Reserves for unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses | Reserves for unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses The reserves for unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses represent the Company's estimated ultimate cost of all unreported and reported but unpaid insured claims and the cost to adjust these losses that have occurred as of or before the balance sheet date. Reserves are estimated using individual case-basis valuations of reported claims and statistical analyses. Case reserves are established for individual claims that have been reported to the Company, typically by the Company's insureds or their brokers. Based on the information provided, case reserves are established by estimating the ultimate losses from the claim, including defense costs associated with the ultimate settlement of the claim. Incurred-but-not-reported ("IBNR") reserves are determined using actuarial methods to estimate losses that have occurred but have not yet been reported to the Company. The incurred Bornhuetter-Ferguson actuarial method ("BF method") is used to arrive at the Company's loss reserve estimates for each line of business. This method estimates the reserves based on the initial expected loss ratio and expected reporting patterns for losses. Because the Company has a limited number of years of loss experience compared to the period over which losses are expected to be reported, the Company uses industry and peer-group data, in addition to its own data, as a basis for selecting its expected reporting patterns. As part of the reserving process, the Company reviews historical data and considers the effect of various factors on claims development patterns including polices written on a "claims made" versus "occurrence" basis. Policies written on a claims made basis provide coverage to the insured only for losses incurred during the coverage period, and only if the claim was reported during a specified reporting period. Policies written on an occurrence basis provide coverage to the insured for liabilities arising from events occurring during the term of the policy, regardless of when a claim is actually made. Accordingly, claims related to policies written on an occurrence basis may arise many years after a policy has lapsed. Property losses, while written on an occurrence basis, are generally reported within a short time from the date of loss, and in most instances, property claims are settled and paid within a relatively short period of time. The following table presents a reconciliation of consolidated beginning and ending reserves for unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses: December 31, 2019 2018 2017 (in thousands) Net reserves for unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses, beginning of year $ 313,763 $ 267,493 $ 194,602 Commutation of MLQS — — 27,929 Adjusted net reserves for losses and loss adjustment expenses 313,763 267,493 222,531 Incurred losses and loss adjustment expenses: Current year 178,986 135,078 114,960 Prior year (9,423 ) (7,037 ) (11,280 ) Total net losses and loss adjustment expenses incurred 169,563 128,041 103,680 Payments: Current year 19,054 14,118 13,792 Prior year 74,006 67,653 44,926 Total payments 93,060 81,771 58,718 Net reserves for unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses, end of year 390,266 313,763 267,493 Reinsurance recoverable on unpaid losses 69,792 55,389 48,224 Gross reserves for unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses, end of year $ 460,058 $ 369,152 $ 315,717 During the year ended December 31, 2019, our net incurred losses for accident years 2018 and prior developed favorably by $ 9.4 million . This favorable development included $ 13.0 million for the 2018 accident year and $ 1.6 million for accident year 2017. This favorable development was primarily due to reported losses emerging at a lower level than expected on the other liability and products liability lines of business. The favorable development was offset by adverse development of $5.2 million for the 2011 through 2015 accident years. The unfavorable development was primarily attributable to the other liability occurrence line of business. This adverse development largely resulted from management’s decision to lengthen the