Authorization be given to the board of directors forthe allocation of free shares existing and/or to be issued in the future.
The shareholders’ meeting, deliberating under the quorum and majority voting rules applicable to extraordinary shareholders’ meetings,
having reviewed the board of directors’ report and the statutory auditors’ report,
in accordance with the provisions of articles L.225-197-1 and following of the French commercial code,
hereby authorizes the board of directors to carry out the allocation of free shares existing and/or to be issued in the future by the Company, on one or several occasions, to members of the Company’s salaried staff or to certain categories of them and/or to its executive officers who satisfy the conditions stipulated in article L.225-197-1 of the French commercial code as well as to the members of the salaried staff of companies or economic interest economic groupings in which the company directly or indirectly holds at least 10% of the capital or voting rights in, on the date the said shares are allocated,
hereby specifiesthat the board of directors must, if the Company’s shares have been listed for trading on a regulated Euronext market in Paris, comply with the provisions of article L.225-197-6 of the French commercial code in order to be able to allocate the free shares to the executive officers who satisfy the conditions of article L.225-197-1, II of the French commercial code,
hereby resolves to fix the numberof free shares which can be allocated by the board of directors under this authorization at 2,972,596 shares with a unit par value of € 0.05, it being specified that (i) the total number of free shares allocated by the board of directors can never exceed the overall ceiling of [7%] of the Company’s share capital existing on the date of the decision to allocate them, (ii) this number will be charged against the overall ceiling set out in the26th resolution below, and (iii) the number of free shares allocated to executive officers, members of the executive committee of the Company may not exceed 1,000,000;
hereby resolves that the grant of shares to their beneficiaries will be final and binding subject to satisfying the conditions and criteria which may be fixed by the board of directors after a periodof at least one year (the “Vesting Period”) and that the beneficiaries of these shares must hold them for a period fixed by the board (the “Lock-in Period”) which, combined with the Vesting Period, cannot be less than two (2) years,
hereby resolves, as an exception to the above, that the shares will be definitely allocated before the end of the Vesting Period if the beneficiary is affected by a disability which is classified in the second and third categories of article L.341-4 of the French social security code,
hereby resolves that the shares allocated will be freely transferable in the event of a demand for allocation made by the heirs of a deceased beneficiary or if the beneficiary is affected by a disability corresponding to a classification in the above-mentioned categories of the French social security code,
hereby resolvesthat the Vesting period and theLock-in Period will be fixed by the board of directors within the above-mentioned limits,
hereby notesthat in accordance with article L.225-197-1 of the French commercial code, when the allocation concerns shares to be issued in the future, this authorization automatically entails the waiver by the shareholders of their preferential subscription rights to the newly issued shares in favor of the beneficiaries of the free shares, with the corresponding increase in capital being definitely performed by the sole fact of the shares being allocated to the beneficiaries,
hereby notes that as far as is required, this decision entails the waiver by the shareholders, in favor of the grantees, of the portion of the reserves, profits or premiums which will if necessary be used if new shares are issued at the end of the Vesting Period, and which the board of directors is given full powers to realize,