Restatement of Previously Issued Consolidated Financial Statements | 2. RESTATEMENT OF PREVIOUSLY ISSUED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Subsequent to the issuance of the Company’s Form 10-Q for the period ended December 31, 2017, the Company determined that material adjustments were needed to correct certain accounting errors. Accordingly, the accompanying consolidated financial statements of the Company as of December 31, 2017 and March 31, 2017, and the related notes hereto, have been restated to correct these accounting errors (the “Restatement”). A summary of these accounting errors, and their effect on the Company’s consolidated financial statements is as follows: 1) The Company had historically presented certain related party balances as other receivables and payables in the Company’s consolidated balance sheet. However, subsequent to the issuance of the Company’s Form 10-Q for the period ended December 31, 2017, the Company determined that the correct presentation of these related party balances should be separately disclosed. Accordingly, the accompanying consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2017 and Note 7 have been restated to reclassify $225,029 and $3,700,572 to amount due from related parties and amount due to related parties, respectively. 2) The Company had historically recognized incorrect amounts of revenue and cost of revenue in its consolidated statement of operations due to inaccurate cut off. Subsequent to the issuance of the Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 2017, the Company determined that revenue and cost of revenue on such cut off error were overstated. Accordingly, the accompanying consolidated financial statements for the three and nine months ended December 31, 2017 have been restated to reflect the correction of the proper recognition. The adjustments resulted in a decrease in revenue of $nil and $662,471; a decrease in cost of revenue of $3,166 and $728,641; and an increase in gross profit of $4,378 and $66,170 for the three and nine months ended December 31, 2017, respectively. 3) The Company had presented incorrect unaudited balance sheets for comparative period as of March 31, 2017, the errors principally relate to the recognition of incorrect amounts of revenues and expenses. The incorrect amount was subsequently adjusted and the audited financial statements as of March 31, 2017 were incorporated into the Company’s Form 10-K was filed on July 16, 2017. Accordingly, the accompanying consolidated financial statements as of March 31, 2017 have been restated for these adjustments. The effect of these adjustments on the Company’s consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, 2017 and March 31, 2017, and cash flows for the nine months ended December 31, 2017 is summarized below: Balance sheets: As of December 31, 2017 As of March 31, 2017 As filed Restatement adjustments As restated As filed Restatement adjustments As restated Accounts receivable $ 4,626,213 $ - $ 4,626,213 $ 5,763,771 $ (986,893 ) $ 4,776,878 Other receivables 2,152,439 (225,029 ) 1,927,410 1,105,324 (4 ) 1,105,320 Amount due from related parties 64,181 225,029 289,210 127,548 4 127,552 Total current assets 8,394,391 - 8,394,391 7,941,546 (986,893 ) 6,954,653 Total assets 9,979,510 - 9,979,510 9,534,411 (986,893 ) 8,547,518 Accounts payable 3,307,746 160,872 3,468,618 2,354,543 (743,900 ) 1,610,643 Amount due to related parties 1,376,231 3,700,572 5,076,803 2,878,250 29,033 2,907,283 Advances from customers 820,981 - 820,981 289,690 758,127 1,047,817 Accrued expenses and other payables 3,985,978 (2,988,407 ) 991,571 334,292 (135,009 ) 199,283 Payables for acquisition of business - - - 3,049,765 (24,014 ) 3,025,751 Total current liabilities 9,497,044 867,037 10,364,081 8,907,263 (115,763 ) 8,791,500 Total liabilities 9,497,044 867,037 10,364,081 8,907,263 (115,763 ) 8,791,500 Additional paid-in capital (420,523 ) - (420,523 ) (400,000 ) (13,604 ) (413,604 ) Retained earnings 406,174 (819,158 ) (412,984 ) 498,417 (870,219 ) (371,802 ) Accumulated other comprehensive income (31,644 ) (47,879 ) (79,523 ) 7,192 12,692 19,884 Total equity 482,466 (867,037 ) (384,571 ) 627,148 (871,131 ) (243,983 ) Total liabilities and equity 9,979,510 - 9,979,510 9,534,411 (986,894 ) 8,547,517 Statements of loss and comprehensive loss: For the three months ended December 31, 2017 For the nine months ended December 31, 2017 As filed Restatement adjustments As restated As filed Restatement adjustments As restated Revenues $ 3,061,999 $ 1,211 $ 3,063,211 $ 11.339,887 $ (662,471 ) $ 10,677,416 Cost of revenues (2,705,581 ) (3,166 ) (2,702,415 ) (10,201,018 ) 728,641 (9,472,377 ) Gross profit 356,418 4,378 360,796 1,138,869 66,170 1,205,039 Loss from operations (66,745 ) 4,378 (62,367 ) (99,260 ) 66,170 (33,090 ) Loss before income tax expense (59,541 ) 4,378 (55,163 ) (92,133 ) 64,664 (27,469 ) Net loss (65,517 ) 4,378 (61,139 ) (105,846 ) 64,664 (41,182 ) Foreign currency translation loss (8,932 ) (20,636 ) (29,568 ) (38,836 ) (60,571 ) (99,407 ) Total comprehensive loss (74,449 ) (16,258 ) (90,707 ) (144,682 ) 4,093 (140,589 ) Statements of cash flow: For the nine months ended December 31, 2017 As filed Restatement adjustments As restated Net loss $ (105,846 ) $ 64,664 $ (41,182 ) Accounts receivable 1,137,558 (986,893 ) 150.665 Amounts due from related parties 62,088 (62,088 ) - Other receivables (1,047,115 ) 225,025 (822,090 ) Accounts payable 953,203 904,771 1,857,974 Amounts due to related parties (1,502,019 ) 1,502,019 - Accrued expenses and other payables 1,248,142 (862,888 ) 385,254 Advances from customers 531,291 (758,127 ) (226,836 ) Net cash provided by operating activities 730,027 26,483 756,510 Payment for the acquisition of subsidiaries (3,049,765 ) 24,014 (3,025,751 ) Net cash used in investing activities (3,126,553 ) 24,014 (3,102,539 ) Proceeds from related party borrowings - 4,778,063 4,778,063 Repayment of related party borrowings - (2,770,201 ) (2,770,201 ) Proceeds from third party borrowings 7,217,389 (6,388,308 ) 829,081 Repayment of third party borrowings (4,855,927 ) 4,329,949 (525,978 ) Net cash provided by financing activities 2,361,462 (50,497 ) 2,310,965 |