Trading Schedule for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
> CBOE, C2 and CFE will have a modified trading schedule for the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday.
> CBOE and C2 will be closed on Monday, January 16, 2017. For complete information on modified trading hours for CBOE Futures Exchange (CFE), refer to CFE Information Circular CFE IC17-001.
> For additional details, please see the press release on the CBOE website.
CBOE Vest Launches CBOE Vest S&P 500 Enhanced Growth Strategy Fund (ENGIX)
> On Wednesday, CBOE Vest announced the launch of the CBOE Vest S&P 500 Enhanced Growth Strategy Fund (ENGIX), which tracks the CBOE S&P 500 Enhanced Growth Index Balanced Series (SPEN).
> Designed to enhance growth while keeping losses in line with the market and limiting returns to be below a cap, the Enhanced Growth Strategy Fund invests in a series of 12 monthly rolling “tranches” of an “Enhanced Growth” strategy.
> The Enhanced Growth Strategy Fund is the third mutual fund launched by CBOE Vest, following the August launch of the CBOE Vest S&P 500 Buffer Protect Strategy Fund (BUIGX) and the October launch of the CBOE Vest Defined Distribution Strategy Fund (VDDIX).
> For more information, see the press release on the CBOE website.
Market Data Express Successfully Migrates to CBOE Livevol Data Shop
> On Friday, January 6, the historical data subscription service operated by Market Data Express (MDX) was successfully migrated to the CBOE Livevol Data Shop website.
> For more information, see the press release on the CBOE website.
Quarterly Rebalance of Options Class Tiers
> CBOE will rebalance the option class appointment cost tiers, excluding the “AA” tier, for the first-quarter based on fourth-quarter national average daily volume (ADV).
> Market Makers and /or Market-Maker affiliated firms will have until 3:30 p.m. CT on January 31, 2017 to adjust their appointments and/or number of Market-Maker Trading Permits as necessary so that their aggregate appointment cost is equal to or less than their net appointment credits.
> Otherwise, the Exchange will automatically issue to that Market-Maker or Market Market-Maker affiliated firm the requisite number of Market-Maker Trading Permits to meet this standard, and those firms will be billed accordingly.
> The tier rebalancing using fourth-quarter data will take effect Wednesday, February 1.
> For details, see CBOE Regulatory Circular RG17-003 on the CBOE website.
Select Index Highlights for 2016
> The daily closing values of the CBOE/CME FX British Pound Volatility Index (BPVIX) rose 277% in a 5-month period prior to the Brexit vote.
> While the average daily closing value of the VIX® Index in 2016 was 15.8 (below its long-term average of 19.7 since 1990), the average daily closing value of the CBOE SKEW Index in 2016 was 127.6 (its second highest level among all its 27 years since 1990).
> Both the CBOE S&P 500 30-Delta BuyWrite Index (BXMD) and CBOE S&P 500 PutWrite Index (PUT) had higher returns and lower volatility than the S&P 500, MSCI EAFE and S&P GSCI indexes over a period of 30½ years.
> See Options Hub Blogs on the CBOE website.
We encourage your input on these and other Exchange matters. Please feel free to contact us directly with your concerns. |
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Ed Tilly: | Ed Provost: |
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