This Shareholders’ Agreement (this "Agreement") is executed by and among the Parties below as of July 13, 2021, in Shanghai, the People’s Republic of China (“China” or “PRC”):
Shanghai Maosong Trading Co., Ltd., a company with limited liability duly established and legally existing under the laws of PRC, with unified social credit code: 91310115MA1K4AH122 (the “Company”);
EOS INTERNATIONAL INC., 一家依据英属维尔京群岛(“BVI”)法律有效设立并合法存续的有限责任公司,其公司编号为:1992951(“EOS Int’l”);以及
EOS INTERNATIONAL INC., a company with limited liability duly established and legally existing under the laws of British Virgin Islands, with company registered number: 1992951 (“EOS Int’l.”); and
Shanghai Qifan Enterprises Management Co., Ltd., a company with limited liability duly established and legally existing under the laws of PRC, with unified social credit code: 91310230MA1JTLNQ0U (“Shanghai Qifan”).
In this Agreement, each party shall be referred to as a "Party," or this “Party,” together, the “Parties,” and to each other, “another Party,” or “other Parties.” respectively, and they shall be collectively referred to as the "Parties".
Shanghai Maosong Trading Co., Ltd. is a company with limited liability registered under the Company Law of the PRC and relevant laws and regulations, established on March 1, 2019.
As of the date of this Agreement, EOS Int’l., Shanghai Qifan are the shareholders the Company, of which EOS Int'l holds 83.33% of the equity interest of the Company corresponding to the registered capital of the Company of RMB100,000,000; Shanghai Qifan holds 16.67% of the equity interest of the Company corresponding to the registered capital of the Company of RMB20,000,000. The total registered capital of the Company is RMB120,000,000. As of the date of this Agreement, both EOS Int'l and Shanghai Qifan have fully paid up their registered capital.
To further clarify and adjust the rights and obligations of the shareholders of the Company, the Parties hereby agree to enter into this Agreement and confer and recognize the relevant rights, powers or benefits to be enjoyed by the shareholders of the Company through this Agreement.
THEREFORE, on the basis of the principle of equality and mutual benefit, the Parties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiations and in accordance with the Company Law of the PRC, the Civil Code of the PRC, and other relevant laws and regulations of the PRC.
Shanghai Qifan and EOS Int'l agree that, from the effective date of this Agreement, Shanghai Qifan irrevocably delegates the voting rights in relation to its entire equity interest in the Company (corresponding to a registered capital of RMB20,000,000, accounting for 16.67% of the entire equity interest in the Company, hereinafter referred to as the "Target Equity Interest") to EOS Int'l (the “Voting Proxy”), the majority shareholder of the Company, in accordance with this Agreement. Upon creation of Voting Proxy, EOS Int'l has 100% of the voting rights of the Company at its disposal and becomes the only shareholder with voting rights, and has 100% control over the Company.
The Voting Proxy under this Agreement shall be irrevocable and continuous during the term when Shanghai Qifan is a shareholder of the Company, commencing from the effective date of this Agreement. Should any of the following event occurs during this term, the Voting Proxy arrangement shall be terminated on the earlier occurrence of the following events:
Subject to this Article 3.1, Shanghai Qifan transfers all of the Target Equity Interests held and such Target Equity Interests cease to be registered in its name; or, if Shanghai Qifan transfers part of the Target Equity Interests, the remaining Target Equity Interests held after such transfer shall remain subject to this Voting Proxy arrangement;
All the Target Equity Interests cease to be held by Shanghai Qifan and be registered in its name due to judicial execution; or, if part of the Target Equity Interests cease to be held by Shanghai Qifan due to judicial execution, the remaining Target Equity Interests shall still be subject to this Voting Proxy arrangement;
上海企梵及EOS Int’l书面同意解除表决权委托(任何一方不得单方解除表决权委托安排)。
Shanghai Qifan and EOS Int'l agree in writing to release the Voting Proxy (neither party may unilaterally release this Voting Proxy).
During the term of the Voting Proxy, EOS Int'l shall be entitled to exercise the voting rights corresponding to the Target Equity Interest on its own will in accordance with this Agreement and the relevant laws and regulations, regulatory documents, and the Articles of Association of the Company in force at the time. The voting rights shall include, but not be limited to:
Requesting, convening, holding, and attending shareholders' meetings of the Company in accordance with the law;
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Submitting shareholder proposals or motions regarding the nomination, recommendation, election or dismissal of directors, supervisors and senior management;
Exercising the right to vote on all matters requiring discussion and resolution at shareholders' meetings in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, regulatory documents, and the Articles of Association of the Company;
Exercising voting rights on behalf of shareholders and signing relevant documents, and voting on behalf of shareholders on each matter to be considered and voted on at the shareholders' meeting.