actuarial loss development factors to provide for emergence of reported losses over a longer period of time based on trends observed in loss experience, which added a modest amount of conservatism to the Company’s IBNR reserves. During the year ended December 31, 2018, our net incurred losses for accident years 2017 and prior developed favorably by $7.0 million . This favorable development included $6.8 million for the 2017 accident year, $3.8 million for the 2016 accident year. This favorable development was primarily due to reported losses emerging at a lower level than expected, across most lines of business. The favorable development was offset in part by adverse development of $3.6 million for the 2011 through 2015 accident years. The unfavorable development was primarily attributable to the other liability occurrence line of business. During the year ended December 31, 2017, our net incurred losses for accident years 2016 and prior developed favorably by $11.3 million . This favorable development included $9.4 million for the 2016 accident year and $6.0 million of favorable development for accident years 2015 and 2014. The favorable development was primarily due to reported losses emerging at a lower level than expected, across most lines of business. The favorable development was offset in part by adverse development of $4.1 million for the 2011 through 2013 accident years. The unfavorable development was primarily attributable to the other liability occurrence line of business. Prior to 2017, the Company participated in a multi-line quota share treaty ("MLQS") that transferred a portion of its risk related to certain lines of business to reinsurers that received a portion of the direct written premiums on that business. Effective January 1, 2017, the Company commuted the remaining outstanding MLQS covering the period January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015, which reduced reinsurance recoverables on unpaid losses by approximately $27.9 million . The commutation did not have any effect on the Company's results of operations or cash flows for the applicable period. Incurred and Paid Claims Development The following is information about incurred and paid claims development as of December 31, 2019, net of reinsurance, as well as cumulative claim frequency and the total of IBNR liabilities plus expected development on reported claims included within the net incurred claims amounts. The development and claims duration tables below exclude commuted MLQS contracts, which would distort development patterns related to those transactions. Cumulative number of reported claims is reported on a per claim basis. The information about incurred and paid claims development for the years ended December 31, 2010 to December 31, 2018, is presented as unaudited supplementary information. Property Incurred Claims and Claim Adjustment Expenses, Net of Reinsurance For the Years Ended December 31, As of December 31, 2019 Accident Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total of IBNR Liabilities Plus Expected Development on Reported Claims Cumulative Number of Reported Claims ($ in thousands) 2015 $ 1,394 $ 880 $ 857 $ 872 $ 869 $ — 63 2016 4,177 3,392 3,301 3,278 14 286 2017 12,473 11,705 11,676 65 1,038 2018 11,559 12,004 236 643 2019 14,914 2,384 598 Total $ 42,741 Cumulative Paid Claims and Allocated Claim Adjustment Expenses, Net of Reinsurance For the Years Ended December 31, Accident Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 ($ in thousands) 2015 $ 584 $ 706 $ 832 $ 865 $ 869 2016 1,867 3,257 3,265 3,265 2017 9,938 11,233 11,602 2018 9,132 11,646 2019 9,852 Total 37,234 All outstanding liabilities before 2015, net of reinsurance — Liabilities for claims and claim adjustment expenses, net of reinsurance $ 5,507 Historical Claims Duration The following is supplementary information about average historical claims duration as of December 31, 2019: Average Annual Percentage Payout of Incurred Claims by Age, Net of Reinsurance (Unaudited) Years 1 2 3 4 5 Property 70.3 % 22.1 % 5.9 % 1.9 % 0.4 % Casualty - Claims Made Incurred Claims and Claim Adjustment Expenses, Net of Reinsurance For the Years Ended December 31, As of December 31, 2019 Accident Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unaudited 2015 