In addition to transactions with Pallinghurst disclosed elsewhere in the financial statements and in accordance with IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures, key management personnel have authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Company directly or indirectly, including any directors (executive and non-executive) of the Company.
As at December 31, 2021, Pallinghurst owns 20,94% of the Company’s issued and outstanding common shares and has significant influence over the Company (2020 – 19.18%).
In 2021, the Company issued 297,106 shares in repayment of accrued interests of $2,697 on the convertible bond due to Pallinghurst.
Pallinghurst purchased 237,932 common shares as part of the financing closed on January 20,2021, 79,311 common shares as part of the financing closed on February 12,2021 and 66,666 common shares as part of the financing closed on June 23, 2021 (see note 15.1).
In October 2021, the Company issued 7,500,000 common shares following the conversion of all outstanding convertible bond held by Pallinghurst group, a related party. In addition, and pursuant to the terms of the convertible bond, the Company has elected to settle the accrued and unpaid interest of $1,900 by issuing an additional 220,471 common shares at $8.62 per share.
Investissement Québec, acting as mandatory for the Government of Quebec, purchased 317,241 common shares as part of the financing closed on February 12, 2021 and purchased all of the 1,978,750 common shares issued as part of the financing closed on July 23, 2021.
The Company has commitments under certain management contracts with key executives. Minimum commitments under these contracts are approximately $1,554. These contracts require additional minimum payments of approximately $3,139 to be made upon the occurrence of certain events, such as a change of control. As a triggering event has not taken place, the contingent payments have not been reflected in these consolidated financial statements.
The Company monitors capital based on the carrying amount of equity, borrowings, leases and convertible bond which totals $110,147 as at December 31, 2021 ($12,036 as at December 31, 2020).
The objective of the Company’s capital management is to preserve its ability to continue its operations and its program of acquisition, exploration, evaluation and development of mineral properties and the value-added product plant. It manages its capital structure and adjusts based on economic conditions and risk characteristics of underlying assets.
The Company is not subject to externally imposed capital requirements. Changes in capital are described in the consolidated statements of changes in equity and notes 11 and 12.
The properties in which the Company currently has an interest are in the development stage; as such, the Company is dependent on external financing to fund its activities. To carry out the planned development and pay for administrative costs, the Company will spend its existing working capital and raise additional amounts as needed.