If, during the period of performance of this Agreement, the registered capital of the Company changes as a result of capital increase or decrease, conversion of capital reserves, share distribution, share split, share allotment, etc., the Target Equity Interests under this Agreement shall be adjusted accordingly (the same as below), in which case this Agreement shall automatically apply to the adjusted Target Equity Interests, and the voting rights of such Target Equity Interests shall be automatically and fully delegated to EOS Int'l.
The Voting Proxy is a discretionary proxy whereby EOS Int'l will participate in the voting at the Company's shareholders' meetings on behalf of EOS Int'l and EOS Int'l may exercise its own voting rights on the Company's motions without obtaining separate authorization from Shanghai Qifan for the specific exercise of such voting rights. However, if required by regulatory authorities or other third parties, Shanghai Qifan shall cooperate with EOS Int'l in issuing relevant documents at EOS Int'l's request to ensure that EOS Int'l achieves the purpose of the Voting Proxy under this Agreement.
Shanghai Qifan shall provide adequate assistance to EOS Int'l in exercising its Voting Proxy, including signing relevant legal documents in a timely manner when necessary (e.g. to meet the requirements for submission of documents including but not limited to governmental approval, registration and filing).
In no event shall EOS Int'l be held liable to Shanghai Qifan or any third party for any liability or any compensation or indemnity, financial or otherwise, in connection with the exercise of EOS Int'l's Voting Proxy under this Agreement.
Based on Article 1 of this Agreement, Shanghai Qifan shall become a party acting in concert with EOS Int'l as of the effective date of this Agreement. Shanghai Qifan agrees that if Shanghai Qifan is entitled to appoint director(s) of the Company under the Articles of Association then in effect, the appointed director(s) of Shanghai Qifan will act in concert with the appointed director(s) of EOS Int'l in voting on any matter by the Board of Directors of the Company to maintain the consistency of voting. Subject to the obligation of fidelity and diligence, Shanghai Qifan shall fully respect the wishes of EOS Int'l's appointed directors and vote in accordance with the opinions of EOS Int'l's appointed directors.
The term of this act-in-concert arrangement shall be consistent with the term of the Voting Proxy as stipulated in Article 1.2 of this Agreement.
Shanghai Qifan agrees to grant EOS Int'l an irrevocable, unconditional, exclusive option to purchase the Target Equity Interests, and EOS Int'l shall be entitled to use such purchase option to acquire all and/or part of the Target Equity Interests held by Shanghai Qifan (regardless of any future changes in the amount of Shanghai Qifan's capital contribution or shareholding, hereinafter the “Exclusive Option to Purchase”) at any time, at one or more times and at the purchase price set forth in Article 3.3 of this Agreement, to the extent permitted by the PRC laws and in accordance with the procedures determined by EOS Int'l in its sole discretion.
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EOS Int’l在每一次权利行使时,可以亲自或通过其指定的第三方(与EOS Int’l合称为“受让人”)受让部分或全部的标的股权。非经EOS Int’l事先书面同意,除受让人以外,任何第三人均不得享有标的股权的购买权或其他与标的股权有关的权利。
EOS Int'l may, upon each exercise of the option, acquire part or all of the Target Equity Interest in person or through a third party designated by EOS Int'l (together with EOS Int'l, the "Transferees"). No third party other than the Transferees shall have the right to purchase the Target Equity Interest or any other rights in relation to the Target Equity Interest without the prior written consent of EOS Int'l.
EOS Int’l同意接受独家购买权;并且,公司特此同意上海企梵向EOS Int’l授予独家购买权。
EOS Int'l agrees to accept the Exclusive Option to Purchase; and, the Company hereby agrees the grant of the Exclusive Option to Purchase to EOS Int'l by Shanghai Qifan.
Based on the grant of the Exclusive Option to Purchase in this Article 3, Shanghai Qifan shall not sell, give, pledge, encumber or otherwise dispose of any of the Target Equity Interests held, directly or indirectly. Furthermore, Shanghai Qifan undertakes that it will give priority to other assets of Shanghai Qifan to settle any third-party debt and will take any necessary measures to avoid the enforcement of all and/or part of the Target equity interests held as a result of an effective judgment.
