<<Alex Henderson, Analyst, Needham & Company>>
So, if I were to summarize that you are 30% type operating margin company that’s throwing off double-digit growth and you’re valued at 11 times. Very inexpensive stock for very a good growth and very good profitability. Before we get into the detail here, just to set the ground rules you just announced the acquisition of NeoPhotonics what are we allowed to ask or not allowed to ask this, I think, there’s probably a lot of interest around that transaction. But I think you’ve got some constraints around it. So, let’s set the ground rules first before we get into it.
<<Alan Lowe, President & Chief Executive Officer>>
Sure. I mean, I can talk about why now and those kinds of things. I can’t talk about product trimming or merging, I mean, I think, from our perspective, the timing was right now because the great products that NeoPhotonics has and the need for scale. And I think the combination of the two companies together gives confidence to new customers around the ability to invest, to be able to bet their future data center interconnect, for instance on a combined NeoPhotonics momentum business.
And I think today, or two weeks ago, I should say, was the right time that we were able to meet on terms. And we’re going to start the integration planning pretty quickly, and we’ll come out the other side as we close the business and have that plan in place to understand exactly how do we get the synergies and how do we drive operational improvement to drive their gross margins and the combined company gross margins to where we want it to be.
<<Alex Henderson, Analyst, Needham & Company>>
So, let’s jump into some of the broader characteristics of this marketplace. So, this category has kind of bruised a lot of investors over the years because there has been a lot of ups and downs in it. The industry is kind of known for volatility or around forecasting and big misses in big gains and things of that sort. But that’s really not your track record. Your track record is much more predictable and much more consistent.
So, has the environment now changed to the point where we’ve consolidated enough of the category into fewer hands and a lot of companies have gone away that this becomes much more of an investible and predictable arena, or is volatility still going to be the nature of the beast?
<<Alan Lowe, President & Chief Executive Officer>>
I think it is a different world today than it was five or six years ago, in that to your point, some of the consolidation has had meaningful impact on our ability to closely partner with our customers on new designs, next generation designs. And in a lot of the cases, we’re the sole provider of those technologies and products. And so that being case, we sit with our customers and define pricing over a long period of time, as opposed to what happened probably seven or eight years ago, which was the annual auction of business.
And so I think it’s a different environment today where even when there are shortages, there’s not – we’re the sole provider of MxN ROADMs, for example, because they order more from us doesn’t mean they’re going to build an inventory glut of MxN ROADMs, whereas in the past, they could order from five different people, and the inventory would come in, and then they would say, stop, I don’t need anymore. So, I do think it’s a very different situation. And one that is really based on close collaboration with our customers, and the development of enabling technologies and products so they can win.