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AA, ABFL, Abhiyan, accreditation, accredited, accuracy, adhere, adhered, admissible, AfrAsia, Agarwal, aggrieved, Alan, Amaravati, Ambedkar, ambit, ammonia, analysed, Andersen, annuity, APDCL, ARC, Arthur, ASA, ascertainable, Aseem, assimilation, Atmanirbhar, attrition, Australia, automated, automation, aviation, bankruptcy, Batliboi, BB, BDO, behavior, belonging, Bench, Bharat, Big, biofuel, bird, BLC, BOD, Boisvenu, borne, BPC, bribery, Britannia, broaden, broker, brown, Budgetary, bullet, Cabot, cadmium, Canal, capex, car, carefully, caution, cautionary, CDTP, cement, Chabot, chair, chaired, chairperson, Chamber, chapter, CHESCOM, Christine, CIOT, circumvented, circumvention, client, cogeneration, cole, Compact, concession, Conciliation, conducive, confirmed, constraint, Contact, contemplate, contemplated, contravening, cooperate, cooperating, cooperation, Coordinator, covenant, CPAB, Dabee, debarred, Debenture, decapitalisation, decarbonization, deep, deepening, Defence, deficiency, delist, delisted, delisting, Delphine, Dhawan, dire, disconnected, disconnection, dissolved, distinctly, Division, DMRC, DPIIT, drone, dry, Dubai, Dunlop, durable, ecosystem, EDC, effort, Egypt, email, encroachment, enquired, entail, Env, envelope, equated, Equator, Ericsson, ERM, ESMG, ESS, EV, EVs, expressly, EY, Facsimile, fact, false, fast, faster, fatal, fatality, favour, Fax, FCA, FCCA, FD, fear, featuring, Feb, fewer, Fifty, filer, firmer, Fitch, flatter, foremost, forex, Forty, forum, frustrated, FTC, fulsome, fundamental, Gamesa, gave, GBI, GCFO, GD, GEDCOL, Genco, Generale, GERC, GESCOM, GIB, Glasgow, GNA, GoAP, Gold, Golden, Gowtamsingh, greatly, Greentech, grey, GUVNL, handover, Harsh, HEC, hereto, HESCOM, HLNC, hoax, honest, Hongkong, Honkong, HSE, huge, hydroelectric, IBBI, IBM, ICAEW, Iconebene, ID, IIM, importantly, increasingly, indemnity, infringement, inheritance, inhouse, institutionalized, interface, intermittency, inventory, invocation, ISB, Iyer, journey, Jupiter, kilo, laboratory, lastly, lawsuit, Lawyer, Ld, leader, learned, left, Lemay, LexRockAI, lignite, litter, LTA, Madura, mainstreamed, malfunctioning, manpower, Manulife, Mc, McCarthy, McNamara, Medalist, MERC, mercury, Methanol, Minda, mini, misrepresentation, MMT, MNR, moderation, Montreal, Morgan, Morningstar, MSA, MSCI, MSEDCL, MSPA, MUFG, multinational, municipal, Namara, Narasimhan, NDI, necessitated, NIIF, NIT, NIWE, NLDC, Notwithstanding, NRLDC, nullification, Occupational, occupy, occupying, Oct, OD, ODFD, operationalization, organisational, oriented, OTC, Overdraft, override, pacesetter, Pacific, parameter, Payette, PCT, Peacock, penetration, perspective, pertinent, petroleum, philosophy, Pilani, pioneer, pivotal, plaintiff, plastic, portal, Poverty, PPE, practitioner, pre, premature, Premier, Prosecution, proximity, PSP, pumped, pumping, Pune, punishable, pursuance, Qualcomm, rainfall, Rationalizing, Raymond, reallocation, recharge, refurbishing, relief, relinquished, remit, repeal, repo, reproduced, Retainership, retaliation, retrenchment, revert, reverted, revitalization, revoked, Richard, robotic, ROI, rolled, rolling, Rosling, Roth, Rue, Rupesh, RV, Sanitation, save, SB, score, scorecard, SDG, Sembcorp, setup, SG, Shah, Shanghai, shelf, shell, shipping, Shweta, sight, signatory, simultaneously, sircar, SLP, Societe, solid, SOX, spanning, SPDA, speak, sponsorship, SRB, Srivastava, standby, Stanley, steel, Sterlite, stood, Store, strictly, sugata, summit, SunEdison, sunil, Surrey, survey, Sutherland, synthetic, tailored, TBCB, tenor, tentatively, Terrorism, textile, thereon, Thornton, topography, trader, traditionally, tree, turbine, UGAAP, Ukraine, unaudited, undue, unforeseeable, unhedged, unprofitable, unqualified, Unresolved, unsatisfactory, user, utilised, Valuer, Vedanta, Vena, vendor, verify, Vietnam, vigorously, vii, viii, Vijay, Vikash, village, virtue, Voeltzel, voluntary, Wadhwani, Weak, widened, wider, wildlife, witch, withdrew, women, worker, workplace
Abolition, abovementioned, abuse, accelerate, accomplish, accountancy, ACME, Adani, adapt, addressable, addressing, adequately, advertisement, AG, agenda, aggravated, agriculture, allotment, alongside, Altogether, angle, announce, annualized, appellant, approached, Arbor, arm, armed, array, arrive, Asian, asserting, assessee, assign, assumption, Avenue, avoided, awaiting, backed, belt, Berkeley, Berlin, Bewag, Bihar, billed, billion, BNP, bona, BOS, breaching, bribing, Bulletin, burgeoning, burglary, California, career, Caterpillar, Cavell, CCEA, CERTIFYING, Chase, Chevy, Chinese, choice, Cim, circumstance, Citicorp, cleanup, closed, cloud, coefficient, collecting, College, compensatory, compound, compromising, concessional, conclusively, confidentiality, conomique, consistently, consultation, consume, contagion, content, continually, continuously, copied, correct, corridor, Cybercity, database, declining, decreasing, deed, defendant, democracy, Denham, denial, desirable, Deutsche, diesel, differentiate, diminish, dioxide, disadvantage, disallow, disclose, discontinuation, discretionary, displacing, Display, disputed, disrupting, diversified, diversify, downsize, drop, drought, Dy, dynamic, easily, ECB, ecologically, Edith, El, elimination, emission, employing, empowering, enabled, encounter, energization, English, ensuing, erection, evacuate, exact, expediently, expedite, expired, expiring, expropriation, extending, extra, extrapolated, faced, faulty, favorably, FE, Feedback, Fichtner, fide, Fieldstone, FIPB, flexible, founder, founding, FPO, Francisco, frequently, furnishing, GAAR, Gaurang, GCL, geographical, geopolitical, Germany, Glen, GP, guest, Gujrat, Hanwha, Harbor, heading, healthcare, hinder, historic, honor, house, identifiable, illustrative, impermissible, imprisonment, incidence, incident, inefficiency, injunction, innovate, inspected, inspector, institutional, insulated, intense, intensity, interrupt, inverter, invoked, IP, IPD, IPP, irrevocably, Jammu, joining, Kashmir, kms, Kulwinder, la, Lahmeyer, landmark, larger, lean, Literature, locale, localization, locating, losing, lowered, Lucknow, MAHAGENECO, manageable, Manager, marketability, marketing, Marubeni, Maryland, massive, MEDA, media, Medicare, meteorological, metered, metrological, mezzanine, Michigan, military, Minyard, Mirant, mode, modifier, Mohor, monetization, monetize, moved, multiply, Nagaur, nationalization, NDC, negotiating, nominal, North, northern, Novo, NW, Oberoi, occurring, Odisha, operative, optimizing, Orissa, outlay, overlooked, overturned, Pakistan, parallel, parity, parliament, partnership, patent, Pennsylvania, perfect, played, Pluto, POEM, population, Port, posted, PR, Preet, preventive, Princeton, prioritizing, privately, product, programme, prolonged, proposition, proprietary, protect, protracted, prove, proved, provisional, pursue, pursuing, quickly, radiation, Rail, RAPDRP, ratified, RBS, reached, recalculation, recoup, Recurrent, registering, regulating, remotely, removal, residency, residing, Restructured, returned, revise, Risen, rounding, rural, SA, Samitla, San, Sandhu, saturation, scaled, scrutiny, secret, securitization, Sethi, shading, sharp, showing, simulation, SMA, smoothly, soil, soiling, solution, sourced, sourcing, spend, spending, stakeholder, stream, strict, structured, Subba, substance, succeed, sufficiently, suitably, Suite, Sunbir, Sungrow, sunlight, Suntech, supervise, Supervisory, supplement, Surendra, suspend, sustaining, swiftly, Tabular, targeting, TCCL, temperature, terminology, threat, titled, tracked, tracker, trademark, trajectory, transformer, trillion, troop, turnover, UBS, Underperformance, understood, unduly, unified, uniformly, unifying, UPNREDA, urban, Veatch, Vellore, vital, wage, waive, Wilson, wire, wiring, withdraw, Woodrow, workforce, Workmen
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 20-F Annual report (foreign)
- 4.2 Appointment Letter Dated February 27, 2023 to Vijay Kumar Wadhwani
- 4.3 Indenture Amongst Azure Power Energy Limited, Azure Power Global Limited and HSBC Bank USA, National Association for 3.575% Senior Notes Due 2026
- 4.4 Executive Employment Agreement, Dated April 27, 2022, by and Between Azure Power India Private Limited and Harsh Shah
- 4.5 Executive Release Agreement, Dated August 29, 2022, by and Between Azure Power India Private Limited, Azure Power Global Limited and Harsh Shah
- 4.6 Retainership Agreement, Dated November 21, 2022, by and Between Azure Power Fifty Two PVT. LTD. and R Narasimhan Iyer
- 4.7 Employee Employment Agreement, Dated July 20, 2022, by and Between Azure Power India Private Limited and Rupesh Agarwal
- 4.8 Employee Employment Agreement, Dated August 29, 2022, by and Between Azure Power India Private Limited, Azure Power Global Limited and Rupesh Agarwal
- 4.9 Appointment Letter Dated July 28, 2022 to Shweta Srivastava
- 4.10 Executive Release Agreement, Dated July 11, 2023, by and Between Azure Power India Private Limited, Azure Power Global Limited and Rupesh Agarwal
- 4.11 Employee Employment Agreement, Dated May 1, 2023, by and Between Azure Power India Private Limited, Azure Power Global Limited and Sugata Sircar
- 4.12 Employee Employment Agreement, Dated April 29, 2023, by and Between Azure Power India Private Limited and Sunil K Gupta
- 4.13 Extension of Retainership Agreement, Dated April 24, 2023, by and Between Azure Power India PVT. LTD. and R Narasimhan Iyer
- 8.1 List of Subsidiaries of Azure Power Global Limited
- 11.1 Code of Business Conduct and Ethics August 26, 2022
- 12.1 Certification
- 12.2 Certification
- 13.1 Certification
- 13.2 Certification
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