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Manner of Exercise
EOS Int’l在中国法律和法规允许的范围内,有绝对的权利以决定独家购买权行使的具体时间、方式及次数。
EOS Int'l shall have the absolute right to determine the specific time, manner and frequency of the exercise of the Exclusive Option to Purchase, to the extent permitted by the laws and regulations of the PRC.
EOS Int’l在中国法律和法规允许的范围内,有权在任何时候要求上海企梵向受让人转让公司股权。
EOS Int'l is entitled to request Shanghai Qifan to transfer the Target Equity Interest to the Transferee at any time, to the extent permitted by the laws and regulations of the PRC.
EOS Int’l在每一次权利行使时,都有权独自决定上海企梵应向受让人转让的公司股权的数量。上海企梵应按EOS Int’l要求转让的公司股权数量转让给受让人。受让人在权利行使时应向上海企梵支付对应的购买价格。
EOS Int'l shall have the right to determine, at its sole discretion, the amount of Target Equity Interests that Shanghai Qifan shall transfer to the Transferee upon each exercise of the Exclusive Option to Purchase. Shanghai Qifan shall transfer to the Transferee the amount of Target Equity Interest of the Company as required by EOS Int'l. The Transferee shall pay the respective purchase price to Shanghai Qifan at the time of exercise of the Exclusive Option to Purchase.
EOS Int’l在每次权利行使之前,应向上海企梵或公司发出行使独家购买权的通知("行权通知")。上海企梵在收到行权通知后,应在 5个工作日或EOS Int’l要求的其他时间内根据本协议的规定并按照行权通知的要求向受让人转让EOS Int’l要求转让的公司股权。
EOS Int'l shall give a notice of the exercise of the Exclusive Purchase Right ("Notice of Exercise") to Shanghai Qifan or the Company prior to the each exercise of Exclusive Option to Purchase. Upon receipt of the Notice of Exercise, Shanghai Qifan shall, within five (5) business days or such other time as EOS Int'l may require, transfer to the Transferee the Target Equity Interest as requested by EOS Int'l in accordance with this Agreement and the requirements set forth in the Notice of Exercise.
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Purchase Price
EOS Int’l在每一次行使股权购买权时向上海企梵支付的购买价格应为以下二者中的较低者∶(1)上海企梵就被购买的公司股权而向公司所实际出资的金额;(2)中国法律所允许的最低价格。
The purchase price to be paid by EOS Int'l to Shanghai Qifan upon each exercise of the Excluive Option to Purchase shall be the lower of (1) the amount of actual contribution of Shanghai Qifan to the Company in respect of the Target Equity Interest, or (2) the minimum price permitted under the PRC laws.
If, at the time of the exercise of the Exclusive Option to Purchase, an appraisal of the value of the Company's equity interest is required under the PRC laws, the Parties shall agree separately, in good faith, and on the basis of such appraisal, to make adjustments to the purchase price, if necessary, to comply with the requirements of then-applicable PRC laws.
Shanghai Qifan and EOS Int'l agree that, Shanghai Qifan shall, upon receipt of the purchase price, transfer the purchase price to EOS Int'l's overseas parent company, EOS Inc.
Shanghai Qifan agrees to transfer to EOS Int'l, starting from the effective date of this Agreement, the right to receive any proceeds from the Target Equity Interest ("Equity Proceed Right"), wherein the Equity Proceed Right includes, but is not limited to, the right to receive the following proceeds:
The proceeds from the sale of the Target Equity Interest (including derived equity interests resulting from share grants, conversions of capital reserves, share splits, share allotment, etc., hereinafter the same) in any circumstance;
The residual proceeds to be acquired by Shanghai Qifan as a result of holding the Target Equity Interest after the dissolution or liquidation of the Company;
If Shanghai Qifan transfers or otherwise disposes of the Target Equity Interest in accordance with the PRC laws, administrative rules and regulations, judicial rulings, or this Agreement, EOS Int'l shall have the right to the proceeds that should be obtained from the disposal of the Target Equity Interest.
Starting from the effective date of this Agreement, EOS Int'l shall enjoy the right to receive all the above-mentioned proceeds in relation to the Target Equity Interest, and Shanghai Qifan shall no longer enjoy such right.
Consideration of Transfer
EOS Int’l同意,EOS Int’l应促使其海外母公司EOS Inc.在2021年【8】月【15】日前,授予与上海企梵同属一个实际控制人的海外公司世界资本控股股份有限公司(World Capital Holding Ltd.)【1,500万】股之EOS Inc.【普通股】,作为股权收益权转让之对价(“转让对价”)。
EOS Int'l agrees that, EOS Int'l shall cause its overseas parent company, EOS Inc., to grant to World Capital Holding Ltd., an overseas company with the same beneficial owner as Shanghai Qifan, fifteen million common shares of EOS Inc., by August 15, 2021. Ltd., as consideration for the transfer of the Equity Proceed Rights (“Consideration of Transfer”).
