, fair, Falco, Farmer, fault, faulty, FAusIMM, favour, favourable, feasibility, feature, February, fed, federal, fee, feed, Feet, Fellow, felsic, Ferstman, field, fifteen, Fight, filter, final, finalist, finalizing, fine, fire, fit, fixed, fixing, flow, focused, foliation, food, footprint, footwall, forced, foregoing, foreseen, forest, formal, formalized, formally, Forty, founder, Fourax, fourth, framework, Francisco, fraud, fraudulent, freezing, frequency, frequently, Front, Fruta, FSEG, fulfilling, full, function, fund, funded, funding, FWD, gain, Gallo, gas, gathered, Gathering, GBM, Geo, geochemistry, geographic, geologist, geology, geometry, geopolitical, geoscientist, Geostat, Gilbert, Glencore, global, globally, globe, Glossary, GoGold, good, Goodman, Gouldie, governmental, GP, gradually, graduate, graduated, gram, grant, granted, greater, greenfield, greenhouse, greenschist, greenstone, Grenville, greywacke, grinding, Ground, group, grow, growing, GRR, GSR, guarantee, Guatemala, guidance, gyratory, habitat, Haileybury, half, Handbook, hanging, harm, Hatch, hazard, headframe, health, heath, Heather, heavily, hectare, hedging, heightened, hereinabove, hereinafter, hereof, hereunder, hide, high, highest, Highland, highly, highway, hindered, hiring, Hofmeister, hoist, hold, holder, holding, home, Hon, honest, Honorary, honour, Horne, host, hosted, hostile, hosting, House, Human, hydraulic, hydroelectric, hypothec, hypothecate, Iain, IAMGOLD, ii, iii, illegal, Ilmenite, image, Immovable, immunity, impair, impairment, implement, implementation, implemented, implementing, implicate, imposed, impossible, impoundment, improper, impropriety, improve, improved, improving, IMV, inability, inaccurate, inadequate, inaugural, incident, incidental, inclement, Inco, incomplete, inconsistent, incorrect, increasingly, incur, incurred, incurring, India, indirect, indirectly, individual, individually, Inferred, inflation, Influential, inhibit, initial, initiate, initiated, initiation, injury, innovation, innovative, input, inquiry, Inside, insolvency, insolvent, inspect, instability, installation, Institute, instituted, institutional, instruct, Instruction, insufficient, insurance, insure, intangible, Integra, intensity, intensive, interfere, interim, intermediate, internationally, interpretation, interpreted, interpreting, interruption, introduction, intrusion, intrusive, INV, investee, investigation, Investissement, investor, involuntary, Iron, irregular, IRS, Island, isolation, issuable, issuance, item, iv, ix, January, Joanne, John, joined, joining, joint, jointly, judgement, judicial, July, June, junior, Jupiter, jurisdiction, Justice, justified, justify, Kenya, Kewagama, key, kilometre, King, Kingston, Kirkland, Krcmarov, Kwale, Labb, labour, Lac, lack, Lake, land, landscape, landscaped, Larder, Larga, large, largely, larger, largest, LaRonde, launch, laundering, Laurier, Laval, Le, leach, lead, Leader, leadership, leading, lease, Lecturer, led, Leddartech, legal, Legislature, legitimate, length, lengthy, letter, level, leverage, Li, liability, liable, licence, life, light, line, literate, Lithium, lithological, lithostratigraphic, Living, LLC, LLCFZ, LLD, loaded, loading, Loma, long, Longitudinal, losing, lost, Louvicourt, low, lower, LTA, Lundin, Lydian, lying, MAC, Macedonia, MacGibbon, machinery, mafic, Magdalena, main, maintenance, Majestic, Majesty, malartic, mandate, mandating, manganese, mangrove, Manitoba, margin, Marimaca, marine, marketplace, MarVivo, massive, Master, maturity, maximization, maximize, Maxit, Mazarin, MBA, McGill, Measured, mechanical, MEconGeol, media, medical, meet, meeting, member, membership, merchant, merge, metal, metallogenic, metallurgist, metallurgy, Metamorphic, metamorphosed, metasedimentary, metavolcanic, method, metre, metric, Mexico, Middle, Midway, mill, milled, milling, million, mineable, Minera, Minier, minimize, minimum, Minister, Ministerial, Ministry, Miocene, misappropriate, misappropriation, misrepresentation, mitigate, mitigation, Mn, model, modelled, moderate, modest, modified, Modifying, Moenting, monetary, monetize, monitor, Monitoring, Montreal, motivated, movement, moving, MSCI, Mt, Mtn, multidisciplinary, multiple, multiplying, Murray, mutual, nameplate, native, NCIB, nearest, necessarily, negotiation, net, network, Nevsun, Newfoundland, newly, Newmont, Nexa, Nickel, NioGold, noise, nominal, nominating, nomination, nominee, Norte, north, northeast, northeastern, northern, northwest, NOTE, noted, notice, Notre, Nova, November, NSR, objective, objectivity, OBL, obtain, obtained, obtaining, occupational, occurrence, OceanaGold, October, ODV, Odyssey, offer, offering, offset, offsetting, offtake, Ontario, Opatica, open, opinion, opportunity, opposition, optimize, option, order, ordinary, Ordre, orebody, organization, organizational, oriented, original, originally, origination, Osisko, Ottawa, ounce, outer, outlined, overcome, overcoming, overlying, overseeing, owing, owner, ownership, Oxford, oz, Pacific, Pan, pandemic, par, Paradigm, paragraph, pari, Parliament, Parliamentarian, Parral, partner, partnership, party, passu, patented, Patriot, payable, payment, payroll, Pb, peace, peer, pegging, pending, penetrate, pension, percentage, perfecting, periphery, permanent, perpendicular, perpetual, personnel, pertaining, Peru, Petroleum, petrology, phenomena, physical, Pich, Pierre, Pine, PineBridge, pit, placement, plan, planned, planning, plant, plc, Plexmar, point, polishing, pollution, pond, Pontiac, poor, porphyritic, porphyry, Port, portion, pose, position, positive, posted, potassic, precipitate, precipitation, predict, predicted, preference, preferred, Pregnant, preliminary, prescribed, presence, preservation, preserve, pressure, prevent, prevented, primarily, primary, Prime, Prince, prior, priority, privacy, proceeding, produce, produced, producer, producing, profession, professional, profile, profit, profitability, program, progressive, project, prolonged, promote, promoting, promulgated, proper, proportional, proposal, propose, proposed, prospect, prospective, protect, protected, protection, proven, province, provincial, proximity, Psychology, published, pumped, pumping, purpose, pyrite, QBCA, QScale, qualification, qualified, quality, quantification, quantify, quantity, quarter, quarterly, quartz, Queen, Queenston, question, questionable, quickly, Quito, quorum, quoted, Radium, rail, ramp, ran, Rand, range, rank, ranking, rateably, ratio, RBC, reached, read, readily, ready, real, reassessment, receipt, recent, recently, reclamation, reclassified, recognized, recommend, recommendation, recourse, recover, recoverable, recovered, recovery, redeemable, redemption, RedQuest, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, refined, reflect, reflected, reflecting, refusal, region, regional, registrar, regular, reinvest, reinvestment, REIT, released, reliability, reliable, relief, relocating, remain, remained, remaining, remedial, remuneration, Renard, render, rendered, renewable, renewed, renowned, repaid, repayment, repeal, represent, representing, Repurchase, reputation, reputational, requisite, requisition, residence, resolution, resolve, restated, restatement, restrict, restricted, restricting, restriction, retain, retained, retaining, retention, retirement, retreat, Retrieval, return, reverse, review, reviewed, reviewing, revocation, revolving, ridge, River, road, Robert, rock, role, Roosen, RSU, rural, Rush, Russia, Rutile, SA, safe, safety, sale, salesperson, sampling, San, Sandeep, Santana, Saskatchewan, satisfaction, satisfied, satisfy, scale, Scheelite, schistose, School, Science, scope, scoping, Scotia, Scotiabank, scrutiny, SDCI, sea, Seabee, sealed, Sean, secondary, Secretary, Secteur, sector, securing, security, sedar, sedimentary, seek, seeking, seismic, selected, selecting, sell, selling, sentiment, September, sequential, Sequoia, sericite, serve, served, serving, settlement, SGS, shaft, shallow, shallower, shape, share, shareholder, shear, sheared, shell, Sherbrooke, Shield, shipped, shop, short, shortfall, shut, signature, silica, silicified, simple, Singh, sinking, site, situated, situation, size, skilled, Sladen, slurry, small, smelted, smelter, social, Society, software, SolGold, solid, solution, solvency, Sonora, sophistication, sound, source, sourced, south, southeast, southeastern, southern, sovereign, SOX, spaced, span, spatially, specific, specifically, speculative, spend, spent, sphalerite, Sponsoring, spot, spread, Spring, SSR, staffing, stage, staged, standardized, state, stated, stating, station, statistical, statute, statutory, stope, stoping, storage, Stornoway, straight, strain, strained, strategic, strategy, stratigraphy, strength, stricter, strike, stringent, strive, strong, strongly, structure, study, style, sublevel, subordinate, Subprovince, subscribe, Subscription, subsequently, subsidiary, substantial, substantially, substitute, successful, successfully, succession, successively, successor, suffer, sufficiency, sufficient, sufficiently, suitable, Suite, Superior, supplemented, supply, support, supporting, surface, Surimau, suspend, suspended, suspension, sustain, sustainability, sustainable, symbol, syndicate, tabular, Tahoe, tailing, takeover, target, Taseko, Tasmania, tax, taxable, Taylor, tbd, team, technological, technology, Teck, temporary, tenure, term, terminated, termination, test, testing, text, theft, therefrom, thereof, thereto, thereunder, thickened, Thompson, threat, threatened, throughput, tight, Tintic, Ton, tonnage, tonne, tool, Top, topsoil, town, toxic, tpd, traffic, train, transaction, transfer, transferred, translation, transparency, transparent, transport, transportation, transverse, travel, Treadway, treasury, treat, treated, treatment, trending, Trilogy, Trixie, Troy, truck, true, truncated, Trust, trustee, TSXV, Tungsten, turn, twenty, UCLA, Ukraine, ultimate, ultimately, ultramafic, unable, unadjusted, unaudited, Unauthorized, uncertain, uncertainty, uncommitted, uncover, underground, underlain, understand, understanding, understood, undertaken, undetected, undetermined, uniform, Unigold, uninterrupted, Universit, University, unlimited, unpaid, unpredictable, unrealized, unrelated, unrestricted, unsecured, unsuccessful, upfront, uphold, upholding, upper, USA, Utah, utilize, vacated, validity, valuable, valuation, variety, vary, varying, venture, verified, verify, vi, viability, viable, vicinity, Victoria, view, vii, viii, violence, Virginia, virtue, visible, volatile, volatility, volcanic, volume, voluntarily, voluntary, vote, voted, voting, vulnerable, waived, wall, waste, water, Waterloo, Waterton, weather, week, weighted, west, Western, Wharekirauponga, wheel, Whistle, White, wide, widespread, width, Wilfrid, William, Wiluna, Windfall, withdrawn, WKP, Wolfe, Women, won, work, worked, workforce, world, worldwide, Xstrata, Yamana, Zadra, Zealand, Zijin, zinc, Zircon, Zn, zone
accessible, aggregated, AIF, attorney, BTR, cautioned, chapter, check, communicated, designated, Employer, Exhibit, filing, furnish, GAAP, hereto, Interactive, irrevocable, Label, Linkbase, mark, multijurisdictional, referencing, requested, Schema, send, shorter, Taxonomy, telephone, thereunto, type, undersigned, waiver, Washington, XBRL, zip
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