| 04/10/2007 List of DC Entities for Global RO Amendment DIN 22404070002 Page 4 Charter* Type Business Name 11R-352 DC NetPass Systems, Inc. 9J-11 DC NetSelector, Inc. 6A-195 DC Neve. Inc. 6T-474 DC New Money Express, Inc. 7J-237 DC New Perspective of Minnesota, Inc. 035119-10 DC Newman Technology Partners, Inc. 9P-321 DC Nighthawk Transport, Incorporated 2K-228 DC Norstan Communications, Inc. 31-1050 DC Norstan Financial Services, Inc. 9P-189 DC Norstan International, Inc. X-1183 DC Norstan, Inc. 5F-353 DC Norte' Cable Corporation 952274-3 DC NORTH AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY 2017288-4 DC North Industrial Road Company 4L-861 DC North Star Concrete Group, Inc. 2G-569 DC North Star Ice, Inc. 71-400 DC Northern Healthcare, Inc. 6Y-78 DC NORTHERN SUPPLY COMPANY, INC. 10-1169 DC NORTHSTAR MATERIALS, INC. A-517 DC Northwest Airlines, Inc. 9A-646 DC NovaCare Rehabilitation, Inc. 4F-1154 DC NUGGET DRILLING CORPORATION 11W-853 DC NutriVision, Inc. 7N-922 DC Nuveen Arizona Premium Income Municipal Fund, Inc. 6U-587 DC Nuveen California Investment Quality Municipal Fun 60-119 DC Nuveen California Municipal Market Opportunity Fun 5 4 0-274 DC Nuveen California Municipal Value Fund, Inc. ' 6L-326 DC Nuveen California Performance Plus Municipal Fund, 7C-755 DC Nuveen California Quality Income Municipal Fund, I 6Z-691 DC Nuveen California Select Quality Municipal Fund, I 7J-486 DC Nuveen Insured California Premium Income Municipal 7R-176 DC Nuveen Insured California Premium Income Municipal 7C-756 DC Nuveen Insured Municipal Opportunity Fund, Inc. 7J-487 DC Nuveen Insured New York Premium Income Municipal P 6V-328 DC Nuveen Insured Quality Municipal Fund, Inc. 60-120 DC Nuveen Investment Quality Municipal Fund, Inc. 7N-323 DC Nuveen Michigan Premium Income Municipal Fund, Inc 7C-757 DC Nuveen Michigan Quality Income Municipal Fund, Inc 6L-992 DC Nuveen Municipal Advantage Fund, Inc. 5V-912 DC Nuveen Municipal Income Fund, Inc. 60-121 DC Nuveen Municipal Market Opportunity Fund, Inc. 5N-667 DC Nuveen Municipal Value Fund, Inc. 6W-692 DC Nuveen New Jersey Investment Quality Municipal Fun 7N-324 DC Nuveen New Jersey Premium Income Municipal Fund, I 6U-586 DC Nuveen New York Investment Quality Municipal Fund, 50-275 DC Nuveen New York Municipal Value Fund, Inc. 6L-327 DC Nuveen New York Performance Plus Municipal Fund, I 7C-759 DC Nuveen New York Quality Income Municipal Fund, Inc 62-692 DC Nuveen New York Select Quality Municipal Fund, Inc 7C-760 DC Nuveen Ohio Quality Income Municipal Fund, Inc. 6H-429 DC Nuveen Performance Plus Municipal Fund, Inc. 7F-170 DC Nuveen Premier Insured Municipal Income Fund, Inc. 7C-761 DC Nuveen Premier Municipal Income Fund, Inc. 7F-169 DC Nuveen Premium Income Municipal Fund 2, Inc. 7R-170 DC Nuveen Premium income Municipal Fund 4, Inc. 5X-310 DC Nuveen Premium income Municipal Fund, Inc. 6X-691 DC Nuveen Quality Income Municipal Fund, Inc. 6X-692 DC Nuveen Select Quality Municipal Fund, Inc. Charter* Type Business Name 21-607 DC Octagon Risk Services, Inc. 2109202-2 DC Olson Brothers Distributing, Inc. 111-250 DC Omni Workspace Company 6A-300 DC On Time Delivery Service, Inc. 2L-874 DC Ontario Eveleth Company 2L-B00 DC Ontario Hibbing Company 1196367-2 DC Orlin Research, Inc. 7C-899 DC ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3A-463 DC Orrin Thompson Construction Company 4M-65 DC ORRIN THOMPSON HOMES CORP. 10A-543 DC Oshkosh/McNeilus Financial Services Inc. 5H-893 DC OTTER TAIL VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY, INC. 1560402-2 DC PAN-MOR INC. 8M-289 DC Party America Franchising, Inc. 10C-6 DC Parvest, Inc. 1527241-2 DC Paul Bunyan Tools, Inc. 783516-2 DC Paul Weitz DUN, PSC 9N-663 DC Pen Rite Systems, Inc: 11G-919 DC Pet Services of Minnesota, 5Y-266 DC Peterson Demolition, Inc. 9W-503 DC PhytoLabs, Inc. 5F-522 DC Pickands Hibbing Corporation 48-707 DC Planmark, Inc. 924220-2 DC Plantavit Cooperative 10T-31 DC PlantFloor.com , Incorporated 60-17 DC PLASMA COATINGS OF MN INC. 11T-304 DC Platco Inc. 3S-7S0 DC PP AP Printing, Inc. 1P-528 DC Preferred Products, Inc. 4P-440 DC PRIMEVEST Financial Services, Inc. 7P-410 DC Prism Strategic Services, Inc. 1858660-2 DC PRO HOME WORKS, INC. 0-1036 DC Product Design & Engineering, Inc. F-724 DC Professional Services Group, Inc. 6D-240 DC Protective Coatings Technology, Inc. 1943577-2 DC Provident Waste Solutions, Inc. 12P-641 DC ProviNet Corporation 7G-884 DC PROXIMITY CONTROLS CORP. 8Q-375 DC PTI Communications of Minnesota, Inc. 12Q-300 DC Quantrell Cadillac, Inc. 10R-743 DC Quartz Surface Supplies, Inc. 8C-826 DC Rainforest Cafe, Inc. 10A-234 DC RAY PETERSON CONSULTING, INC. 28-463 DC Re-Cy-Co, Inc. COOP-3761 DC Recreational Equipment, Inc. 9W-162 DC RecruitUSA Inc. 9C-609 DC RED LION INC. 45-751 DC Red Rock of Minnesota, Inc. 31-1140 DC Redmond Products, Inc. 11T-856 DC Relativity Studio, Inc. 1256199-2 DC Reliance Capital Corporation 3Z-1007 DC ReliaStar Investment Research, Inc. 9V-572 DC ReliaStar Payroll Agent, Inc. 10E-439 DC REM ARROWHEAD, INC. 3Y-546 DC REM Central Lakes Inc. 20-574 DC REM Consulting & Services, Inc. 6B-752 DC REM Health, Inc. 2M-309 DC REM Heartland, Inc. |