Art. 7:209. Si la réduction du capital s’opère par un remboursement aux actionnaires ou par dispense totale ou partielle du versement du solde des apports, les créanciers ont, dans les deux mois de la publication aux Annexes du Moniteur belge de la décision de réduction du capital, nonobstant toute disposition contraire, le droit d’exiger une sûreté pour les créances nées et non encore échues au moment de cette publication et pour les créances faisant l’objet d’une action introduite en justice ou par voie d’arbitrage avant l’assemblée générale appelée à se prononcer sur la réduction de capital. La société peut écarter cette demande en payant la créance à sa valeur, après déduction de l’escompte.
Art. 7:210. L’article 7:209 n’est pas applicable aux réductions du capital en vue d’apurer une perte subie ou en vue de constituer une réserve pour couvrir une perte prévisible ou en vue de constituer une réserve indisponible, conformément à l’article [1 7:217]1, § 2.
[...] »
Free translation:
“Art. 7: 208. Any reduction of the capital requires a modification of the articles of association which can only be decided in respect of the equal treatment of shareholders who find themselves in identical conditions. Where applicable, Article 7: 155 is applied.
The convocation to the general meeting indicates the manner in which the proposed reduction will be made as well as the purpose of this reduction.
Art. 7: 209. If the capital reduction is effected by a reimbursement to the shareholders or by total or partial exemption from payment of the balance of the contributions, the creditors have, within two months of the publication in the Appendices of the Belgian Monitor of the decision to reduce the capital, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the right to demand security for claims arising and not yet due at the time of this publication and for claims which are the subject of an action brought in court or by arbitration before the meeting general meeting called to decide on the capital reduction. The company can reject this request by paying the receivable at its value, after deduction of the discount.
Art. 7: 210. Article 7: 209 is not applicable to reductions in capital with a view to clearing a suffered loss or with a view to constituting a reserve to cover a foreseeable loss or with a view to constituting an unavailable reserve, in accordance with article [1 7: 217] 1, § 2.
Summary of extraordinary shareholder decision:
As noted above, the decision of the extraordinary shareholders meeting on May 23, 2019 to absorb the accounting losses into share premium applies to BE GAAP financial statements and thus also applies to IFRS financial statements under above referenced guidance (IAS 8.11 and IAS 8.12). We believe that the IFRS financial statements reflect both the legal form and substance that these losses no longer exist in accordance with under Belgium Company Law.
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