Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Consolidated Statements of Earn
- Consolidated Statements of Comp
- Consolidated Balance Sheets
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Consolidated Statements of Equi
- Discontinued Operations and Dis
- Basis of Presentations and Sign
- Recent Accounting Pronouncement
- Business Combinations and Asset
- Accumulated Other Comprehensive
- Goodwill And Intangible Assets
- Segment Information
- Restructuring Charges and Cost
- Earnings Per Share
- Pension And Postretirement Bene
- Leases
- Debt
- Financial Instruments
- Fair Value Measurements
- Share Repurchases
- Stock-based Compensation
- Commitments and Contingencies
- Supplier Finance Program
- Supplemental Financial Statemen
- Pay vs Performance Disclosure
- Insider Trading Arrangements
- Fair Value Measures and Disclos
- Compensation Related Costs, Sha
- Discontinued Operations and D_2
- Business Combinations (Tables)
- Accumulated Other Comprehensi_2
- Goodwill And Intangible Assets
- Segment Information (Tables)
- Restructuring Charges and Cos_2
- Pension And Postretirement Be_2
- Leases (Tables)
- Financial Instruments (Tables)
- Fair Value Measurements (Tables
- Stock-based Compensation (Table
- Supplemental Financial Statem_2
- Divestitures Narrative (Details
- Schedule of Assets and Liabilit
- Basis of Presentations and Si_2
- Acquisition Narrative (Details)
- Schedule of Consideration for B
- Schedule of Recognized Identifi
- Schedule of Intangible Assets A
- Schedule of Pro Forma Revenue a
- Accumulated Other Comprehensi_3
- Accumulated Other Comprehensi_4
- Goodwill And Intangible Asset_2
- Goodwill And Intangible Asset_3
- Goodwill And Intangible Asset_4
- Segment Information (Schedule O
- Segment Information (Schedule_2
- Segment Information (Additional
- Restructuring Charges and Cos_3
- Restructuring Charges and Cos_4
- Restructuring Charges and Cos_5
- Restructuring Charges and Cos_6
- Earnings Per Share (Narrative)
- Pension And Postretirement Be_3
- Leases (Costs) (Details)
- Leases (Reported in Balance She
- Leases (Supplemental Cash Flow
- Debt (Narrative) (Details)
- Financial Instruments (Narrativ
- Financial Instruments (Schedule
- Financial Instruments (Offsetti
- Financial Instruments (Schedu_2
- Financial Instruments (Schedu_3
- Financial Instruments (Derivati
- Fair Value Measurements Fair Va
- Fair Value Measurements (Fair V
- Fair Value Measurements (Assets
- Fair Value Measurements, Nonrec
- Share Repurchases (Narrative) (
- Stock-based Compensation (Narra
- Stock-based Compensation (Summa
- Stock-based Compensation (Sched
- Stock-based Compensation (Time-
- Stock-based Compensation (Valua
- Supplier Finance Program (Narra
- Supplemental Financial Statem_3
- Supplemental Financial Statem_4