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Completion of Transfer
上海企梵及EOS Int’l同意,股权收益权转让完成之条件如下:
Shanghai Qifan and EOS Int'l agree that the conditions for the completion of the Transfer of Equity Proceed Rights are as follows:
This Agreement has been signed and become effective;
海外母公司EOS Inc.已在本协议规定的期限内授予世界资本控股股份有限公司(World Capital Holding Ltd.)【1,500万】股之EOS Inc.【普通股】;
EOS Inc., the overseas parent company, has granted its fifteen (15) million common shares World Capital Holding Ltd. within the term specified in this Agreement;
EOS Inc.已根据EOS Inc.公司所在地的法律法规办理相应的股份发行登记手续,向世界资本控股股份有限公司出具股权证明书。
EOS Inc. has registered its newly issued shares in accordance with the laws and regulations of the place where EOS Inc. is registered and issued a share certificate to World Capital Holding Ltd.
Upon the completion of the transfer of the Equity Proceed Rights, EOS Int'l shall be entitled to enjoy the relevant Equity Proceed Rights as the holder of such rights under this Agreement, and shall bear its own risks under the Equity Proceed Rights.
Shanghai Qifan agrees to pledge its existing or any prospective Target Equity Interests to EOS Int'l (the "Pledge") to secure Shanghai Qifan's obligations and liabilities under this Agreement, and to ensure the full exercise of EOS Int'l in relation to the voting proxy, and Exclusive Option to Purchase, and Equity Proceed Rights.
Term of Pledge
The term of the Pledge shall be the same as the term of the Voting Proxy arrangement set forth in Article 1.2 of this Agreement.
Shanghai Qifan and the Company shall register the Pledge under this Article 5 in the register of shareholders of the Company within [3] business days from the effective date of this Agreement, and apply for registration of the Pledge with the relevant administrative authorities for industry and commerce within [10] business days from the effective date of this Agreement.
The Parties jointly confirm that, for the purpose of the pledge registration with industrial and commerce administration authorities, the Parties shall submit this Agreement or an equity pledge contract in the form required by the relevant industrial and commerce administration authorities in the place that the Company is located, which truly reflects the information of the Pledge under this Agreement (“Industrial and Commerce Pledge Registration Contract”) to the industrial and commercial administration authorities. Matters not agreed in the Industrial and Commerce Pledge Registration Contract shall be subject to this Agreement. Shanghai Qifan and the Company shall submit all necessary documents and complete all necessary procedures in accordance with the PRC laws and the requirements of the relevant industrial and commerce administration authorities, to ensure that the Pledge is registered as soon as possible after the application is submitted.
If the registration of the Pledge is not completed because of the relevant administrative authority, Shanghai Qifan and the Company undertake that once the relevant administrative authority agrees to register the Pledge, they will make their best efforts to apply for the registration of the Pledge in a timely manner.
Within [3] business days from the effective date of this Agreement, Shanghai Qifan shall deliver to EOS Int'l for safekeeping the certificate of equity contribution issued by the Company, and the Company shall deliver to EOS Int'l the register of shareholders with the information of the Pledge. EOS Int'l shall keep these documents for the term of the Pledge under this Agreement.
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第六条 陈述、保证与承诺
Article 6. Representations, Warranties, and Covenants
EOS Int’l的陈述、保证与承诺
Representations, Warranties and Covenants of EOS Int'l
EOS Int’l is a limited liability company legally established and validly existing under the laws of the British Virgin Islands.
EOS Int’l has full capacity, right, and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform its rights and obligations hereunder.
EOS Int’l execution and performance of this Agreement will not conflict with or be inconsistent with (i) its charter documents, (ii) contracts, arrangements or obligations to which it is a party, or (iii) laws, regulations and regulatory documents then in force.
EOS Int’l undertakes to exercise its Voting Proxy in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, its articles of association in force at the time, and this Agreement.
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Representations, Warranties and Covenants of Shanghai Qifan
Shanghai Qifan is a limited liability company legally established and validly exsisting under the PRC laws.
Shanghai Qifan has full capacity, right, and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform its rights and obligations hereunder.
Shanghai Qifan’s execution and performance of this Agreement will not conflict with or be inconsistent with (i) its charter documents, (ii) contracts, arrangements or obligations to which it is a party, or (iii) laws, regulations and regulatory documents then in force.