2016 2017 Unaudited 2018 Unaudited 2019 Total of IBNR Liabilities Plus Expected Development on Reported Claims Cumulative Number of Reported Claims ($ in thousands) 2010 $ 778 $ 805 $ 679 $ 737 $ 946 $ 916 $ 894 $ 883 $ 876 $ 872 $ 13 14 2011 4,246 3,844 3,646 3,609 3,560 3,374 3,261 3,225 3,206 102 76 2012 7,913 5,749 4,205 3,102 2,845 2,477 2,314 2,207 261 138 2013 15,238 11,639 9,113 7,917 7,002 6,463 6,128 629 228 2014 18,847 14,289 11,748 11,217 10,948 10,988 1,239 273 2015 18,883 16,777 14,896 13,583 13,942 2,024 257 2016 19,170 14,694 14,675 14,322 3,248 309 2017 18,116 17,096 16,121 5,024 366 2018 22,429 20,235 10,949 448 2019 34,693 27,450 504 Total $ 122,714 Cumulative Paid Claims and Allocated Claim Adjustment Expenses, Net of Reinsurance For the Years Ended December 31, Accident Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Unaudited 2018 Unaudited 2019 ($ in thousands) 2010 $ — $ 79 $ 368 $ 393 $ 862 $ 859 $ 859 $ 859 $ 859 $ 859 2011 139 1,037 1,392 2,116 3,044 3,042 3,042 3,065 3,104 2012 153 475 877 1,024 1,090 1,882 1,946 1,946 2013 499 1,915 4,436 5,070 5,320 5,439 5,482 2014 435 1,865 5,039 6,384 8,290 9,415 2015 217 4,496 7,562 9,238 11,371 2016 1,158 3,015 6,907 9,839 2017 340 4,897 8,252 2018 507 5,030 2019 2,487 Total 57,785 Liabilities for claims and claim adjustment expenses, net of reinsurance $ 64,929 Casualty - Occurrence Incurred Claims and Claim Adjustment Expenses, Net of Reinsurance For the Years Ended December 31, As of December 31, 2019 Accident Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unaudited 2015 2016 2017 Unaudited 2018 Unaudited 2019 Total of IBNR Liabilities Plus Expected Development on Reported Claims Cumulative Number of Reported Claims ($ in thousands) 2010 $ 843 $ 771 $ 531 $ 460 $ 458 $ 404 $ 406 $ 429 402 $ 406 $ 59 49 2011 5,839 5,940 5,757 7,340 7,613 8,142 8,375 9,023 9,379 471 226 2012 16,977 17,436 18,803 20,401 20,579 22,001 22,401 23,223 1,716 581 2013 30,616 28,771 28,037 29,039 31,731 33,248 33,973 4,016 840 2014 47,805 40,668 38,049 36,678 39,313 41,859 7,980 1,158 2015 59,717 51,739 49,122 52,100 54,697 13,117 1,322 2016 61,440 55,680 53,549 55,534 19,588 1,318 2017 71,126 67,151 68,985 33,798 1,373 2018 86,157 78,331 56,169 1,297 2019 112,266 99,970 951 Total $ 478,653 Cumulative Paid Claims and Allocated Claim Adjustment Expenses, Net of Reinsurance For the Years Ended December 31, Accident Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unaudited 2015 2016 2017 Unaudited 2018 Unaudited 2019 ($ in thousands) 2010 $ 4 $ 37 $ 59 $ 113 $ 263 $ 261 $ 273 $ 313 346 347 2011 207 1,596 2,519 3,788 4,575 6,363 6,868 8,510 8,693 2012 757 4,441 7,850 11,238 14,382 16,474 19,383 20,707 2013 1,099 4,469 7,957 14,890 21,348 26,715 28,248 2014 698 3,081 8,489 17,576 23,771 31,026 2015 941 3,161 12,685 28,385 37,690 2016 1,099 6,015 17,225 28,924 2017 1,581 9,352 22,407 2018 2,638 10,995 2019 3,944 Total 192,981 Liabilities for claims and claim adjustment expenses, net of reinsurance $ 285,672 Historical Claims Duration The following is supplementary information about average historical claims duration as of December 31, 2019: Average Annual Percentage Payout of Incurred Claims by Age, Net of Reinsurance (Unaudited) Years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Casualty - claims made 4.5 % 20.2 % 25.3 % 12.5 % 20.4 % 9.5 % 0.9 % 0.2 % 0.6 % — % Casualty - occurrence 2.4 % 9.9 % 13.7 % 19.0 % 18.3 % 12.1 % 6.3 % 11.1 % 5.1 % — % Reconciliation of Incurred and Paid Claims Development to the Liability for Unpaid Claims and Claim Adjustment Expenses The reconciliation of the net incurred and paid claims development tables to the liability for claims and claim adjustment expenses in the consolidated statement of financial position is as follows: (in thousands) December 31, 2019 Net outstanding liabilities Property $ 5,507 Casualty - claims made 64,929 Casualty - occurrence 285,672 Liabilities for unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses, net of reinsurance 356,108 Reinsurance recoverable on unpaid claims Property 3,119 Casualty - claims made 9,852 Casualty - occurrence 56,821 Total reinsurance recoverable on unpaid claims 69,792 Unallocated claims adjustment expenses 34,158 Gross liability for unpaid claims and claim adjustment expense $ 460,058 |