Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Condensed Consolidated and Comb
- Condensed Consolidated and Com3
- Condensed Consolidated and Com4
- Condensed Consolidated and Com5
- Condensed Consolidated and Com6
- Basis of presentation and summa
- Acquisitions and dispositions
- Restructuring activities
- Goodwill and other intangible a
- Revolving credit facility
- Retirement plans
- Post-retirement benefits other
- Income taxes
- Supplemental equity information
- Fair value measurement
- Commitments, contingencies and
- Stock-based compensation
- Earnings per share
- Relationship with our former pa
- Subsequent events
- Basis of presentation and sum22
- Acquisitions and dispositions (
- Goodwill and other intangible24
- Retirement plans (Tables)
- Post-retirement benefits othe26
- Supplemental equity informati27
- Stock-based compensation (Table
- Earnings per share (Tables)
- Relationship with our former 30
- Basis of presentation and sum31
- Acquisitions and dispositions -
- Acquisitions and dispositions33
- Restructuring activities - Narr
- Goodwill and other intangible35
- Goodwill and other intangible36
- Revolving credit facility - Nar
- Retirement plans - Retirement P
- Retirement plans - Narrative (D
- Retirement plans - Additional I
- Post-retirement benefits othe41
- Post-retirement benefits othe42
- Income taxes - Narrative (Detai
- Supplemental equity informati44
- Supplemental equity informati45
- Supplemental equity informati46
- Fair value measurement - Narrat
- Commitments, contingencies an48
- Stock-based compensation - Narr
- Stock-based compensation - RSU
- Earnings per share - Narrative
- Relationship with our former 52
- Relationship with our former 53
- Subsequent events - Narrative (