“Issuer II” means Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance Inc., 250 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10177, United States of America, as issuer under the Base Indenture II.
“Judicial or Administrative Proceedings” means one of the judicial or administrative proceedings referred to in article 13, items 4 to 11, 16 and 17 of the RCS Law, including in particular, bankruptcy (faillite), judicial reorganisation (réorganisation judiciaire), suspension of payments (sursis de paiement), judicial liquidation (liquidation judiciaire) and administrative dissolution without liquidation (dissolution administrative sans liquidation) proceedings.
“Law on Commercial Companies” means the Luxembourg law dated 10 August 1915 on commercial companies, as amended.
“Luxembourg” means the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
“Luxembourg Obligors” means each of the companies specified in Schedule 2 (Luxembourg Obligors).
“Negative Certificates” means all of the negative certificates listed under the heading Negative Certificates in paragraph 2 (Corporate Documents) of Schedule 3 (Documents).
“Notes” means any and all notes and securities issued from time to time by the Issuers under and pursuant to the Base Indentures.
“Other Party” means each party to the Transaction Documents other than the Luxembourg Obligors.
“Parties” means all of the parties to the Transaction Documents.
“Prospectus Law” means the Luxembourg law dated 16 July 2019 on prospectuses for securities.
“Prospectus Regulation” means Regulation (EU) No 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2017 on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a regulated market.
“RCS” means the Luxembourg register of commerce and companies.
“RCS Law” means the Luxembourg law dated 19 December 2002 relating to the register of commerce and companies as well as the accounting and the annual accounts of companies, as amended.
“REGINSOL” means the insolvency register (Registre de l’insolvabilité) held and maintained by the RCS.
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