Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Condensed Consolidated and Comb
- Condensed Consolidated and Com3
- Condensed Consolidated and Com4
- Condensed Consolidated and Com5
- Condensed Consolidated and Com6
- Condensed Consolidated and Com7
- Second Lien Term Loan Facility
- Second Lien Term Loan Facility9
- Second Lien Term Loan Facilit10
- Leases and Debt Obligations Sta
- Leases and Debt Obligations Ope
- Leases and Debt Obligations Deb
- Earnings Per Share
- Segment Reporting
- Restructuring Activities and Sp
- Contracts and Revenue Recogniti
- Cash and Cash Equivalents
- Inventories (Notes)
- Property, Plant and Equipment (
- Goodwill Goodwill by Segment (N
- Supplemental Cash Flow Informat
- Warranty (Notes)
- Pension Plans and Postretiremen
- Contingencies
- Fair Value Measurements
- Acquisitions (Notes)
- Quarterly Financial Data (Notes
- Related Party Transactions (Not
- Discontinued Operations (Notes)
- Taxes (Notes)
- Significant Accounting Policies
- Significant Accounting Polici34
- Significant Accounting Polici35
- Significant Accounting Polici36
- Significant Accounting Polici37
- Significant Accounting Polici38
- Pension Plans and Postretirem39
- Earnings Per Share (Tables)
- Segment Reporting Schedule of O
- Segment Reporting Schedule of G
- Segment Reporting Depreciation
- Segment Reporting Revenue by Co
- Segment Reporting PP&E by Count
- Restructuring Activities and 46
- Restructuring Activities and 47
- Contracts and Revenue Recogni48
- Equity Method Investments Trans
- Equity Method Investments Conde
- Equity Method Investments Con51
- Equity Method Investments Recon
- Equity Method Investments Inves
- Equity Method Investments Inv54
- Comprehensive Income Accumulate
- Supplemental Cash Flow Inform57
- Goodwill Carrying Value of Good
- Goodwill Step 1 Goodwill Result
- Pension Plans and Postretirem60
- Pension Plans and Postretirem61
- Pension Plans and Postretirem62
- Pension Plans and Postretirem63
- Pension Plans and Postretirem64
- Pension Plans and Postretirem65
- Pension Plans and Postretirem66
- Pension Plans and Postretirem67
- Pension Plans and Postretirem68
- Pension Plans and Postretirem69
- Pension Plans and Postretirem70
- Pension Plans and Postretirem71
- Derivative Financial Instrument
- Fair Value Measurements (Tables
- Revolving Debt (Tables)
- Stock-Based Compensation Compan
- Stock-Based Compensation Stock
- Stock-Based Compensation Restri
- Stock-Based Compensation PRSU F
- Stock-Based Compensation PRSU R
- Stock-Based Compensation PRSU C
- Acquisitions Universal Intangib
- Acquisitions Universal Acquisit
- Acquisitions Universal Pro Form
- Acquisitions SPIG Purchase Pric
- Acquisitions SPIG Intangible As
- Acquisitions SPIG Pro Forma (Ta
- Quarterly Financial Data (Table
- Related Party Transactions Tran
- Discontinued Operations (Tables
- Taxes Reconciliation of Unrecog
- Taxes Components of Deferred Ta
- Taxes Valuation allowance for d
- Taxes Income before Provision f
- Taxes Components of Provision f
- Taxes Reconciliation of U.S. St
- Leases & Debt Obligations (Tabl
- Leases & Debt Obligations Long-
- Second Lien Term Loan Facilit98
- Second Lien Term Loan Facilit99
- Significant Accounting Polic100
- Significant Accounting Polic101
- Significant Accounting Polic102
- Significant Accounting Polic103
- Significant Accounting Polic104
- Significant Accounting Polic105
- Earnings Per Share - Additional
- Earnings Per Share - Computatio
- Segment Reporting Additional In
- Segment Reporting Schedule o109
- Segment Reporting Schedule o110
- Segment Reporting Depreciati111
- Segment Reporting Revenue by112
- Segment Reporting PP&E by Co113
- Restructuring Activities and114
- Restructuring Activities and115
- Contracts and Revenue Recogn116
- Contracts and Revenue Recogn117
- Contracts and Revenue Recogn118
- Contracts and Revenue Recogn119
- Contracts and Revenue Recogn120
- Contracts and Revenue Recogn121
- Contracts and Revenue Recogn122
- Contracts and Revenue Recogn123
- Contracts and Revenue Recogn124
- Equity Method Investments Equit
- Equity Method Investments Eq126
- Equity Method Investments Accou
- Equity Method Investments Tr128
- Equity Method Investments Other
- Equity Method Investments Re130
- Equity Method Investments Babco
- Equity Method Investments Therm
- Equity Method Investments Halle
- Comprehensive Income Accumul134
- Comprehensive Income Reclassifi
- Cash and Cash Equivalents Restr
- Cash and Cash Equivalents Unres
- Inventories (Details)
- Property, Plant and Equipmen142
- Supplemental Cash Flow Infor143
- Supplemental Cash Flow Infor144
- Goodwill Goodwill by Segment (D
- Supplemental Cash Flow Infor146
- Goodwill Narrative (Details)
- Supplemental Cash Flow Infor148
- Goodwill Interim Step 1 Results
- Warranty Warranty Expense (Deta
- Warranty POWER Segment Warranty
- Pension Plans and Postretire152
- Pension Plans and Postretire153
- Pension Plans and Postretire154
- Pension Plans and Postretire155
- Pension Plans and Postretire156
- Pension Plans and Postretire157
- Pension Plans and Postretire158
- Pension Plans and Postretire159
- Pension Plans and Postretire160
- Pension Plans and Postretire161
- Pension Plans and Postretire162
- Pension Plans and Postretire163
- Pension Plans and Postretire164
- Pension Plans and Postretire165
- Pension Plans and Postretire166
- Contingencies - Additional Info
- Contingencies ARPA Settlement (
- Derivative Financial Instrum169
- Derivative Financial Instrum170
- Derivative Financial Instrum171
- Fair Value Measurements - Summa
- Fair Value Measurements - Addit
- Revolving Debt Schedule of Revo
- Revolving Debt United States Re
- Revolving Debt Foreign Revolvin
- Revolving Debt Other Credit Arr
- Stock-Based Compensation 2015 L
- Stock-Based Compensation Com179
- Stock-Based Compensation Sto180
- Stock-Based Compensation Sto181
- Stock-Based Compensation Res182
- Stock-Based Compensation Res183
- Stock-Based Compensation Com184
- Stock-Based Compensation PRS185
- Stock-Based Compensation PRS186
- Acquisitions Universal (Details
- Acquisitions Universal Purchase
- Acquisitions Universal Intan189
- Acquisitions Universal Pro F190
- Acquisitions SPIG (Details)
- Acquisitions SPIG Pro Forma (De
- Acquisitions SPIG Purchase P193
- Acquisitions SPIG Intangible194
- Quarterly Financial Data (Detai
- Quarterly Financial Data Quarte
- Related Party Transactions T197
- Discontinued Operations (Detail
- Taxes Reconciliation of Unre199
- Taxes Components of Deferred200
- Taxes Valuation Allowance fo201
- Taxes Income before Provisio202
- Taxes Components of Provisio203
- Taxes Reconciliation of U.S.204
- Taxes Narrative (Details)
- Taxes New Tax Act - Deferred Ta
- Leases & Debt Obligations Opera
- Leases & Debt Obligations Lo208
- Second Lien Term Loan Facili209
- Basis of Presentation (Details)
- Basis of Presentation Going Con