Discontinued Operations | Note 3 - Discontinued Operations We have continued to work toward our strategy to be a company that leverages technology and operational excellence to provide complete systems and process solutions in energy and industrial applications. Over the past several years, we have made significant progress in this journey by taking actions to protect our core business, develop important organizational capabilities, commercialize new products and services and implement new processes to position Exterran for success. We are focused on optimizing our portfolio of products and services to better serve our global customers while providing a more attractive investment option for our investors. As we continue on this path, we decided that our U.S. compression fabrication business is non-core to our strategy going forward and during the third quarter of 2020, we entered into an agreement to sell the business which closed on November 2, 2020. During the third quarter of 2020, this business met the held for sale criteria and is also now reflected as discontinued operations in our financial statements for all periods presented. The U.S. compression fabrication business was previously included in our product sales segment and has been reclassified to discontinued operations in our financial statements for all periods presented. Compression revenue from sales to international customers continues to be included in our product sales segment. In the first quarter of 2016, we began executing the exit of our Belleli EPC business that has historically been comprised of engineering, procurement and construction for the manufacture of tanks for tank farms and the manufacture of evaporators and brine heaters for desalination plants in the Middle East (referred to as “Belleli EPC” or the “Belleli EPC business” herein) by ceasing the bookings of new orders. As of the fourth quarter of 2017, we had substantially exited our Belleli EPC business and, in accordance with GAAP, it is reflected as discontinued operations in our financial statements for all periods presented. Although we have reached mechanical completion on all remaining Belleli EPC contracts, we are still subject to risks and uncertainties potentially resulting from warranty obligations, customer or supplier claims against us, settlement of claims against customers, completion of demobilization activities and litigation developments. The facility previously utilized to manufacture products for our Belleli EPC business has been repurposed to manufacture product sales equipment. As such, certain personnel, buildings, equipment and other assets that were previously related to our Belleli EPC business remain a part of our continuing operations. As a result, activities associated with our ongoing operations at our repurposed facility are included in continuing operations. The following table summarizes the operating results of discontinued operations (in thousands): Three Months Ended September 30, 2020 Three Months Ended September 30, 2019 Belleli EPC US Compression Total Belleli EPC US Compression Other disco Total Revenue $ 1,100 $ 27,434 $ 28,534 $ 31 $ 116,481 $ — $ 116,512 Cost of sales (excluding depreciation and amortization expense) 84 25,371 25,455 1,204 104,824 — 106,028 Selling, general and administrative (70) 1,387 1,317 231 5,394 114 5,739 Depreciation and amortization — 443 443 — 1,027 — 1,027 Restructuring and other charges — 2,336 2,336 — 537 — 537 Other (income) expense, net (52) — (52) 28 — — 28 Provision for income taxes 33 — 33 — — — — Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of tax $ 1,105 $ (2,103) $ (998) $ (1,432) $ 4,699 $ (114) $ 3,153 Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020 Nine Months Ended September 30, 2019 Belleli EPC US Compression Total Belleli EPC US Compression Other disco Total Revenue $ 1,224 $ 117,565 $ 118,789 $ 265 $ 426,431 $ — $ 426,696 Cost of sales (excluding depreciation and amortization expense) 268 109,316 109,584 (395) 386,079 — 385,684 Selling, general and administrative 144 8,743 8,887 921 17,888 182 18,991 Depreciation and amortization — 1,767 1,767 — 3,219 — 3,219 Impairments — 6,512 6,512 — — — — Restructuring and other charges — 7,889 7,889 — 1,624 — 1,624 Other income, net (3) — (3) (304) — — (304) Benefit from income taxes (14) — (14) (6,213) — — (6,213) Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of tax $ 829 $ (16,662) $ (15,833) $ 6,256 $ 17,621 $ (182) $ 23,695 The following table summarizes the balance sheet data for discontinued operations (in thousands): September 30, 2020 December 31, 2019 Belleli EPC US Compression Total Belleli EPC US Compression Total Accounts receivable $ 1,891 $ 8,492 $ 10,383 $ 3,990 $ 23,179 $ 27,169 Inventory — 15,213 15,213 — 24,180 24,180 Contract assets 114 2,304 2,418 46 9,540 9,586 Other current assets — 477 477 296 474 770 Total current assets associated with discontinued operations 2,005 26,486 28,491 4,332 57,373 61,705 Property, Plant, and Equipment — 18,438 18,438 — 20,216 20,216 Intangible and other assets, net 1,994 445 2,439 2,970 556 3,526 Total assets associated with discontinued operations $ 3,999 $ 45,369 $ 49,368 $ 7,302 $ 78,145 $ 85,447 Accounts payable $ 295 $ 21,908 $ 22,203 $ 1,503 $ 40,580 $ 42,083 Accrued liabilities 4,313 8,656 12,969 5,959 11,889 17,848 Contract liabilities 956 1,227 2,183 2,536 16,159 18,695 Total current liabilities associated with discontinued operations 5,564 31,791 37,355 9,998 68,628 78,626 Other long-term liabilities 994 1,305 2,299 758 1,283 2,041 Total liabilities associated with discontinued operations $ 6,558 $ 33,096 $ 39,654 $ 10,756 $ 69,911 $ 80,667 |