notes that, should the Board of Directors use the delegation of authority granted to it under this resolution, it will report thereon to the next ordinary general meeting in accordance with the law and regulations,
resolves that this delegation is granted for a period of twenty-six (26) months from the date of this meeting and supersedes any prior authorization having the same purpose.
Twenty-second résolution
Delegation of authority to be granted to the Board of Directors to increase the share capital by issuing ordinary shares and/or any other securities, with cancellation of the shareholders’ preferential subscription rights in the context of an offer referred to in paragraph 1° in of Article L. 411-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code
The General Meeting, voting under the quorum and majority conditions required for extraordinary general meetings,
having reviewed the report of the Board of Directors and the Statutory Auditors’ report,
in accordance with the provisions of Articles L. 225-129, L. 225-129-2, L. 22-10-49, L. 225-135, L. 225-135-1, L. 225-136, L. 228 -91, L. 228-92 and L. 228-93 and following of the Commercial Code and paragraph II of Article L. 411-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code,
delegates to the Board of Directors, with the power to delegate and sub-delegate in accordance with the law, its power to decide, by way of a public offer excluding the offers referred to in paragraph 1° of Article L. 411-2 of the Monetary and Financial Code, the issue on one or more occasions in the proportions and at the times it sees fit, in France or abroad, of ordinary shares of the Company or equity securities giving access to other equity securities or giving entitlement to the allotment of debt securities, and/or securities (including in particular all debt securities) giving access to equity securities of the Company or of any company that directly or indirectly owns more than half of its capital or of which it owns directly or indirectly more than half of the capital, such securities being issuable in euros, in foreign currency or in any monetary unit whatsoever established by reference to several currencies at the discretion of the Board of Directors, and which may be paid up in cash, including by offsetting debts,
resolves that the securities so issued may consist of debt securities, be associated with the issue of such securities or permit the issue of such securities as intermediated securities,
resolves to cancel the shareholders’ preferential subscription right on the ordinary shares or securities issued pursuant to this delegation,
notes, where necessary, that this delegation automatically entails, where applicable, the express waiver by the shareholders of their preferential subscription rights to the shares to which these securities will entitle them in favor of the holders of the securities thus issued,
resolves that the total nominal amount of the share capital increases that may be carried out immediately and/or in the future by virtue of this delegation may not exceed 833,756.52 euros, nor, in any event, exceed the limits provided for by the regulations applicable on the day of the issue (for information, on the day of this General Meeting, the issue of equity securities carried out by an offer referred to in paragraph 1° of Article L. 411-2 of the Monetary and Financial Code is limited to 20% of the Company’s share capital per year, said share capital being assessed on the date of the Board of Directors’ decision to use this delegation), to which maximum amount shall be added, where applicable, the additional amount of shares to be issued to preserve, in accordance with the legal or regulatory provisions and where applicable the applicable contractual stipulations, the rights of the holders of securities and other rights giving access to shares,
further resolves that the nominal amount of any share capital increase which may be carried out in this way will be deducted from the overall ceiling provided for in Twenty-fourth résolution below,