其承诺EOS Int’l能够根据本协议及届时有效的公司章程完全、充分地行使委托权利;
Shanghai Qifan undertakes to exercise its Voting Proxy in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, its articles of association in force at the time.
Shanghai Qifan has not placed any other encumbrances on the Target Equity Interest, nor has it pledged, ceded or transferred to any third party any of its interests in the Target Equity Interest, other than the Pledge, Voting Proxy, Exclusive Option to Purchase, and Equity Proceed Rights in this Agreement.
Shanghai Qifan has not entrusted a third party other than the party of this Agreement to exercise the Voting Proxy agreed herein in respect of the Target Equity Interest.
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未经EOS Int’l事先书面同意,上海企梵不享有单方面撤销委托、终止或解除本协议的权利;
Shanghai Qifan does not have the right to unilaterally revoke the Voting Proxy, terminate or cancel this Agreement without the prior written consent of EOS Int'l.
Shanghai Qifan shall not increase its shareholding in the Company without the prior written consent of EOS Int'l, except for the Company's share allotment, share distributions, conversions of capital reserves, share split, etc.
第七条 违约责任
Article 7. Liabilities for Default
A Party shall be deemed in breach of this Agreement if it fails to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement.
If, as a result of a breach of this Agreement by a Party (hereinafter referred to as the “Defaulting Party”), the non-breaching Party to this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Non-Defaulting Party") suffers any loss, the Defaulting Party shall, in addition to immediately ceasing the breach and continuing to perform all of its obligations and be liable for breach under this Agreement, shall compensate the Non-Defaulting Party for all direct and indirect losses caused (including but not limited to litigation costs, preservation costs, enforcement costs, attorney's fees and reasonable travel costs paid), and shall take measures to save the Non-Defaulting Party from any further damage.
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第八条 适用法律与争议的解决
Article 8. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution
Applicable Law
The execution, effectiveness, interpretation, performance, amendment, termination, and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the PRC laws that are duly published and publicly available in China.
The Parties agree that any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted to arbitration by the Shanghai Arbitration Commission in accordance with the arbitration rules of the Commission. The arbitral award shall be final and binding on the Parties.
This Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter and content hereof, and supersede any prior agreements, memoranda of understanding, representations or other obligations (whether in writing or orally, including communications of any kind) between the Parties with respect to the subject matter and content hereof. Further, this Agreement, including any modifications or amendments thereto, shall contain the sole and entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.
This Agreement shall become effective upon the signing and/or sealing of each Party.
Article 7 (Liability for Default) and Article 8 (Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution) shall survive upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement and the dissolution of the Company.
Assignment of This Agreement
Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, no Party may assign its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the written consent of the other Parties.
If any one or more provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect under any applicable law, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected or impaired in any respect thereby. The Parties shall endeavor, through good faith negotiations, to replace those invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions with valid provisions, and the economic effect of such valid provisions shall be as similar as possible to the economic effect of those invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions.
A waiver by a Party of any of its rights hereunder shall be effective only if such Party signs a written instrument to that effect. The failure of any Party to exercise or delay in exercising any right, power or remedy under this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver, nor shall any single exercise or partial exercise of such right, power or remedy preclude the further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy. Without limiting the foregoing, a waiver by any Party of any breach of any provision of this Agreement by any other Part(ies) shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach of that provision or any other provisions of this Agreement.
If there is any conflict between the Articles of Association, the resolution(s) and the Industrial and Commerce Pledge Registration Contract filed by the Company for the purpose of register the Pledge with the relevant industrial and commercial authorities, and the provisions of this Agreement, or if this Agreement provides for matters not agreed in the Articles of Association, the resolution(s) or the Industrial and Commerce Pledge Registration Contract, the Parties agree that this Agreement shall prevail and no Party shall raise any defense in this regard.
Number of Copies
This Agreement is executed in three (3) copies, each of which shall have the same legal effect.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each Party of this Agreement has executed, or caused its respectively duly authorized representative to execute, this Agreement as of the date first above written.
Shanghai Maosong Trading Co., Ltd. (SEALED)
Signed by: /s/ Yucheng Yang
Name: Yucheng Yang
Title: Legal Representative
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each Party of this Agreement has executed, or caused its respectively duly authorized representative to execute, this Agreement as of the date first above written.
Signed by: /s/ Hexiang Yang
Name: Hexiang Yang
Title: Director
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each Party of this Agreement has executed, or caused its respectively duly authorized representative to execute, this Agreement as of the date first above written.
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